Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Astrology Forecast for April 2013

For All Signs

April will be a month of breakthroughs we never expected to see.

There are issues in our lives and in our world that seem too hard, too dangerous, or maybe too painful to address, taboos we thought we would never break.

April is the month that we do it.

These intimidating issues will suddenly arise before us, the only thing standing between ourselves and goals we thought forever out of our reach.

When you find yourself in that spot, don’t hesitate to move forward.
Sign-by Sign

ARIES ~ (Mar. 20 - Apr. 18) The pressure to reorganize your finances continues.

This stage of reorganization could affect your personal life more seriously than previous ones.

You’ve had confrontations you had been hoping to avoid.
This time, you’ll need to address issues you hoped you’d never have to dredge up.

The reward for resolving these issues will be dramatic for all concerned and go far beyond the merely financial.

Settling these issues will help put your life on the right track and open up inspiring new possibilities for you.

TAURUS ~ (Apr. 19 - May 19) Others are enduring life-changing events, often involving hardship or loss.

Remorse over past actions and fear of repeating past mistakes are clouding their judgment.

People are at an important turning point and need guidance.

Your ability to see patterns is heightened.

Your own inner life is unusually rich these days, too.

Your unconscious is hyperactive and insights flood your mind.

Helping others find clarity will help give your own life direction and form.

Efforts to re-organize your personal finances will go very well, too.

GEMINI ~ (May 20 - June 19) April is a lucky, but also rather complicated month for Gemini.

Life is demanding a more responsible approach.

Many considerations you might have ignored in the past will have to be taken seriously, now.

Financial matters will go well, but increased cash flow will be quickly absorbed by obligations you ignored before or just didn’t know about.

You can adjust to these new demands in ways that enhance your standing and income potential.

Challenges will turn immediately into opportunities to showcase your abilities.

CANCER ~ (June 20 - July 21) Cancerians need to upgrade their already considerable ability to nurture others.

The upgrade is simple, though.  

Powerful creative forces are at work in your unconscious, so it should go smoothly.

Cancerians need to be more detached and disciplined - less indulgent and more objective - and require the same of others.

Partners need to be less affectionate, say, and more objective and fair-minded in dealing with each other.

A calm objectivity will strengthen and preserve fraying emotional bonds. Events will quickly prove you right.

LEO ~ (July 22 - Aug. 21) Leo’s prefer bright, warm venues, cheery story lines and receptive audiences.

But April brings moody lighting, tough lines, and a nervous audience with short attention spans.

You’ll need to deliver lines about people being much more honest with themselves, and about taking more responsibility.

People need to hear this message now and it will benefit them a great deal. Be attentive to financial issues.

Overly complex financial deals leave room for mischief - and loss. Simple and clear terms are best.

Friends are unusually supportive.

VIRGO ~ (Aug. 22 - Sept. 21)  The world is saturated with seductive messages; pheromones fill the air.

Virgos conceal their discomfort with that stuff to fit in.

But they should be more forthcoming about their Platonic side.

Help others see its benefits. It’s a tough sell, but people do need to put less energy into their intimate lives and more into meeting life’s challenges.

If you can convince others to keep their minds on the task at hand, everyone’s economic problems will clear up more quickly. Show how it’s done.

LIBRA ~ (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21) Fate has placed Librans in unstable circumstances.

Conditions require constant adjustment and reliance on the generosity and integrity of others. It’s hard to set boundaries.

Others exert too much influence over your feelings.

Workplace politics are unusually deceptive.

Keep the terms of all your relationships as simple and clear as possible.

Avoid dependency or ‘imbalances.’

This advice applies to your intimate life, too.

Learning to function effectively in these circumstances will grant you unparalleled people handling skills.

Pay attention to health and wellness issues.

SCORPIO ~ (Oct. 22 - Nov. 20) It’s time for Scorpios to decide what they feel about their more intimate friendships and romantic attachments.

Deceptive and problematic influences are at work in these areas.

Clarifying and communicating these feelings is a required first step in rectifying these close and important relationships.

Communicate your feelings clearly.

If nobody knows where you stand on these matters, it will be hard to attract the right kind of relationships, or to make your closest relationships what you need them to be.

SAGITTARIUS ~ (Nov. 21 - Dec. 20)  Financial trends are favorable for Sagittarians.

Psychologically, not so much.

Difficult memories and old issues are stirring uncomfortable emotions.

It’s partly personal and partly about the world around you.

Don’t avoid them.

These issues are being foregrounded by the very insight and motivation you need to deal with them.

This is an opportunity to address issues that seemed too deep to ever resolve, to clear the way for advances that seemed impossible.

Taking them head on will be far easier and more rewarding than you think.

CAPRICORN ~ (Dec. 21 - Jan. 18) Capricorns are not the most trusting, risk-loving bunch.

These inclinations might serve them quite well, sometimes, but they are especially strong and especially unhelpful now, in areas crucial to Capricorn’s future.

Capricorns need to open up, to explain their ideas and expand a shrinking circle of allies and supporters.

The planets will look favorably on deals made in April; both wealth and fame are on the table.

It would be a shame to miss out because of groundless suspicion or an excess of caution.

AQUARIUS ~ (Jan. 19 - Feb. 17) Aquarians are viewed as optimists, willing to work and fight for their ideas.

But, truth to tell, they can also worry and fret.

The latter inclination will be apparent in April. Aquarians could worry that the “establishment” will interfere and scuttle their plans.

But April is not the month for Aquarius to hesitate or indulge doubt.

There are powerfully supportive influences at work and they are very much in harmony with Aquarian aspirations. Cooperation with the establishment on selected issues will only enhance success.

PISCES ~ (Feb. 18 - Mar. 19) Pisceans are being powerfully motivated to build a better life.

The planetary winds are at their back, supporting their efforts.  

Build a network of like-minded allies and project your intentions into the world around you.  

Create a space in your life where you can do things your way.

This will almost certainly spark resistance.

You’ll need to defend your plans at home, too.

Don’t avoid the issues you have always avoided, not this time.

It’s important to tackle the tough issues, economic and otherwise.

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