Monday, February 24, 2014

Let it go. Let it end.

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign, take responsibility
Moon in Capricorn Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

The Moon moves into Capricorn for the last time while the Black Moon is in Cancer, so this is the last "rebirth" stage for Cancers and Capricorns and those with the Black Moon in Cancer or Capricorn.

Issues related to support, appreciation, and recognition strongly flavor today and tomorrow's energy.

Today is effectively the last day of the 2013 astrological year that began on April 10.

Tomorrow we enter the Balsamic phase of the Moon, when we prepare the soil or field of our minds for the next lunar month.

The next lunar month, the New Moon in Pisces cycle, is like a month-long Balsamic phase.

We will working very hard in preparation for the next astrological new year (which begins on March 30, 2013, and is going to be a big one.

I am not even going to attempt talking about it until Mercury goes direct in a few days.

But when I do, I am going to take us back to the point when we launched from the Rainbow Bridge in last month's story with the band of brothers.).

So today we know what we need to clean up and close out.

Let it go. Let it end.

May I make a suggestion that we collectively let go of our harsh self-judgment and self-criticism?

Can we agree to at least take it down a notch?

These are Archontic mind screens that interfere with our creativity and our full participation in Gaia Sophia's dreaming.

We can make a great impression on our subconscious mind by undertaking action to represent a release.

For example you can write the issue/feeling/belief that is limiting you and rip it up or safely burn it.

There are myriad versions of this type of thing, so if you are inclined toward it, do it however it suits you.

This day carries the energy of endings.

It feels like churning chaos at times.

This is an uncomfortable feeling when we aren't recognizing that the universe is never static.

It always grinds and tumbles.

On this last day of finding and getting in place… on the vast staircase that is graduating into the cosmos… let's remember that we are firmly grounded and have absorbed a great deal of energy.

Energetically, we have become a great deal more resilient.

Our psyches are primed.

Find a way today to celebrate the passing of "chapter 2013" in the story of humanity and turn your face toward the horizon.

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