Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stephanie Freeman THE GENERATOR

"Listen to Your Gut!"

A Generator has a defined Sacral, but neither this center nor any of the other motor centers…Heart, Emotions, and Root… are connected to the Throat by an active channel.

You are a work horse with endless life force energy radiating outward but don't find it that easy to make things happen.

Some effort is required before you get into your full stride and reach your potential. You are designed not to initiate but to wait. Your motto is: "Wait, respond, then get going!"

Being a Generator makes you relatively one paced but highly effective, and your momentum is a joy to watch because it is Sacral powered, therefore remarkably enduring.

You are the Duracell or Energizer battery that keeps on going and going when others are fading.

Your challenge is to know how and where to best apply this enormous energy.

Waiting for the right projects, opportunities, and people and honoring your gut response are your keys to finding fulfillment.

When you chase or initiate without waiting, life can go wrong.

It's when you attract oppor­tunity or respond after exercising patience that things tend to work out.

We live in a time when everyone wants to act now, get going, waste no time, achieve ASAP.

This expectation may taunt you into getting a move on, but don't be misled into thinking you must launch great initiatives.

You first need the energy to generate within you; only then is it capable and effective.
So sit down, be patient, and master the art of waiting to respond.

View yourself as a magnet and let people and openings seek you out.

And they will. It is an energetic law of life that magnets attract.

So if you are wailing something like, "Why does everything I start or chase turn out bad? " or " Why can he make those things happen but I can't?" my answer would be: "Because you haven't learned to wait and attract."

Don't initiate. Wait.

Your mistaken self-perception is that you have so much energy that you can automatically make things happen.

That's probably fueled by people describing you as purposeful and dedicated.

You walk into the workplace and your life-force energy radiates, lifting everyone else.

Here comes the real worker, the real juice -the Generator.

You can save the day -and you even believe this yourself.

Whether it feels right or not, you have a tendency to wade in and answer the call.

Hours later, you'll be head down, hard at work, and look up to find everyone has gone back to sleep.

Then you'll have a quiet word with yourself and ask:"Why does it always fall to me? Why did I ever get involved?"

What you must realize is that the only things that prove fulfilling are those that duly arrive after you have exercised patience openings or possibilities that arrive at your door or make your phone ring.

Then what's crucial is your response.

This response is governed by a built-in guidance system, the Sacral gut response, signaling who and what warrants your commitment.

This is the core secret of your inner being, one that opens the doorway to what's right for you.

You'll recognize this gut sensation in the form of an involuntary reflex or sound, or the rising or contracting of energy, pulling you to or pushing you away from something.

The sound is that familiar "uh-huh" which says "yes" or that "uh-uh" that says “no.”

You need to attune to this sen­sation because it is, quite literally, your built-in indicator.

You'll sense your gut in response to questions that people ask of you: "Can I ask for your help?"

"Do you want to go on a date?" or “Are you hun­gry?"

But it also kicks in with much more profound questions that life asks.

Test yourself the next time someone asks you something, but be aware that you might be waiting for an instantaneous gut response and, half a second later, the Mind will get involved.

Don't allow it to distract you.

That's not where your answer lies.

Listen to your gut.

Also, observe inner musings that don't require a direct question.

If you are sitting in a restaurant, looking at a menu, going through the entree choices, your "uh-huh" or "uh-uh" will kick in. 

Listen to your gut.

Your process is played out thus: wait for what life offers, listen to your gut response, then get going.

~ Gayle is a Generator and has learned more and more to tune in to ~ her gut response.

She was once being pursued by four potential suitors and was torn about to whom she should commit.

After a Human Design reading, she needed to distance herself from the fog of her fears and presumptions, none of which played a part in a natural gut response.

She stood in her bedroom, looked in the mirror, and created a yes/no question for her gut to answer.

One by one, she named the four men. "Should I go out with Doug?" She felt that "uh-uh" for no.

"Should I go out with Marshall?" Again, she felt "uh-uh."

"Should I go out with Michel? "Once more, "uh­ uh."

Finally, she came to Nick and felt a clear "uh-huh."

There was her "yes" answer.

Somewhere in her being, Nick resonated with her, and this was her clear guidance to give him a chance.

The mistake Generators can make is to think too much, allowing the Mind to override the Sacral.

When this fog blurs the gut response, you find yourself committing to all kinds of wrong people and wrong pur­suits.

And then, the trouble for the Sacral is that once it is committed, it has to follow through and complete the experience, however inappro­priate or ill-fitting.

Quitting is a poor option -and this is one thing that requires understanding because once your energetic momentum gets going, it's engaged.

Your nature builds up such a head of steam by wait­ing and waiting that it doesn't know how to stop the momentum.

It's like asking a thundering express train to stop at a moment's notice.

As a non Generator, you might see people running toward disaster but you'll be powerless to stop them.

You must wait for them to return to their senses in their own time exhausted, unfulfilled, and ready to try again.

Generators must be wary of other people seeking to harness their energy, to take advantage of them.

A lot of them are found in the service industry, on the factory floor, or as assistants, secretaries, and personal trainers, with a treadmill-like momentum that keeps things ticking like clockwork.

That's because Generators provide the juice for most things.

If you are a Generator, you represent 37percent of the world's popula­tion and appear to be someone with enough power to raise the dead.

Your energy turns heads when you enter a room.

You're viewed as capable and unflagging.

I bet you're someone who rolls out of bed, cooks breakfast, drops the kids off at school, goes to work, gives your all, fixes other peo­ple's stuff, works out at lunchtime, impresses the boss some more in the afternoon, goes home, does the laundry, fixes the dinner, bathes the chil­dren, puts them to bed, then turns to your partner and collapses in a heap.

No one, except other Generator types, can hope to keep up with you.

The problem is that you can arrive at the end of your days feeling you've accomplished a lot but still feeling unfulfilled.

That's because, in large part, you've just been going through the motions.

Life is not just about ticking boxes and keeping others happy.

Herein lies the key to a Generator design: only engage with people and activities that resonate; oth­erwise, you'll discover the flip side to your type and become the pure couch potato who has given up, exhausted with life and fed up trying.

Or you can become someone who is wiped out, prone on your bed, waiting for energy to be regenerated.

I would also advise everyone not to throw too much, all at once, at a Generator.

However capable and energetic they seem, there's only so much responding they can do.

You'll know they've reached their limit when their hands go up and they say: "Enough!"

Or when, feeling over­whelmed, they simply ask for space.

As parents of Generator children, your task is to clue them into their gut response if you want them and you to avoid tears and frustra­tion.

There is no point in handing a child a trumpet and expecting him or her to master it if it doesn't resonate with the child.

It's a waste of time for dads to coach their boys in baseball or football if this fails to excite.

Parents need to understand the distinction between their expectations for their children and what actually resonates with those children.

Likewise in relationships, it is asking for trouble to declare to your Generator lover that you've decided what you're doing for the weekend and drag your partner off to the beach for a picnic without first sounding out his or her gut response.

Partners should learn to ask Generators ques­tions that start with queries such as "Would you like to do this today?" or "Do you think it's a good idea if we ... ?"

Don't worry about being "man enough" and taking control; honor the Generator nature, not the ego.

These people require consultation if your relationship is to work. Over the years, I've met thousands of Generators and have tried to point out what makes them tick.

Some of them get it straightaway, but far too many have fallen prey to conditioning and are slogging away as work­ horses in situations where their unstinting efforts are taken for granted. 

It is indisputable that wrong people and projects will fly high because of a Generator's input, but that's not the point to their life.

They need to find where their amazing source of energy is best directed and appreciated.

Geraldine is a hardworking mother with three delightful but extremely demanding children.

She saw it as her duty to fulfill any demands they asked of her at anytime.

However, despite the pleasure she derived from this, she was exhausted and more than a little frustrated that she rarely had the time and energy for anything else.

In a classic Genera­tor situation, the attention and demands of others were depleting her.

Since she could not afford a nanny, there seemed no solution and she gradually found herself getting more and more worn out.

At my reading for Geraldine, she had no idea she had such a bountiful Sacral.

She just assumed she was being run ragged and operated on auto­ pilot.

When she learned that she had an infallible built in indicator sys­ tem capable of letting her know which activities worked best for her, she immediately began changing the way she lived.

She actually saw the importance of educating her children to approach her in a different way.

Instead or I want" demands, she coached the chil­dren to ask questions that required a yes/no response.

She was savvy enough to disguise this shift into a playful set of new rules.

To her delight, the questions elicited a reliable gut response and now she only commits to the activities that resonate.

This, in turn, has empowered the children to be more resourceful, and they're delighted to see Mom having more satisfac­tion and energy in her life.

I tell all Generators to acknowledge the blessing they are.

As a Genera­tor, you may well be harboring fears that you'll miss the boat if you don't act now or that everything will go wrong if you don't jump in and seize control.

But trust your nature. Trust the person you were born to be and wait to respond.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

Follow Your Gut."

This is your strategy if the Sacral is defined and the Emo­tions are undefined.

Your correct decision-making process is about "following your gut" ­and trusting it.

Am I seriously telling you that your best decisions in life will stem from that sensation in the lower belly?

Yes, I am. Indeed, you were born with a natural inclination to follow the gut, but this was quickly drummed out of you by well… meaning parents and teachers who provided the con­ditioning to use the Mind instead.

The most important thing for anyone with Sacral Authority to appre­ciate is that this inner guidance system is only ever effective when in response.

It is not proactive; it is responsive.

Thus, your authority is designed to wait until there is a clear response that speaks from the lower belly with an "uh-huh" for "yes" and "uh-uh" for "no," or that sensation of being drawn toward or repelled by something.

If there is no response, this in itself implies a lack of interest at the time.

This authority needs to be applied to everything in life. It is not healthy for you to commit to, or engage in, anything without first wait­ing and then receiving a gut response in agreement.

You've got to be careful not to be tempted into making decisions just because of conditioning or the people around you.

An emotional friend with a contagious excitement could make an idea sound like the best thing since sliced bread; an iron… willed colleague could make a persua­sive argument to commit your vast life… force energy to an important project.

At such times, your authority demands that you sit and wait for your gut response to make its voice known.

Because, as we already know, once you commit, there is no stopping you being carried onward by the Sacral's relentless momentum.

Learning to get out of the head and into the gut is how you'll learn to make wiser decisions.

Many people with a defined Sacral struggle to differentiate between gut response and emotional reaction.

A response is patient, relaxed, and measured, whereas a reaction is an unconscious reflex and hasty.

With practice, you'll learn to notice the difference and hone this authoritative skill within you.

With that in mind, I will now give you something to ponder.

Consider a time in your life when you made an important decision that turned out to be one you regretted, be that a decision to get married or let someone go, sell your house or buy a car, move to another country or move down the street.

Now recall how you made that decision.

Were you over… analyzing and thinking too much?

Did the influence of another person convince you in some way?

Were you feeling obliged to commit?

Rewind and review it all.

Look at what unfolded when you made that poor decision.

Now consider an important decision where everything turned out favorably and you felt an inner harmony.

How did you make that deci­sion?

Did you, perhaps, wait, trust your gut, and then go for it?

Your golden key to making correct and consistently better decisions lies in identifying the answers to these questions.

One Important Note: When you have both the Spleen and Sacral defined, your gut response becomes greatly enhanced by the Spleen senses.

This means that your gut is fast-tracked into an instantaneous split-second response.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

10 Channel of Awakening 20                   From the Self to the Throat

Your commitment to higher principles shines like a beacon. Any channel emerging from gate 10 denotes a strong sense of identity and love of life, and you embrace the potential for an awakening in others.

You want them to breathe in the reality of life's joy and see the beauty in everyday moments.

The 10-20 stems from the Self then does a dogleg up to the right, find­ing expression in the Throat with phrases like "I am being true to myself right now."

I would wager that this is something you say, or wish to say, quite often in life.

"Just be yourself' is the hallmark of this channel, and your "awakened" state finds its voice through an assured self-expression that leaves no doubt about who you are and where you stand.

This empowers others to be more like you, bringing them into alignment with their own integrity.

But should anyone challenge what you say, it can feel like a personal assault, so be aware of this sensitivity.
The test is to detach from such criticism and find assurance in self-appreciation.

You cannot abide people who are untruthful and situations that appear dishonest or unjust.

You demand unabashed candor and that people be up­front at all times.

You want to meet people on a higher level, so integration with kindred spirits accords with your nature.

No one entertains the pos­sibility of the world becoming a better place more than you do.

The 10-20 is one of four "leadership channels," but this form of lead­ership can, to some, appear as though you're standing on the moral high ground, trying to lead people toward finding their higher purpose.

Of course, such principled leadership does not appeal to everyone, but you'll go it alone if necessary.

For those who do follow, it will be a profound expe­rience as you open a doorway to a higher spiritual level.

Life, for you, is all about the "now" and embracing your days moment by moment.

People with the 10-20 rarely grasp this channel's meaning.

That's because they are so involved with the higher purpose that they really can't be bothered with the mechanics.

"I am who I am, so why concern myselfwith this channel's meaning?"

And so you prove my point, just by your state of being. ~

Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

13 Channel of the Prodigal 33                  From the Self to the Throat

You are the chief witness, called to the world's courtroom to bear testimony about all you've seen, felt, and tasted in life's real dramas.

Others can learn from your notes and observations, failures and pain, success and joy.

You are the prodigal son who endures all manner of experiences and returns home to be celebrated by a father who insists that all your stories be recounted to a wider audience, so that others can learn from them.

In this respect, you are a reporter on life and perceived as a fount of all wisdom.

The13-33is a "leadership channel," providing direction, creative guid­ance, and a sense of purpose for others.

You can steer people and proj­ects beautifully.

Your history helps guide and reassure others through an uncertain future.

It finds its voice via the Throat with expressions like "I remember when ..."or "In my experience, what happens is ..."

You are a great listener as well as a talkative witness.

Your strong sense of identity is fortified by each life experience you absorb and so you become the perfect confidante… and magnet… for everyone's agonies.

Friends will cry on your shoulder, seeking reassurance and wanting you to recognize and identify with their dilemmas or challenges.

Even rela­tive strangers will off-load problems and then say: "I've no idea why I'm telling you this but ..."

You must fall back on your authority to know when to help and when to steer clear.

In your own life, you take painstaking care to assimilate everything that happens, processing every detail before transforming it into wis­dom.

That wisdom is your balance and understanding in life.

More hap­pens to you in the course of a day than can be processed in a single night's sleep, potentially leaving you open to intense dream patterns.

In the waking hours, you'll need to seek opportunities to recuperate, refresh, and meditate.

I wouldn't be surprised to find an archive of journals in your loft, tucked away so that your grandchildren can draw insight and lessons from them.

This can breed a certain nostalgia and sentimentality.

You have the ability to read people like a book, sometimes viewing their situations on a much deeper level than even they can grasp.

You can startle people with your profound perception and empathy.

Thus your wisdom becomes an indispensable counsel.

Being around you allows people to know who they are and injects purpose into their life.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

3 Channel of Mutation 60
From the Sacral to the Root

You might already be aware of how dramatically events can change around you.

Join the 3 and the 60 and it becomes symbolic, because your life is always doing a 360 degree circle.

Partners who travel with you in life must be adaptable and prepare for an erratic but rewarding experi­ence of change and growth.

Expect the unexpected.

Everyone I know with this channel has a life made up of a sequence of quantum leaps from one place to the next, forever changing direction and relying on nothing more than blind faith and an affirmative gut response from the Sacral.

The 3 - 60 is one of three "format channels."

A format channel has an overriding impact on your entire design, dictating how your life will be lived out, regardless of whatever else is going on in your life chart.

With the 3 - 60, your Human Design has the ingrained motto "Dramatic changes and transformations equal personal growth."

Your process is bringing about renewal, but don't expect a fanfare everywhere you go­ because not everyone welcomes upheaval.

Have you ever watched moving events lit by an erratic strobe light?

That is similar to the way in which you operate: the light hits you and everything is seen clearly.

But then the light darts away, leaving you in darkness.

When it hits you again, everything has changed and you and everything around you are moving in a new direction.

The strobe light's randomness also matches the cosmic timing that governs your life, pulsing on and off in an irregular pattern.

Likewise, dra­matic change has no sense of timing.

Things happen when they are meant to happen and this is a natural law that all 3 - 60s must learn to accept.

This in itself can be limiting, especially if you've set something in motion and things stall.

This can induce a melancholy that is hard to shake.

At such times, your best allies are music and nature.

The acoustic quality of this channel needs to tune in to sounds that match your mood.

Then exercise patience.

If life is teaching you anything, it's that things don't remain stuck for long.

Trust this channel's mutative energy, and the frustration over temporary inertia can ease.

Throughout your life, you'll come to see that the transformations you bring…to your world and others… are immensely empowering.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

3/5 Profile

You are the last person who needs reminding that life is a school of hard knocks, filled with the exhilarating chaos on which your nature thrives, aided by a potentially wicked sense of humor and a polished, charismatic air.

I can almost see you adopting a James Bond air, blowing those cheeks, wiping that brow, and saying, "Tell me about it ... but I live to fight another day!"

Pain and pleasure are the twinned realities of life, though I suspect you've known more pain due to living life on the edge, leaping in with both feet, and learning as you go.

Of all profiles, you are the most likely to stick your fingers into an electric socket just to find out what goes on in there!

You are your own worst enemy, such is your insatiable inquisi­tiveness and curiosity.

You like to leave no stone unturned in your pur­suit of reward and joy, and there is an indefatigable spirit to the way you embrace life, come what may.

3/5 profiles are here for a fast track lifetime.

In failure, trauma, and survival, you glean wisdom.

Life will bounce you into dead ends, heart­break, crushing disappointment, and wrong situations while asking you to take the blessings in disguise.

It's almost as if your role is to witness, endure, or lead from the front in order to educate and guide others.

You are a capable and adaptable leader in a crisis, with a wisdom that shapes a visionary element, and there is something of the rebel in you, wanting to challenge authority and point out what is and isn't working.

You want to be a force for change in all areas of life.

Your adaptability makes you expert in a storm of crisis, because you've been there, done that, and know how the drama ends!

Your understanding of life also arms you with a natural forgiveness.

The fascinating mix of this profile is the third-line element, which needs the juice of life, together with the illusory yet hypnotic nature of the fifth line.

This turns you into a charismatic, persuasive seducer, sub­tly reeling others into relationships, projects, or pursuits.

But it is a pro­file that is noncommittal by nature and doesn't wish to hang around if there is not a sustainable engagement with its interest.

Nevertheless, you are always strategizing, seeing how it can all work in your best inter­ests, toying with experimental and grand ideas.

If I were in conversation with you, there would be an outgoing, engag­ing eagerness about your communication style and obvious zest for life.

I daresay you could come across as a bit of a dreamer, but doubtless there would be a multitude of crazy anecdotes, all carried off with a self­ deprecating humor concealing the pain of the time.

When you fall back on your sharp wit, you are one of the funniest people around.

Humor is both your medicine and your master deflector.

But not a1l 3/5s can look on the bright side.

Life can become too much and leave you defeated.

You can get to the point where all you crave is a settled life.

You are done with the trials, tribulations, and tests and want to throw in the towel.

When 3/5 profiles feel beaten, despite their best efforts, they surrender.

But their nature will not rest and will always seek to propel them into a fresh adventure.

So surrendering will only exacer­bate any inner frustrations.

The third line will never stop catapulting the 3/5 into all sorts of relationships, projects, travels, travails, purchases, and lifestyles.

The unconscious fifth line sometimes paddles hard to make real life match the fantasies.

Ultimately, you are seeking the reward for your hardship.

You are always seeking that special someone who can bring inner peace amid the chaos.

When that person is found, commitment is total.

In accepting chaos, you accept yourself. Life will never be a destination but is an eternal journey.

Embrace it, find medicine in laughter, and absorb all the consequential wisdoms that make people admire you so much.

And at the end of your days, I guarantee you will have traveled, loved and lost, succeeded and failed, and amassed a veritable library of personal expe­riences to recall and ponder.

Relationships: It is quite possible that 3/5 partners have no real idea of how restless they are, particularly in a relationship.

Of course, they will have the gift of gab and say all the right things, but as they're stroking your face and whis­pering sweet nothings, keep an eye out for the feet inching toward the exit door.

An escape clause should be written into any love contract with a third line element, especially when coupled with the dreamy nature of the fifth line, which brings a strong degree of romanticism and big promises.

The 3/5 profile is forever in search of the perfect relationship and will not compromise its ideals.

Did I say "perfect"? What I meant to say was "purrr-fect,"

These people need to be met, and understood, on every pos­sible level before they give 100 percent commitment. These are highly selective individuals when searching for a life mate.

One thing you need to appreciate is the essential ingredient to throw into the mix with a 3/5 partner laughter.

Let life bring the dark side; let you be the source of light.

They can be deeply emotional partners, but the tears of laughter need to balance the tears of pain.

Grant them this much and you will come to know and admire a true ally and arbiter and the bridge builder of an unpredictable but exciting future.

When 3/5s feel they have met their match, they bring the greatest level of commitment and stability to a relationship that is possible.

Just be prepared to be dragged off in pursuit of big dreams!

Compatibility: Your ideal matches are with other3/5s and 6/2 profiles, but away from that synergy you also find common ground with 3/6, 5/1, 5/2, and 6/3 profiles.

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

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