Thursday, March 7, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 278

For the last couple of days… things have started to pick up speed. 

For many… it is as if your heart and eyes have started to open even wider… and you are starting to perceive things in a slightly different way. 

You have finally started to tune into this new tune, and you have realized that things are indeed coming to pass even if you on the outside have yet to see any real traces. 

We speak in parables as usual, and what we are trying to convey is that this change that you have all hankered for so much is already in full swing. 

This may not come about in the manner you had envisaged. 

For a human mind is a simple one, as it cannot see beyond the boundaries it has been given.
A human heart, on the other hand, is far more accomplished. 

For it can see and feel that which does not exist yet… for it can tap into the true potential of something. 

The heart is a wise warrior… and as long as you follow your heart… you will know where to let it take you.

And it has taken you this far already, and even if for some of you progress seems to be minuscule, you have in fact already made a quantum leap on this journey of yours towards that fabled goal you all seek so intently. 

Your heart knows this already, and now, the power of your heart has started to override the misgivings of your mind in a much more powerful way. 

For it has taken the driver’s seat… it has wrested away the control from the so much more timid and skeptically-prone minds. 

So now, you will all start to see this whole process in a much more lucid manner. 

For now you will know… where you formerly only had the hope… and now you will literally feel it in your very core… just how close to unveiling the whole truth… you really are. 

And when you do then… the whole world will have to sit up and listen. 

The truth will come out no matter how hard the old and rigid structures try to hold it down. 

Now they are crumbling, and they have other things to worry about… not just keeping up appearances. 

And they will be kept busy indeed, as they feel the strong gust of wind approaching that will tear down their house of cards once and for all. 

This wind cannot die down, for it is indeed fueled by the power you all carry in your hearts, and now, you have gained access to that power, and you can feel yourselves starting to fill your lungs to their fullest capacity as you prepare to add to the approaching storm.

We say this to remind you that you… through the actions instigated from your heart… are so important in all of this. 

You are guided by your heart now… and that is not where the fear resides. 

Fear only engender violence and hate, and you dear ones, you are not to be lured into that old trap again. 

Love will conquer the world… and with that love… a new world will arise from the ashes of the old.
For the old world cannot stand the pressure from this wind of change… and it will collapse into a heap of broken promises.. 

… taking with it the hopes and dreams of so many who had staked their future on this false flag of success. 

They will feel as if everything they trusted their survival on… is razed to the ground. 

You know better… for you know that these smoldering remnants of the old will only serve to nurture the new and far more viable world that you are creating. 

You know that from this seemingly lifeless heap of dirt, new shoots will start to emerge. 

Just like some seeds will lie dormant in the soil for years, even centuries, waiting for the right conditions before they can germinate, so too it is with many of your fellow men. 

They all have it in them, they just did not know that they were still in that dormant phase. 

Now many of these tiny little seeds will start to awaken, and you will all be amazed at the speed of their growth. 

It will seem that the smoke has not even cleared yet before healthy and vigorous new sprouts will emerge all over, and they will soon cover the last remnants of the old with their proliferation.

You will soon be as in a lush forest of healthy growth, and you will be able to rest in the shade of these sturdy trees whenever you want to. 

You have done the hardest work, of clearing the path trough that dense and impenetrable jungle to get where you are today… and you have done so at great expense. 

Know that soon you will be assuaged by the arrival of all of these new and eager sprouts that will help to ease the burden off your shoulders… and you will be free to savor this new and fertile forest in a way you thought you never would. 

Stay calm no matter what transpires in the days and weeks ahead, and know that all is well.

It has been ordained… and thanks to you… it will come to pass.

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