Monday, March 25, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 290

The song inside of you has changed its tune and it may be difficult to decipher between all of the clamor these new energies have created… it is there… and it is constant. 

Do not fall into the trap of thinking that these last few days intense upheavals have thrown you off the track, far from it. 

The buttons would be pushed by these incoming energies to the extent that for some of you, a sudden breakthrough has arrived… as if out of the blue. 

As breakthroughs goes… these have been so profound… they will literally change the whole landscape around you… as you seem to have been walking on a foggy moor and then suddenly emerge in a very different landscape where the air is crystal clear and sharp, and everything stands out in vivid detail. 

This is not an easy journey for anyone… and for some… these last few days have been more challenging than you can ever remember.

This process will still take some time before it all settles down… and you too will be better able to discern all of the details around you.

This is indeed that last stage in the desert…when you will all start to see something shimmering on the horizon… and this time it will not be a trick of the eye… but it will be the first sight of your final destination.

And what is your final destination? 

It is not a city of gold and treasures… inhabited by fleet footed maidens and handsome warriors. No what we are talking about is that golden city within.

The one that has always been there… and one that for years and years has been neglected. 

Not out of spite… rather because you were not even aware that it was there. 

Last week’s intense shower of love has washed away all… or at least the majority of debris that have been covering up this fabled city… and now it cannot be hidden anymore. 

Not from you… nor from others. For the lights in that city are coming on… one by one… and they are starting to draw your attention whether you like it or not. 

Some are already dancing in the streets in a happy reunion with themselves and this inner city of gold.

For others, they have still a little bit left on that road. 

You have all… in some ways been made aware of this fabled place… and you can feel it beckoning inside of you as an irresistible force.

Remember each one of you have your own way of arriving in this city. 

Some will be through an almost traumatic and painful recovery of the memories that are kept within the walls of this place. 

For others… it will almost feel like you stumble upon it by sheer luck and the list is long. 

Do not follow in the footsteps of others if you want to rediscover this fabled city. 

The road will quickly peter out and you will be stranded in the desert. 

Ensure that you are very present with yourself… and seek the ways that will help you to do this. 

Only you will know how to look… if you have not yet arrived. 

All is well… no matter on what stage of this final journey you are. You are just where you are meant to be.

Breathe deeply… celebrate… whether you have arrived… or you are facing that final hill where you know you will be able to set your eyes upon that final resting place. 

This is where the true you resides… and this is where you will be reunited with yourself once and for all. 

We wish you all god speed… the final push within. And if you have arrived… you will know because then it is as even the colors start to change hue… and the light will brighten… and so will you.

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