Monday, March 25, 2013

The Landing Party

You can release this to your human contacts when you perceive that it is appropriate.

“Our Dear Ascending Humans,

We are joyous that you can perceive our message.

Since there are many things that will begin to leave the tight grasp of your ego, we would like to give you a few pointers.

As the higher energies increasingly transmute your consciousness, you will begin to perceive your reality from a completely different perspective.

All that you have experienced as ‘reality’ will begin to morph into that which you have always known was present but could not find in your daily life.

“You have always known what we are telling you, but because that information had to be hidden, it created a sense of inner discomfort.

For many decades, in fact for many lives, you suffered an inner loneliness, which was actually a ‘home sickness’ because you missed the reality that you could feel in your heart but could not see in your world.

“Because of this awareness, those of you who were the most awake suffered the most in the times of darkness.

Fortunately, you are just beginning to transcend this darkness that has settled into your consciousness because you were so alone.

In fact many of you felt cast adrift in a hostile planet.

As you are beginning to feel your new world peeking through the veil of illusion, you may well feel sorrow before you can remember joy.

“You may even feel as though you can finally release the breath that you did not even know that you were holding.

We Arcturians are well aware of these first symptoms of transmutation because we specialize in assisting beings in the process of ascension.

As you saying goes, ‘The darkest night is just before dawn.’ This saying is correct.

Often a person, society, planet needs to delve deeply into its darkness before the balm of illusion becomes so uncomfortable that only the Truth will be acceptable.

“There are many truths that have been hidden and many lies that have been presented as the truth. How can you determine which is which?

Our ascending ones are often so involved in your body’s attempt to raise its frequency that your inner thoughts and emotions get lost.

However there are those whose thoughts and are never lost.

You, the ones who forgot to forget, held the truth as a secret during the long dark night.

“You, our dear brave ones, have often suffered because there was no outlet for the life that lived within you.

To you we give special gratitude, as you are the ones who have held the light.

That light is ready to come into your world now, which means that you can no longer hide your true SELF.

How can you make that shift after many years, in fact lives, of holding the truth inside?

You have all been very lonely, yet careful to trust. Consciously or unconsciously, you remembered many lives in which you let down your guard and told the truth, only to suffer dire consequences.

“Therefore dear ascending ones, we remind you to be gentle with your self.

No matter your physical age, you are like baby chicks just breaking free of your small shell.

That shell represented safety to you.

Now you have broken free of the shell that had become normal, even comforting, to find yourself in a new world.

Therefore, go slowly and take deep breaths. Your emotions will likely be very erratic, and you may quickly swing from feeling reborn to being frightened.

“You may feel joyful because it appears that the truth may finally set you free, and simultaneously be concerned that this is yet another false alarm. 

Therefore, try to release all expectation and live within the NOW of whatever emotion is wafting through your ever-changing consciousness.

“Most of all remember the true YOU who is living within your form.

With this memory, you can better remain in constant connection with your Higher Expressions of SELF.

You do not need to leave one stair step until your foot is firmly grounded on the next. Time is an illusion.

Learn to live in the NOW. However, be patient with yourself for it will take you ‘time’ to live in the NOW.”

 Your Arcturian Family of Light

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