Thursday, March 14, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 282

The speed and the intensity of this clearing process is indeed like nothing you have ever come across before. 

You are literally being emptied out of anything that might be a hindrance to you in the time ahead… for only those that travel light… will be able to reach that destination they so long for. 

You see… this is NOT a sort of trial and error project… this is something that is indeed a very serious endeavor… nothing is left to chance. 

Whatever you experience in the hours and days ahead… understand that this is all carefully planned part of this process… and not anything done on a whim.

YOU are indeed carefully monitored by us… and we have the full scope on what is needed in order to prepare you… in the best possible way… for the next stage of this journey. 

YOU are so very close now… and what you have in front of you may seem to be daunting. 

Please know that if you feel the pull from this gaping maw of expectations starting to pull you all in… know that you will not be allowed to enter… until we deem you ready to do so. 

YES… this is all perfectly orchestrated… and it will be given each and every one of you when the time is right. 

This is a series of injections of light…and they will have some rather intense effects… as they each hone in on their intended ”targets”. 

Much like those heat-seeking missiles you see on your video screens… that seem to uncannily circle in on their target and the hit right in the middle of the bull’s eye.

So too it is… even if the words we use may seem rather cold or frightening… please know that what we refer to are actually missiles of light… of the most pure and profound kind… and what they will do for you all is nothing short of magical. 

They will penetrate to the very core of your being… and when they do… they will set off a sort of a chain reaction that is almost like the countdown process to a launch of your spaceships. 

We are all gathered at the control center… ready and eager to start… the last in a very, very long series of fusillades of energy that will engender such a positive response in you… you have no idea. 

On the outside… you may not feel the impact from all of these ”missiles” as strongly as you may envisage at this moment… do not imagine that they have no effect if you have no sense of them entering your system. 

Make no mistake… you will be hit by these “love bombs”, and they will have a devastating effect on everything that has been implanted into you in order to hinder your evolvement into a true lighted being. 

For nothing of the old will be left standing after this barrage of light… and the charred ruins of the old and obsolete will soon become apparent to you. 

It is indeed from  these ashes that the new you… and through that… the NEW WORLD WILL ARISE.

Prepare to be “hit hard AND lovingly” by something that will literally change you into something that is profoundly different from the person you still see yourself today.

At least one of these men has been identified as one of the illuminati:

WE came to set them free and ourselves free.

With so much technology used to control the way things play out, it is important to set ones attention on having it catalyze the most profound awakening of our spiritual abilities so one can feed it back a much higher vibration then what it is throwing our way just like how what we were born into, needs our higher frequency to change the vibration of the family tribe.

If we don't fill the physical experience with depth, meaning and purpose, it is like a civilization making technological advancements without spiritual growth.

Religion was set up to be rebelled against or to control those who fall into its web, both behaviors miss the mark and we lose connection with the energies that they have mimicked and distorted, when really they are sacred.

Part of the manipulation in our early history had to do with us staying locked into our lower self, where we are just unconscious to the fact that it is the very thing that enslaves us.

We need to dig all the way to the light of Source that dwells within.

To truly restore, one has to find balance from merging free-will with cosmic law while being willing to do the construction work as architects of heaven on earth.

One also has to be willing to transmute and integrate the fragmented and programmed aspects, so the true nature and divine blueprint, can step forward within All.

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