Monday, March 18, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 285

Emerging from your cocoon may not always feel as pleasant as you hoped for. 

The process in itself can also be painful, as you wrestle your body free from the constraints that have been holding it in for so long. 

You are free, even if your body and soul might feel a little pummeled by the proceedings. 

We want to ensure that no one feels left out, for we do know that today, many of you will feel worse for the wear. 

This is nothing strange, as also the heavenly mother has been battling with the forces within these last 24 hours, and you have been beaten with the rays of change coming in from above as well as battling with those inner demons still set on rambling through you. 

This process is nearing completion, and we can see your shapes and colors already.  

You may still feel more like a battling ground than a finished piece. 

So here you are, swaying with the punches coming in from above, at the same time trying to come to terms with inhabiting something that is very different from the old thing you were ensconced in before you entered this womb like state within your cocoon.

Use your breath to quell any fear or anger that may arise, as you will still feel unsteady on your feet in these upcoming days. 

This is a period of major upheavals, both on the physical but also on the more esoteric plane. 

And know that you have been through the worst, and what you will be feeling now can be likened to the creaks and groans in something new that needs a little time to settle into its new form.

There is nothing wrong, even if you have a hard time of it. 

For the sun is already up, even if you still have not had the chance to rub the sleep completely out of your eyes.

Remember you have been asleep for a very, very long time, and just as those animals going into hibernation for a long time, coming out of that state is not done in a jiffy. 

Take it slow, breathe, and do not try to exert yourself in any way. 

That way, you will ease into this brand new you in a slightly less stressful manner.

A new dawn has begun, and you can feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your face. 

So do not feel any pressure to get up and go immediately… the sun has come to stay for good.

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