Friday, March 15, 2013

Dosha Soderlund “Human Design Profile”

Dosha Soderlund
"Listen to Your Gut!”

A Generator has a defined Sacral, but neither this center nor any of the other motor centers…Heart, Emotions, and Root… are connected to the Throat by an active channel.

You are a work horse with endless life force energy radiating outward but don't find it that easy to make things happen.

Some effort is required before you get into your full stride and reach your potential.

You are designed not to initiate but to wait.

Your motto is: "Wait, respond, then get going!"

Being a Generator makes you relatively one paced but highly effective, and your momentum is a joy to watch because it is Sacral powered, therefore remarkably enduring.

You are the Duracell or Energizer battery that keeps on going and going when others are fading.

Your challenge is to know how and where to best apply this enormous energy.

Waiting for the right projects, opportunities, and people and honoring your gut response are your keys to finding fulfillment.

When you chase or initiate without waiting, life can go wrong.

It's when you attract oppor­tunity or respond after exercising patience that things tend to work out.

We live in a time when everyone wants to act now, get going, waste no time, achieve ASAP.

This expectation may taunt you into getting a move on, but don't be misled into thinking you must launch great initiatives.

You first need the energy to generate within you; only then is it capable and effective.

So sit down, be patient, and master the art of waiting to respond.

View yourself as a magnet and let people and openings seek you out.

And they will. It is an energetic law of life that magnets attract.

So if you are wailing something like, "Why does everything I start or chase turn out bad? " or " Why can he make those things happen but I can't?" my answer would be: "Because you haven't learned to wait and attract."

Don't initiate. Wait.

Your mistaken self-perception is that you have so much energy that you can automatically make things happen.

That's probably fueled by people describing you as purposeful and dedicated.

You walk into the workplace and your life-force energy radiates, lifting everyone else.

Here comes the real worker, the real juice -the Generator.

You can save the day -and you even believe this yourself.

Whether it feels right or not, you have a tendency to wade in and answer the call.

Hours later, you'll be head down, hard at work, and look up to find everyone has gone back to sleep.

Then you'll have a quiet word with yourself and ask:"Why does it always fall to me? Why did I ever get involved?"

What you must realize is that the only things that prove fulfilling are those that duly arrive after you have exercised patience openings or possibilities that arrive at your door or make your phone ring.

Then what's crucial is your response.

This response is governed by a built-in guidance system, the Sacral gut response, signaling who and what warrants your commitment.

This is the core secret of your inner being, one that opens the doorway to what's right for you.

You'll recognize this gut sensation in the form of an involuntary reflex or sound, or the rising or contracting of energy, pulling you to or pushing you away from something.

The sound is that familiar "uh-huh" which says "yes" or that "uh-uh" that says “no.”

You need to attune to this sen­sation because it is, quite literally, your built-in indicator.

You'll sense your gut in response to questions that people ask of you: "Can I ask for your help?"

"Do you want to go on a date?" or “Are you hun­gry?"

But it also kicks in with much more profound questions that life asks.

Test yourself the next time someone asks you something, but be aware that you might be waiting for an instantaneous gut response and, half a second later, the Mind will get involved.

Don't allow it to distract you.

That's not where your answer lies.

Listen to your gut.

Also, observe inner musings that don't require a direct question.

If you are sitting in a restaurant, looking at a menu, going through the entree choices, your "uh-huh" or "uh-uh" will kick in.

Listen to your gut.

Your process is played out thus: wait for what life offers, listen to your gut response, then get going.

~ Gayle is a Generator and has learned more and more to tune in to ~ her gut response.

She was once being pursued by four potential suitors and was torn about to whom she should commit.

After a Human Design reading, she needed to distance herself from the fog of her fears and presumptions, none of which played a part in a natural gut response.

She stood in her bedroom, looked in the mirror, and created a yes/no question for her gut to answer.

One by one, she named the four men. "Should I go out with Doug?" She felt that "uh-uh" for no.

"Should I go out with Marshall?" Again, she felt "uh-uh."

"Should I go out with Michel? "Once more, "uh­ uh."

Finally, she came to Nick and felt a clear "uh-huh."

There was her "yes" answer.

Somewhere in her being, Nick resonated with her, and this was her clear guidance to give him a chance.

The mistake Generators can make is to think too much, allowing the Mind to override the Sacral.

When this fog blurs the gut response, you find yourself committing to all kinds of wrong people and wrong pur­suits.

And then, the trouble for the Sacral is that once it is committed, it has to follow through and complete the experience, however inappro­priate or ill-fitting.

Quitting is a poor option -and this is one thing that requires understanding because once your energetic momentum gets going, it's engaged.

Your nature builds up such a head of steam by wait­ing and waiting that it doesn't know how to stop the momentum.

It's like asking a thundering express train to stop at a moment's notice.

As a non Generator, you might see people running toward disaster but you'll be powerless to stop them.

You must wait for them to return to their senses in their own time exhausted, unfulfilled, and ready to try again.

Generators must be wary of other people seeking to harness their energy, to take advantage of them.

A lot of them are found in the service industry, on the factory floor, or as assistants, secretaries, and personal trainers, with a treadmill-like momentum that keeps things ticking like clockwork.

That's because Generators provide the juice for most things.

If you are a Generator, you represent 37percent of the world's popula­tion and appear to be someone with enough power to raise the dead.

Your energy turns heads when you enter a room.

You're viewed as capable and unflagging.

I bet you're someone who rolls out of bed, cooks breakfast, drops the kids off at school, goes to work, gives your all, fixes other peo­ple's stuff, works out at lunchtime, impresses the boss some more in the afternoon, goes home, does the laundry, fixes the dinner, bathes the chil­dren, puts them to bed, then turns to your partner and collapses in a heap.

No one, except other Generator types, can hope to keep up with you.

The problem is that you can arrive at the end of your days feeling you've accomplished a lot but still feeling unfulfilled.

That's because, in large part, you've just been going through the motions.

Life is not just about ticking boxes and keeping others happy.

Herein lies the key to a Generator design: only engage with people and activities that resonate; oth­erwise, you'll discover the flip side to your type and become the pure couch potato who has given up, exhausted with life and fed up trying.

Or you can become someone who is wiped out, prone on your bed, waiting for energy to be regenerated.

I would also advise everyone not to throw too much, all at once, at a Generator.

However capable and energetic they seem, there's only so much responding they can do.

You'll know they've reached their limit when their hands go up and they say: "Enough!"

Or when, feeling over­whelmed, they simply ask for space.

As parents of Generator children, your task is to clue them into their gut response if you want them and you to avoid tears and frustra­tion.

There is no point in handing a child a trumpet and expecting him or her to master it if it doesn't resonate with the child.

It's a waste of time for dads to coach their boys in baseball or football if this fails to excite.

Parents need to understand the distinction between their expectations for their children and what actually resonates with those children.

Likewise in relationships, it is asking for trouble to declare to your Generator lover that you've decided what you're doing for the weekend and drag your partner off to the beach for a picnic without first sounding out his or her gut response.

Partners should learn to ask Generators ques­tions that start with queries such as "Would you like to do this today?" or "Do you think it's a good idea if we ... ?"

Don't worry about being "man enough" and taking control; honor the Generator nature, not the ego.

These people require consultation if your relationship is to work. Over the years, I've met thousands of Generators and have tried to point out what makes them tick.

Some of them get it straightaway, but far too many have fallen prey to conditioning and are slogging away as work­ horses in situations where their unstinting efforts are taken for granted. 

It is indisputable that wrong people and projects will fly high because of a Generator's input, but that's not the point to their life.

They need to find where their amazing source of energy is best directed and appreciated.

Geraldine is a hardworking mother with three delightful but extremely demanding children.

She saw it as her duty to fulfill any demands they asked of her at anytime.

However, despite the pleasure she derived from this, she was exhausted and more than a little frustrated that she rarely had the time and energy for anything else.

In a classic Genera­tor situation, the attention and demands of others were depleting her.

Since she could not afford a nanny, there seemed no solution and she gradually found herself getting more and more worn out.

At my reading for Geraldine, she had no idea she had such a bountiful Sacral.

She just assumed she was being run ragged and operated on auto­ pilot.

When she learned that she had an infallible built in indicator sys­ tem capable of letting her know which activities worked best for her, she immediately began changing the way she lived.

She actually saw the importance of educating her children to approach her in a different way.

Instead or I want" demands, she coached the chil­dren to ask questions that required a yes/no response.

She was savvy enough to disguise this shift into a playful set of new rules.

To her delight, the questions elicited a reliable gut response and now she only commits to the activities that resonate.

This, in turn, has empowered the children to be more resourceful, and they're delighted to see Mom having more satisfac­tion and energy in her life.

I tell all Generators to acknowledge the blessing they are.

As a Genera­tor, you may well be harboring fears that you'll miss the boat if you don't act now or that everything will go wrong if you don't jump in and seize control.

But trust your nature. Trust the person you were born to be and wait to respond.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

THE EMOTIONS AUTHORITY "Be Emotionally Clear."

This is your strategy if the Emotions center is defined in color.

Whether you are man or woman, feelings rule your life and you're here to surf them.

Regardless of any other centers that are defined, the
Emotions rule.

Earlier I used the analogy of a storm tossed ship in tumultuous seas to describe what it can feel like to be you.

Your correct decision­ making process, therefore, is to find lasting emotional clarity in spite of the storm.

Such clarity isn't easy if your emotions are particularly intense or con­fusing.

When something is sending you into a tailspin, the easiest option is to make a decision, any decision, just to bring matters to a head or to end the pain.

Conversely, if you're experiencing huge pleasure, you might want to hang on to that feeling and let yourself get carried away.

That would be equally rash.

Few decisions will work out if you are emo­tionally spontaneous or reckless; your natural authority demands that you seek emotional clarity before you make decisions.

True and reliable decisions will form in the clarity that arrives when that storm tossed ship suddenly finds itself at rest in the middle of a still lake.

At that moment, everything becomes clear.

Admittedly, it takes time and practice to recognize this, but the more you allow yourself to witness your emotions, the more quickly you'll begin to find an emotional balance, which, in turn, will foster clarity.

Have you ever agreed to do something one day, only to wake up the next morning groaning with regret because you're absolutely not in the mood anymore?

Or how about making a fundamental switch in direc­tion, only to rue your haste some days, weeks, or months down the line?

Rash decisions tend to be attached to some emotional expectation of hope or fear about how things will turn out.

Heightened emotions, there­fore, paint a misleading outcome and cannot be reliably followed.

Take the following two real life examples:

*If I marry him, that's it, I'm trapped, there's no way out.

What if he's wrong for me?

I might fancy someone else when walking down the aisle ...(panic, panic, panic!)

In this state, the bride to be is in a heightened state of anxiety and fear and is painting expectations on a canvas before her.

*I can't believe it; he's offered me the job!

Loads more money think of the car I can buy, the house I can have, the girls I can attract ... (Joy, joy, joy!)

In this state, the job candidate is in a heightened state of excitement, and joy is painting expectations for him, too.

In real life, I'm pleased to say, the bride eventually walked down the aisle and now she couldn't be happier.

And the job candidate ultimately rejected the post despite the trappings of wealth because, he said, "It wasn't for me in the end."

Those two people recognized the emotions rising within them, refused to be attached to them, sought clarity, exer­cised caution, and gave it at least a night's sleep.

In some cases, it can take days before such clarity dawns.

In the case of the bride to be, it took months, but she finally got there!

Sometimes, though, you don't need to sleep on anything.

You've already set your sights on a new car or a fashion accessory you've seen advertised.

The emotional clarity is already present, waiting for that specific item to show up.

But if you act in haste, be prepared to feel that inner frustration and resistance that is your true self's way of saying: "You got it wrong again!"

Your decision making process hinges on finding that still point that Buddha calls "the middle way," "neither this nor that."

Picture a fre­quency sine wave where the signal, like your emotions, makes swoop­ing peaks and dips on either side of a central line.

It appears dramatic but, essentially, nothing is happening except the rising and falling of waves.

The frequency is only captured at the constant still point in the middle.

Likewise, your emotional clarity exists at that still point.

Emotional clarity is when something feels right the most peaceful, natural thing in the world.

It is a clarity that resounds in your very being. Feel it, don't think it.

Sometimes this process requires enormous patience in a life that can seem hurried and urgent.

But seek clarity crystal clarity to the point of absolute knowing.

Allow it to happen.

Patience is your watch word, clar­ity is your authority, and stability can be carried within you, no matter how wild the emotional waves become. ­

One Important Note: If you have both the Emotions and Spleen defined, you'll be aware of instantaneous alerts within you, coming from the Spleen.

But wait.

Emo­tions still rule and you must seek emotional clarity.

Sit with your senses and "feel them out" until it all becomes 100 percent clear.

Then you can make your decision.

If the Emotions, Spleen, and Sacral are all defined, your alert senses (from the Spleen) and gut responses (from the Sacral) may well be jump­ing up and down.

But wait.

The Emotions still rule and emotional clarity will enable you to determine what feels clear and right.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

32 Channel of Transformation 54                        From the Spleen to the Root

You are immensely driven and determined to succeed through applying yourself… and finding the right people who can help you climb the career ladder.

You sometimes sense a power greater than yourself thrust­ing you forward and upward.

Your motto is almost "I'll make it to the top… no matter what it takes!"

Material or spiritual success matters to you and you're forever scouring your environment to find the allies and connections that can help you get there.

This fierce ambition is fueled by a fear of failure, injected by gate 32, and this means there is a tendency for you to become a workaholic.

You can be the last out of the office or putting in overtime, determined to impress the boss or hit the latest sales or performance targets.

You're here to expand and compete to be the best in life.

The 32 – 54 is the Channel of Transformation because it can shake up your life and all those around you once your advancement kicks in.

You have a compul­sion to succeed, and your contacts book is brimming with connections to those who can assist your ascent into a position of power and wealth.

You are all about power meetings in the boardroom and behind the scenes chats that can fast track your life.

But, as a result, the one ques­tion you're forever asking yourself in business and social circles is "Can this person help get me where I want to be?"

In this regard, you follow the senses of the Spleen and follow your nose.

If you trust those senses, you'll be guided to the right connections.

You bring transformation into the lives of everyone you meet and can find yourself in great demand.

That's because people know you'll work all hours and schmooze away to make things happen.

So make sure you engage in all situations from a well adjusted win win perspective and not from a need of selfish gain.

When you find this balanced approach, you will discover that everyone willingly gathers to support your causes.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

42 Channel of Cycles 53        From the Sacral to the Root

Just as the moon orbits the Earth in a lunar cycle, so you travel through life in a personal cycle that results in progressive growth and wisdom.

Everything, from career and relationships to living situations, requires a beginning, middle, and end and needs to be a fully completed experience.

This is the third format channel, and it implies that everything in your life happens in cycles, ranging from days to weeks to years.

Some lives are ruled by five or seven year cycles.

If you were to look back on your life, you, too, would be able to identify a sequence of cycles.

One friend with the 42 - 53 had a Human Design reading and noticed that all his relation­ships, job changes, and house moves fell into five year cycles.

They were, he said, "the changing seasons" within his life.

These cycles mean it is vitally important that you know which cycles to commit to.

Once you are committed, the Sacral energy will lock you in until matters have gone full circle. It is like a motorized wheel.

You can't throw a stick in its spokes, and if you do, you'll just have to go back to the beginning and start again because the cycles of your life experience have to be completed to find their meaning and propel you to the next level.

So you cannot afford to waste time spinning in wrong cycles.

An affirmative gut response will guide you to the correct people, projects, and places.

The inherent propulsion within this channel also means you are good at getting other people airborne with projects.

Viewing life in cycles your­self, you always encourage new beginnings and advancement for others.

So anyone seeking a change in direction or wanting to take his or her life to the next level can get great energy from your launch pad.

Of course, if committed to the wrong people and projects, you spend far too much time propelling others into the stratosphere while remaining earth­bound yourself.

Again, rely on your built in gut response mechanism to ensure your own evolution is not ignored.

The Channel of Cycles is like a book: it has a beginning, middle, and end, and you only want to select it from the bookshelf if you're going to complete it.

There's no point getting halfway through and losing inter­est.

And so it is with the story of your life careers, locations, partner­ships, and marriages.

You will feel a pressure to perform or get involved in many things, but only select those that resonate clearly with you.

Then, don't fret about how the story ends; just enjoy the journey.

That way, you'll derive fulfillment, happiness, and abundance from all the cycles you've properly engaged with.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

29 Channel of Discovery 46    From the Sacral to the Self
"OK, here comes the whirlwind.

Life's going to get interesting, so fasten your seatbelts and hang on to your hats!"

When someone says this, you can bet that a 29-46 has just entered the scene, bringing the potential to embrace success.

You are someone who is here to immerse yourself in the discoveries of life if only you can ditch the attached expectations.

These days, everyone wants guarantees of success before committing, but with this channel, you're designed to dive in without thinking and derive the value of the experience itself.

And then you'll find something magical hap­pens: success naturally finds you.

It's as if the Universe hears that you're in it for the value of the experience and wishes to reward you for what life intended.

It also knows there is a natural potential, locked within the Sacral, for you to succeed where others fail.

Post that motto on your door or desk: "I succeed where others fail."

The truth of this channel is that if you commit to the right people and projects, the sky is the limit.

But therein lies the key: the activation to the Self means it's vital that you have clarity and passion for what you're doing.

Then the potent mix of life force energy with love of the physical dance of life generates such a whirlwind and such dedication that failure is out of the question.

Once you receive an affirmative gut re­sponse to engage, the clock goes out the window as you become an all consumed embodiment of what you're doing, losing yourself in the experience.

Nothing can distract you, and the Channel of Discovery is intended to embrace success, because with that rare combination of energy and passion motoring within, you're the one person who can make it happen.

It is a sight to behold as you dissolve into the totality of an experience, and partners must learn to appreciate your all-consumed nature.

I com­pare it to watching the mystical dance of a whirling dervish.

It starts slowly but, as the tempo and music quicken, the dervish spins so fast that the dancer disappears, becoming the whirl.

The 29-46 is one of four "tantric channels."

Although tantra is a word often associated with sex, it actually denotes the potential for trans­muting energy from a lower to higher form.

With the 29-46,you turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

This is why you'll have countless people seeking your input to launch their own rockets.

Use your gut response to commit correctly and selectively, and immerse yourself in one experi­ence at a time.

Do this, and a life of fulfilling discovery and success is within reach every time.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

6 Channel of Connecting 59  From the Emotions to the Sacral

This channel forms potent bonds with people and projects, making con­nections where sexual chemistry sparkles and creative juices flow.

This sole activation between the Sacral and the Emotions creates the "sex connection" and carries an intense charge.

It makes you alluring, but the 6 - 59 is not all about the act of pleasure; it's about the two halves coming together for the basic biological need to procreate.

Others' genes are not concerned with personalities… they just want a genetic match.

This channel carries a high degree of fertility and if you have it, people will be drawn to you like bees to honey.

Your key is to practice discern­ment.

Only then can you find an inner sense of satisfaction and balance, instead of being a slave to sexual energy.

Your true nature requires deep spiritual connections.

But this channel is not all about sex and mating; you have a huge potential to give birth to new creative projects, concepts, and movements.

When you get passionate about a project, there's no stopping you.

So you are a co-creator in every sense of the word.

You also have strong feelings, sensuality, and desires, powered by the Sacral.

This means you penetrate the emotional auras of everyone around you, just with your presence.

A friend with the 6 – 59 started notic­ing how her mere arrival at a social scene could almost stun the ambi­ence.

It's not her, of course; it's her penetrating Sacral-Emotional aura impacting on everyone.

You, too, might wish to observe the effect you have on people around  you.

Of course, some will feel at ease, but others can wish to step away or sometimes withdraw.

The force field of the 6 – 59 reaches in and touches the most stoic individuals.

What is actually happening is that you're trig­gering old unresolved emotional upsets in them.

Your nature might feel a responsibility to bring about resolution, but you'd be wiser to realize these triggered issues have nothing directly to do with you.

You're just catalyzing them.

If you do get sucked in, the Sacral's momentum will mean you'll have to see it through ... to the bitter end.

So when it comes to selecting potential projects and mating partners, listen for a gut re­sponse but, even more crucially, then seek emotional clarity.

As the poet Lord Byron once said: "There is nothing so amiable as discernment."

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

24 Channel of the Thinker 61         From the Mind to the Crown

The French would call you Le Penseur, a person carved out of bronze and marble and captured in deep thought in the Musee Rodin in Paris.

And just like that famous sculpture, you seem to be frozen in time in intense contemplation, mentally refining everything and anything to find truth.

Auguste Rodin's stunning work was intended to depict a man in sober concentration with an internal mental struggle, just like people with this channel.

You are a deep, intellectual thinker who can exhaust yourself, and others, by trying to rationalize everything in life.

The antennae of the Crown are always detecting new inspirations and you want to work it all out in a tireless pursuit of knowledge.

I get exhausted just thinking about what goes around your head, over and over in constant review.

You think so hard that people can almost hear the wheels turning!
There is a pressure to capture an inner truth, but this mental exertion can send you into a maddening whirl.

Yet you find it impossible to release your thoughts from the revolving door that traps them inside your head.

You have glimpses of truth and knowing, but these rarely become absolute realizations because you insist on return­ing to the start to review it all over again.

It's why you find it hard to switch off at night.

The first thing you must realize is that this is your nature.

That accep­tance by itself can ease frustration.

The second is to practice not be­coming a slave to your mind.

Enjoy times of silence and quiet reverie.

Immerse yourself in soothing music.

When the Crown's wheels start spinning, step back from racing thoughts, allowing the Mind to chatter away without your direct participation.

This is the first step toward med­itation and it's where you'll find great refuge and solace.

There is no point believing that the more you think about something, the sooner "the ultimate answer" will dawn.

Instead, divert your attention onto the challenges in the lives of other people, or society itself.

Your con­stant reviewing and rationalizing are a great gift when they inspire other minds to join you in thinking outside the box.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

 4/6 Profile
 I'm not sure whether I should first ask you to come down from the hill­top where you've been contemplating inspired thoughts or tell you to stop sitting on the fence with your internal dilemmas.

As an astute observer of life, you are someone who spends too much time either in the head or in the heart, not knowing where is best!

But when you do arrive at a point of conclusion or conviction, the combined wisdom of the head and heart knows which direction to go in and can be of enormous help to you and influence on others.

When opportunity knocks and you grab its coat tails, you can be a true trailblazer, directing yourself and others toward exciting horizons.

The "head versus heart" dilemma is a potential theme for your life, played out whenever there is an invitation to join a project or make a per­sonal commitment.

This leads to internalizing, which works something like this: from the hilltop there seems to be a grand overview, clarity, inspiration, and a degree of rationale, but then a wary heart kicks in and something contracts at the faintest prospect of disappointment, hurt, or failure.

What the conscious fourth line needs to rely on more and more is something it doesn't automatically know the wisdom of the uncon­scious sixth.

If 4/6 profiles can learn to fall back on that wisdom, a liber­ating trust can be embraced.

Of course, that's a big ask when the more conscious fears of rejection are fueled by the fourth line.

This leads to a tendency to reject before being rejected and to withdraw rashly from projects.

Yet each time this happens, you ignore a higher wisdom and for­get the extent of your valuable contribution and the love you are capa­ble of bringing into the world.

Maybe this explains why friendship first forms the platform to every­thing you engage in: getting to know someone first enables you to gauge who and what is reliable and genuine.

All you want to do is be accepted by a well knit group of people or a community in which your abilities and gifts can work toward the common good.

This can, on occasions, lead to a tendency to try too hard to be liked.

If we were engaged in conversation, your transcendent aura would be the first thing I'd notice, emanating from the glow of a warm heart and wise soul and granting you exceptional social skills.

You can radiate in any environment and if an audience is accepting and receptive, you come into your own, holding court and bringing great entertainment and wisdom through which others feel educated.

When this happens, you are like the wise sage on the hill with people gathered around, listening intently.

What matters is that your surrounding family and social community prosper and grow.

You want others to succeed as much as you want it for yourself.

You are a compassionate humanitarian with an open heart whose nature finds affinity in united and harmonious relations.

Teamwork and togetherness are your watch words.

Yet within that cohesive desire, there is alertness over how much you personally wade in and commit.

This gives voice to your preference for being the overseeing director, organizer, or authority figure, the compassionate leader who brings wisdom, optimism, and hope to many situations as you grasp the bigger picture from your place on the hill.

You make a great ally, sponsor, or consultant.

There is almost a regal sense to your aura.

The irony is that despite your inherent fears you are at your best when embracing responsibility, applying sound knowledge.

You wish to convey and bring higher ideals into the world.

Indeed, the lofty dreams of the sixth line combine with the opportunism of the fourth line to create a potent dynamic that can make great things happen for you and everyone around you.

However, failure or rejection can easily wound a sensitive heart and then your warmth turns cold.

The arms that were once open wide are folded across the heart, like armor plating across the chest.

Self­ protection kicks in and you retreat, the fears of the fourth line and the escapism of the sixth line combining to hastily construct an ice palace beyond the reach of interaction.

If I were sent in as the negotiator to coax you out, I'd merely remind you that you had jumped impulsively into a wrong situation.

I'd remind you that your demonstrative love was a pure gift; that you could turn hatred and misgivings into love in the blink of an eye; that you could lock onto an inspiring vision when everyone else seemed stuck and standing still.

I would tell you that you were a force for great love and great change.

So what a waste, therefore, to be cut off and isolated.

How would you feel then?

When you recognize and start to honor an innate wisdom, you can dovetail it with your heart's desires.

That way, the head and the heart can stop fighting and walk hand in hand through life.

Use the head to edu­cate the heart and you can find a lasting fulfillment.

Relationships: Your 4/6 partner is a potentially complex soul: oh so wise and sure on one hand, oh so afraid and vulnerable on the other.

Great hearts and wise souls need to be treated with kid gloves in the modern day world. So don't be fooled by the "everything is just fine" mantra of someone whose appearance of success and steely strength can be deceptive.

These peo­ple need buckets of love and appreciation.

Otherwise, you'll be forever coaxing them out of an ice palace.

You need to be aware that 4/6s can sometimes jab so hard that you've no idea where it came from or why it happened.

When something wounds their heart, it brings out the mean streak of the fourth line and the aloof withdrawal of the sixth.

You must realize that this is not personal, but a trigger reaction that requires understanding and patience to assuage.

Also know that they regard themselves as being right about most things and need to be acknowledged accordingly.

4/6 profiles make easy friendships but commit rarely. 

Indeed, such is their selectivity that they are more likely to make special friends than great intimates.

But should you be the fortunate one blessed with cus­tody of one of these warmest of hearts, then take a leaf out of the book of that great romantic singer songwriter Michael Bolton and practice "time, love, and tenderness," day in, day out.

Let down or betray 4/6s and they will retreat into a faraway place, brooding and miserable, pretend­ing to be brave but lashing back with meanness and cruel words.

But the tenderness of unconditional love, hugs, and honest emotions warm their hearts, and when you've encouraged them to feel comfortable and secure with their heartfelt expressions, you can enjoy a mutually beneficial, giv­ing relationship.

When they open their hearts, you will find the warmest and wisest of lovers.

Compatibility: Your ideal match is with fellow 4/6 profiles and 1/3s.

Away from that syn­ergy, you also find easy relations with 1/4, 2/4, 4/1, and 6/2 profiles.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

What NOW?

Just be yourself," they say.

How many times have we heard that?

It's often said to help ease a nervous first date, a daunting social invita­tion, or the first day on a new job.

There is always someone armed with that well-intentioned advice: "Don't worry… just be yourself and every­thing will be fine!"

The problem is this: how many of us know what being ourselves actu­ally means?

Who is this "true self” the private inner being that hides behind the mask it wears for most public interactions, that real person we are when stripped of our ego and acts of social graces aimed at win­ning respect, approval, or popularity?

Psychologists the world over would say that millions of people pass through life without ever realizing what constitutes their true self.

It's as though we have forgotten our unique individuality in the collective rush to be all things to all people, to fit the picture-perfect portrayals in magazines, television dramas, and movies.

It's as though the naturalness and authenticity with which we were all born and which we unleashed with unaffected abandon as children have been crushed, repressed, or even disallowed.
Instead, conformity and responsibility in adulthood have combined to distort or shrink our true natures.

Millions of us parade as someone other than our true selves without even realizing it, adopting an "acting personality" shaped by the conditioning of our pasts and the judgments, expectations, and rules of others.

Along the way, we've picked up and collected traits and acceptable responses that are deemed the "norm," so there's always a tendency to act as we believe we should act, or how we've been trained to act, all the time keeping our inner beings bound and gagged.

In that regard, I am reminded of a woman who sought me out to help rediscover a lost connection to the real person who, she said, had mys­teriously disappeared during her marriage.

Jayne told me: “All I want is to be myself again, act like myself again, feel like ~ myself again.

I don't want to be this person I've created and be­come.

I know the real me is different, waiting to get out and be braver, less afraid of being hurt, less worried about the judgments of others, less afraid of taking on the world, desperate to laugh and dance again.

She's in there. I know she is.
But I've no idea where to look anymore.

I need to be reminded of the me that has become lost.”

Like Jayne, most of us adopt a persona a word that originates from the Greek for "mask."

But what really matters is the authentic person behind the mask, that we are "seen" and recognized for who we truly are.

In writing this book I hope to bring you back home to the essence and safe harbor of your inner being, reuniting you with the person you were born to be and the life you were meant to live.

That's why this is not a self­ help book but a self reminder, directing you to rediscover the essence and uniqueness of the real you.

What I'm introducing is a one of its kind system and self awareness tool called Human Design, a system where science meets spirituality, a system that intends you to be loved, accepted, and understood for WHO you are.

Which is why it asks one question at the outset: "Are you living your Human Design?"

This system is built on the wisdom that the acceptance and embrac­ing of your true nature are the essence of finding personal happiness, fulfillment, and freedom, which, in turn, can lead to finding and creat­ing healthier relationships.

This book is the culmination of fifteen years in the field of Human Design.

I have immersed myself in its truths, giving one on one readings and holding group seminars, and it has been a long held wish of mine to share its prescient insights with a much wider audience because of the quiet revolutions it kick starts.

I have lost count of the people who have walked through the front door of this system and emerged through the back exit renewed and invigorated.

Once its truths become apparent, it induces an awakening that is both empowering and transformative.

It provides concrete infor­mation for you to act on by altering the way you view yourself and approach interactions with others.

In the words of educator Stedman Graham: "When you have a sense of who you are and a vision of where you're going in life, you then have the basis of reaching out to the world, and going after your dreams for a better life."

Once you apply this system's knowledge to your life, the possibilities are endless.

But knowledge is not the only qualification I bring to the table.

Experience has also been my teacher, and I personally have Human Design to thank for bringing me back "home" and changing my life a life that was seemingly going nowhere back in 1975.

I was sure the perfect storm was going to consume our hundred foot motor yacht.

There almost seemed a surreal lull between the heaving rolls of the forty foot swell as we were driven across the Atlantic Ocean, a lull between life and death.

I remember the chill, the pitch darkness, and the freezing spray of Atlantic water as this hurricane storm suddenly struck two days out of Bermuda.

I was at the wheel, between Nassau and Malta, when the mother of all waves hit and the boat was knocked sideways. I gripped the wheel for dear life, convinced we were capsizing and that death was imminent.

Then, with agonizing slowness, the boat righted herself.

It was a terri­fying experience.

This journey through the hurricane lasted for nine days and nights.

I remember tying myself onto a bunk with ropes, wedged between two wooden drawers, and disappearing into a place beyond prayer.

Two days after nearly capsizing, as the storm still raged, it was my birthday always a time of review and reflection.

I took a break in the gray light of day and hunkered down in one of the speedboats tied to the top deck to smoke a rare cigarette by way of meager celebration.

As I did so, everything inside me went quiet, the storm around me seemed to mute, and I had a sudden realization of how miraculous our escape had been.

I thought to myself, "Surely there's more to my life than this!"

I had dropped out of school in England, traveled the world for two years, and then completed an apprenticeship before earning a mechan­ical engineering degree at university.

After taking one or two small jobs in Europe, I'd ended up repairing and delivering luxury motor yachts around the world.

But after we'd arrived in Malta and I'd thanked the gods for my survival, I packed it all in and retreated to the Shetland Islands, to the north of Scotland, to take stock of my life.

All I knew was that I needed to get away. I started asking that "Who am I?" question, and don't mind admitting that such introspection led to a pretty dark time.

The remoteness of my croft house on a hilltop in the middle of nowhere was almost a perfect analogy for the personal wilderness in which I'd lost my sense of self.

During those eighteen months in the Shetlands, my dad, Roderick Parkyn, passed away.

Another rope tethering my stability started to fray.

Then, one night, sitting in the candlelit gloom of the croft, a week after scattering his ashes on his favorite sea shore in Scotland, I felt this unmis­takable spirit enter the room.

Those who have known grief and have felt another's spirit will know what I'm talking about.

It was a powerful expe­rience and one that released me from my isolation.

In a quiet but reas­suring voice within I heard him telling me, "It's all right. You can go now."

A couple of days later, I was sitting on the front doorstep, flipping through Exchange &Mart, when with some synchronicity, this ad jumped out and called to me: "Free Trip to Nepal for Diesel Mechanic.

" Propelled by Dad's reassurance, I applied and successfully landed the job-as both mechanic and driver for the trip to Nepal.

This was the start of an exhil­arating journey of self-discovery.

I soon found myself driving a Magic Bus on the hippie trail to India, a place that ultimately became my home for five of the next eleven years.

In 1979 I was introduced to the ashram of Osho, an enlightened master who at the time was known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

Being in his company is another story for another time. For now, let me just say that he continues to touch my heart very deeply.

One guidance that Osho offered was that if people had really personal questions about themselves, they should visita "shadow reader" in Bom­bay (now Mumbai).

Of course, I had to do it. This remarkable man met me, smiling, at the door of his apartment.

He was clean shaven, in his late thirties, wearing a billowing shirt and trousers, and there was a bright twinkle in his eye.

In a parking area below his apartment, his son pro­ceeded to measure the length of my shadow, cast onto the ground by the sun.

Back upstairs, the shadow reader did some calculations, rolled his chair along a huge bookshelf, pulled out one of many identical looking volumes, turned to a page, and started reading in Sanskrit, a classical language of India.

Among many things, he predicted that my personal awakening would happen later in life.

I would be introduced to a system, would master it and then teach it.

"System? What system? What is he talking about?" I thought.

His advice was that I should experiment with reading for people to learn the skills of interaction while imparting personal and important information relevant to their lives.

One week later… I meta psychic palmist who gave me a fast track intro­duction on how to read hands and faces.

And so it was that after some practice-makes perfect I began to read palms.

It came naturally to me and I loved it.

My travels took me to America, Switzerland, Brazil, Hol­land, Germany, and Japan before I settled in Hawaii for the next nine years, reading the stories contained within people's hands.

Then, in 1993, I heard that a woman friend was organizing classes for a man called Ra Uru Hu, who was introducing a system to America called Human Design.

I was sent a curious looking chart that was supposed to represent my life's design, and it dawned on me that this was the very system the shadow reader had talked about.

Its origins were intriguing. Ra, a Canadian previously known as Alan Krakower, had been a born cynic who had worked as a newspaper advertising salesman and filmmaker but had gone through a series of major disappointments, which had led to his flying to Europe and catching a bus to Spain.

A casual remark by a fellow passenger had directed him to the island of Ibiza.

There, an event took place that changed his world.

On the evening of January 4,1987, he was returning home on foot with his dog, Barley Baker, when he saw a light shining from inside his remote cottage.

He knew perfectly well that the lamp had no oil in it, so he won­dered what was going on.

As man and dog entered the property, Barley started to growl, then fell prone to the floor.

Ra himself described feeling some kind of internal explosion.

Within moments, he was standing in a pool of his own per­spiration.

He then heard a male "voice" insisting he get to work. He was receiving something profound from the Universe.

Call it channeling. Call it inspiration. Call it what you will.

But he started writing and sketching and continued for eight days and nights.

From those writings, Human Design came into being.

As surreal as that story may sound, its inescapable truth can be wit­nessed in this book, for these are the teachings that Ra brought into the world, a gift from the Universe.

It is a system that simply works.

For the next seven years I traveled regularly from Maui to attend classes with Ra…

… and in the same way that I had learned to read palms, I taught myself to read Human Design life charts.

I started giving readings to friends and clients and began to see that the information was both mean­ingful and empowering.

After four years, it was time to articulate all I had learned to a wider audience and I started teaching classes about the system.

One of the people who came to these classes had a profound impact on me, and it felt as if she was opening a whole new magical doorway.

Carola was a spiritual astrologer and counselor, and she could see in her own way how clearly we were connected.

Ultimately, she invited me to move to be with her in California and we married.

She started using Human Design in her counseling practice and also noticed how it as­sisted clients to move through certain issues and find clarity about who they were as individuals.

I, too, was well aware of the empowering impact the system could have on people.

For many people, it truly was the difference between being lost and then feeling found, granting them permission to be themselves once more.

Human Design isn't a guarantee for happiness, nor will it remove the challenges and pain of normal life.

But I've seen how it can change lives. It changed mine. Now I intend it to change yours.

Most of us, at some point, have become frustrated with our lot and whis­pered self searching questions such as "Who am I?"

"What am I doing with my life?"
"What is my purpose?"

It seems more and more people are engaged in an endless search these days searching for the perfect career, perfect partner, and per­fect life.

The very word searching means looking for something that is lost, lacking, or missing and we fall into the trap of believing that all the answers lie outside ourselves.

Yet the answers already lie on the inside.

Those answers are detailed in a design of which the Universe is the architect, a design of the person you were programmed to be, your Human Design.

It is a document that represents your blue print for life a blueprint of your personality.

Once you've become acquainted with this information, you will know whether the life you're living fits with your design.

This is not some New Age concept; its accuracy is inescapable and timeless.

It is not a philosophy or a belief; it is an actuality rooted in science that speaks its own power.

Nor does it require the attraction or manifestation of wishes or desires.

There is no asking, visualizing, or positive thinking required, because its truth already exists within us.

When I assert that truth, I'm not making some fashionable statement of rhetoric…

I quite literally mean the truth is within like a set of tools within a boxed set, waiting to be picked up and used to carve out a niche and purpose in life.

Once reacquainted with your "design for life," you will start to feel the ripples across all areas of your existence:

In relationships and friendships, it determines the dynamics between peo­ple, allowing you to see where there is synergy, conflict, or nothing in common.

In the family and at home, it explains differences between siblings and highlights the practical and emotional interactions between parent and child, husband and wife.

In the workplace, it illustrates to employers or clients the different nat­ural abilities within each person a vital tool for improving collec­tive productivity.

In the classroom, it shows teachers the capabilities of each pupil and how to bring out the best in each child.

On the social scene, it makes you aware of the magnetisms at play and why you are drawn to certain people and repelled by others.

Relationships with yourself, your partner, friends, parents, siblings, col­leagues, and bosses are all impacted by the power of this system.

And through it we can learn to understand one another on a much deeper level, thus becoming more effective and empathetic parents, friends, lovers, and colleagues.

It is the most logical, freshest, and clearest insight into the self that there could ever be.

I can confidently say that you won't have seen anything like it before, so prepare for an intimate odyssey whose final destination is a true understanding of the person you were designed to be.

Prepare to meet yourself.

Prepare to meet the real you.

Chetan Parkyn San Marcos, CA May 2010

Samuel Zink
204 9th Ave. S. Nampa, ID 83651
Cell: 208.859.7065

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