Thursday, February 6, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 394

This influx of energetic transmission is pushing on a whole new set of buttons…you will start to see things in a very new light.

The inherent quality of this light… also your ability to perceive it, is changing rapidly.

With it comes a whole new sense of being human… and something far, far more complex.

In addition… your ability to sense everything that lies beyond the scope of human understanding will magnify.

You will be brought into contact with spheres of Creation you were not even aware existed.

Much is opening up… and it can be easy to think of getting lost… within this mesmerizing and complex maze of new beginnings and old departures.

As you start to open up… you will automatically start to shut down much of the old and obsolete systems.

Systems that govern parts of your physical vehicle… and that also governs your entire way of being.

You see… as you start to see with new eyes… you will also stop to see what is not necessary for you to see.

You will start to turn a blind eye to those aspects of human life that no longer serves you.

Things that have been construed as a hindrance… for you will no longer see them.

Your whole being comes into play… those parts of you that still adheres to the old ways of thinking… acting and being… will cease to function. 

Just as the body shuts off energy to those parts that remains unused over a prolonged period of time in order to focus its attention on those parts that are in use… so too will your system simply switch off anything that is no longer needed.

You will find yourself becoming very new… it may not feel like that to you.

Not superficially… for as those brand new parts of you start to kick in… your focus will automatically shift.

You will switch seamlessly into your new way of BEing.

The deepest and most profound transformations that you go through may not be perceived… for they are so profound… you will lose any contact with that old version of you.

Looking back… it will be like looking back on someone else’s life altogether.

Like looking at a piece of fiction… a play acted out by actors… each one performing their designated part in what has been titled “your life”.

This is exactly what has taken place until now… what you have lived through… has all been designed to give you the opportunity to be exactly where you are at this exact point in time.

As you are reading these lines… we can only congratulate you on a job well done.

As the curtains go down on that old version of you… there will NOT be a lengthy curtain call.

You are more than ready to exit this theater of your old life and step out into the real world.

Intend for your REAL life to start.

Every thing you have done so far…and in every previous incarnation… has been preparations for what is to come.

This time… you will start anew… unfettered by anything of the old.

Thanks to every single second of your former lives… that you are able to stand here today.

Resplendent and emerging as those truly lighted beings that you are about to become.

You are already ALL of this… and you have not been able to fully take in the whole scope… the best is yet to come.

The doors that were flung open a while ago will start to beckon more and more of you to step across the threshold and out into the wide open spaces of your new life.

In your new world… where everything will be up to you to create from scratch.

There is so much already here… ready to be taken into use…it is up to each of you to determine the speed at with which all of this will take place.

Look ahead… and take a step forward to be able to peek through this opening into the dreamland that awaits you.

This beckoning freedom will still feel a bit too overwhelming… and you will content yourself with looking at it from afar for the time being.

Take all the time you need… this will not go away.

Know that in order to not miss out on too much of the fun… do not hold yourself back for too long.

You will be amongst the first one able to finally frolic in those fertile fields… and that way is also the only way to find out what lies behind all of the magnificent words we have used to describe what awaits you.

We feel confident that none of you will find any faults in the descriptions that we have given.

The moment you fully start to interact with these fields of freedom… you will think we have not done them justice.

This is beyond words… and it is beyond what a human mind can even begin to describe.

When you do go there… you will know with all that you are… that you are finally home.

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