Friday, March 29, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 292

So here we are… ready to begin another day in paradise. 

That is truly what it is. We do not say this in order to offend anyone still in the throes of the last birth pangs… we just say it as a little reminder that you are not left out… any one of you. 

You are already in paradise… and even if you for some reason have yet to come to the same conclusion… let us just say that deep within yourself you have… and soon, the rest of your awareness will follow.

Let us explain. If you venture to look for paradise outside the confines of your own self… you might find a lot of traces of it in the beauty of nature… and in the loving look from another soul’s gaze. 

If you focus on sorrow, misery and mismanagement, you will come to no other conclusion than that you are still living in something that for many can only be described as a nightmare. 

It is a nightmare… it is truly an illusion… and the moment you fully awaken… you will see it for the shimmering haze of make believe… that it really is. 

It is not permanent… not in any way… and all of that will start to dissipate as soon as you start to emerge from this cocoon of transformation. 

When you do… you will see that YOU are permanent… as you are in all ways immortal. 

So everything else are just undulations of energies… ebbing and flowing around you… no more than a chimera.

In other words… once you are truly reborn back into the truest version of YOU… you will begin to look upon what surrounds you with a far more discerning eye. 

Then you will see that there are no absolutes in this so-called “reality” that seems to be pressing in on you. 

It is but a fiction of the human mind… put up as a sort of play acted out under the pretense of being real. 

It is NOT real… no more real than what play-actors present on stage in theaters. 

And just like a play… no matter how popular it has become… it will sooner or later have to go out of production. 

A play will only continue as long as there are people willing to come and see it. 

Now as you awaken one by one… you will leave your seats and exit this “theater of life”… as we like to call this third density performance of “reality” that you have been avidly watching for so long.

Remember you have all had an affinity for this play… at first you too were an intrinsic part of it as actors. 

As soon as you started to open up and go within, you left center stage and gradually retreated…where you kept a close eye on what was going on at the stage. 

Now the time to leave the playhouse altogether has come. 

It is indeed time to re-enter the real life… and start to live in manner that befits your new status as creators. 

That is truly what YOU are… real life creators. 

No longer the role of obedient actors… catering to each and every whim of those dictatorial directors… shouting out from the wings. 

Nor is it the role of willing spectators… engaging hungrily in every nuance of what is being played out in front of you… gasping in horror or chuckling in delight at each cruel joke or nasty barb being uttered from one of the actors.

YOU have your own life to play… and as soon as you understand… you too will realize that it is time to leave your seat in this old and run down “theater of life” and go out into the sun and start to live you own life as a free citizen of paradise. 

It is indeed a paradise that you are living in… and this becomes apparent as soon as you open your eyes and open your heart and start to drink in all of the beauty that is already here. 

Not only in Mother Nature… also inside each and every human being you meet. 

YOU are truly citizens of paradise… and you will make this whole planet into a veritable paradise as soon as you stop looking back over your shoulders at the actors making their desperate attempts to entice you back into their cramped and airless little playhouse.

YOU have yourself now… with which to play out the full and free life you have always dreamed of.
A life that is not incomplete in any way. 

And you have everything at your disposal… there is no lack of funds or resources… as you are once again connected to that all encompassing life source that is running throughout All of creation.

The sooner you realize this the better. 

Then you can start to create from the heart… for that is where this true connection resides. 

Once you start tapping into this truth… you will never ever run out of steam. 

Then you will start to engender so much… not just from yourself… but from this whole web of like minded… or free minded souls that are starting to emerge all over your beautiful planet. 

You will all see just how overwhelmingly satisfying it will be… not only to finally be out in the fresh air… also how unbelievably satisfying it is to finally get to create something that is real, true and everlasting. 

And that dear friend’s is the true paradise you have just entered.

Full Moon Phase - Moon in Scorpio

Did you find beauty and respite in nature yesterday?  

Were you lucky enough to see last night's Moon? 

I came upon it suddenly as I rounded a hill.  

I can recall few things that have taken my breath away, but this Moon left me suspended.  

The energy today is restorative. 

Pressure is relieved. 

People, places, things and situations will come back in to bounds. 

This includes emotions. 

We're rectifying. 

This is welcomed because we need to take care of things that have been hanging over our heads - loose ends, things we've procrastinated about, things we've wanted to do but haven't had the time, anyplace where we feel like we've "fallen down on the job." 

We need to complete these things by April 5. 

On April 5, the transiting Black Moon will begin the cycle of death and rebirth that comes from it's opposition to the Galactic Center. 

The "death" or "degeneration" part of the cycle will last until May 7. 

Each of us will come to have a deeper understanding of the core of who we are.

Note that this begins right before the New Moon in Aries that I have been discussing all this week. 

We know that we will begin to emerge from an energetic "cocoon" at that time. 

The process culminates with the Black Moon making exact opposition with the Galactic Center on May 7, just before the New Moon in Taurus. 

For now, continue the clean up. 

Clear out, purge, release, forgive, forget, and take care of what remains. 

Look for the Moon.  Notice the gradations in the colors of nature.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Magatha from Agartha

We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality 

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. 

The time has come to again provide a short update concerning the current state of affairs pertaining to the Inner Earth as well as to the Earth. 

I welcome all of you with an open heart full of love and gratitude.

At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. 

A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. 

What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occurring.

We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality. 

Many hearts will be able to welcome us in their world and will truly see us. 

A lot of work went into that project, which we agreed to honor in cooperation with the star civilizations as well as with all of you.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that only the awakened and activated hearts will actually experience our entrance into their reality because one has to vibrate and exist on the exact same frequency as ours for this to occur. 

This frequency is the heart frequency and the state of Being and is naturally the foundation for the new reality and the new world. 

It is there that we can be found and since a whole new reality is about to manifest within yourselves, you are more than ready for this.

Be aware that it is different from person to person and is always requiring a real process

This is one of the concepts on which we have worked hard and still continue to do so because we truly want everyone of our Earth brethren to succeed and to Ascend into their own world of Being.

The still dormant souls who dwell in a lower frequency will not yet be able to see or feel us, but even that is about to be rectified. 

We so look forward to let the real contacts become factual with the first awakened ones amongst you.

Whatever appears as an image, an energy, or a phenomenon will always require some kind of adjustment on your part but the recognition will be genuine for many. We have started!

Another important point we wish to highlight is that presently we are working on a project which will disengage a lot in the hearts of the people. 

We are going to bring a few projects to the front which will assist many souls with their process of building their new world on beloved Gaia. 

We possess the required technology and dito knowledge to assist in the building, as for us this belongs to our past which returns now, albeit in other and better circumstances. 

Like no other we know where the traps are situated and we can offer our expertise to all of you. 

Many souls amongst you once belonged to our very same civilization in the times of Atlantis and are now back in incarnation to work together with all of us to enable this Ascension to succeed globally.

Tunnels have been prepared and cleared to enable all those willing to join us in our inner cities. 

Numerous cities of the Light are also being prepared for you to use according to the creations through your inner self as you create your own city and world. 

All this becomes available unites together into 1 global and collective world. 

Only one timeline is shaped and that timeline is called the ‘NOW’.

Due to the fact that the collective has to be ready for this, many shifts and changes are now taking place so that everyone gets the opportunity to evolve further in this new world. 

Those of you who have already attained a state that enables them to perfectly evolve further and to soar in the new frequencies and dito state of Being, will connect with us more quickly than compared to those who still cling to the old world. 

It all depends on yourself of course. 

Anyway, our worlds and our cities come together and form what will be called the new Earthly paradise. 

This is inevitable after what has shifted on Earth since the alignment on December 21st. 2012 and especially this spring equinox has given rise to a profound manifestation and shift of the human collective.

Everything has now to be played out and your cooperation will be decisive whether this will swiftly come to pass in YOUR reality or not. 

We the Agarthans are overjoyed to be the bearers of such great news for you in your reality. 

Remain centered and grounded at all times so that our energies can work together and merge into one.

I Am Magatha and I speak on behalf of the Agarthan civilization. I express my gratitude for your focus and your attending presence. In Love and Light.

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