Thursday, March 21, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 288

Beloveds… you have entered the halls of tomorrow… and you have done so in the company of thousands upon thousands of jubilant souls. 
Last night… you tore yourselves free from the yoke that have been holding you all back. 

YOU are free now, free to explore these lands with no boundaries… free to savor all of the pleasures inherent in a life filled with love. 

The light has entered and with it all of the borders have been set free.

REST now… because you have yet to fathom what all of this will entail. 

YOU are still in this transitional phase… you have been somnambulates for so long… waking up will feel very strange at first… and it will take some time before you fully understand what has taken place on your beautiful little planet. 

Yesterday you made a firm commitment to tear asunder the chains holding you down, and your collective power was more than enough to blow your cage to smithereens. 

Rejoice for you have set yourselves free… and you did it… no on else. 

What is a light send out from heavens above if there are no open hearts to receive it? 

You were all so open, and what you partook in will sustain and nourish you for the rest of your sojourn on this beautiful blue planet.

YOU are the ones who have set you selves free, and we bow down in respect and rejoice alongside you. 

YOU are us… and we are you… and now that will be more apparent than ever before. 

We will leave you now to start this day… and let you feel into this ocean of love with all of your senses. 

You have arrived… and know that from now on… your journey will be filled with light in every sense of the word.

"somnambulates" (To walk or perform another act while asleep or in a sleep like condition.)

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