Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekend’s energy signatures

Third Quarter Moon Phase:
revise, re-align, re-evaluate, take responsibility
Moon: Sagittarius
Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi
Technically, we come to the last Moon phase of the astrological/natural year with today’s opening of the Third Quarter Moon phase. 

This phase lasts until Tuesday, February 25, when the Balsamic Moon phase begins, effectively beginning preparation for the next astrological/natural new year. 

So we have the next few days to clean up and close out anything from this past year… or longer… that we want to energetically leave behind.

I am sure it feels like I’ve been writing this same thing over and over. 

In fact, I have for the last two months, as these have been the “Third Quarter time of year.” 

It’s a process and it takes time because we have to work within it as the Moon ticks through each of our charts throughout the months. 

It resonates differently on different days for different people. 

This is the explanation for why, with oracles, the message you get is the message you need. 
It also explains why messages delivered by oracles often seem disjointed. 

Multiple layers of answers are found in them.

This weekend’s energy signatures are listed below… but they are generalized through the weekend, so the days’ energies are not static or limited to the day:

Saturday… patience and compromise… give and take… are required.

Clashing of worlds and viewpoints between parties… too much information… exchanges of information and goods… group efforts… issues with balancing time with others versus time to oneself… being graceful in situations of loss or being a bad loser… people operating at different “speeds” can be annoying.

Sunday… The Sun and Neptune make the exact conjunction, bringing light to situations and issues so that we can understand them or see through any denial. 

RECOGNITION is the keyword with the day’s energy. 

What do we need to recognize? 

Who do we need to recognize? 

Do you recognize yourself?

The phrase written above the arches of many mystery schools was “know yourself, know the universe.” 

This is what the parliament of wise owls here does. 

The universe is giving us a prime opportunity to SEE this weekend.

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