Thursday, November 14, 2013

You are not victims of the world that you see

What is not aligned with your heart, you can release from your life.

Darkness that you forgive does not last long.  It changes into the Light.

Do not be afraid. Be brave, be what you are.

Express that outwards.

In your life you can attract only that what you express outwards.

We are with you and support you.

In 1975 it became possible for us to represent the Plan of the Ascension waves to some disciples of the Ascended Masters.

Some individuals have ascended from that time already.

Some Star beings are right now in intensive preparations to be ascended even before the first wave.

A great majority of you are preparing for the first or second wave.

In the next following years you will experience completion of your spiritual growth, your final liberation.

There will be also great changes in the external world.

Prepare for those changes peacefully, firmly and with Love. And we are with you...

Creation of Universes
He is collecting burning dust. He will create Suns, Universes, worlds ..,

Hello, Divine sparks, sons and daughters of One. I am Krotron AntariOn.

This is the Ashtar Command, Krotron StarBase.

We are with you and you are with us to merge, that spirit and matter become One again.

Cosmic Consciousness of One is separating from itself and in the dance of Creation it creates Universes.

Created Universes are reflected pictures in which One can see itself and know itself.

New Universes grow from the existent ones through dimensional opening of black/white holes, they are like bubbles of coalesced Light on a membrane of Cosmic space time, which expands and contracts.

When purpose of those Universes is completed, they are ascended back into One through Divine intervention.

With realizations, which One has achieved through their existence, its consciousness in enriched.

Consciousness of One, which manifests, is namely not perfect yet, and is still developing through Cosmic cycles, through Cosmic in breaths and out breaths. In the first attempts of Creation, Cosmic consciousness has not succeeded in creating balance between spirit and matter.

So in the past, some Universes were too rigid and they have blocked the evolution too much, others were overly dispersed and had not enabled the focusing of consciousness, through which the evolution is taking place.

Only in the current, sixth Cosmic cycle, satisfying balance between spirit and matter was achieved.

This enabled quick development and now after twenty billion years this Cosmic Cycle is completing through the revelation of dimensional doorway of the 11:11.

Ascension of Cosmos through the dimensional doorway of the 11:11 will enrich the Cosmic consciousness of One, with realizations of all beings who were participating in the life wave of this Cosmic cycle.

Until now, the consciousness of One allowed life beings to develop in alignment with their freewill, but it has not given to them the possibility of unconditional redemption, if they would go too far with their freewill.

Now the Cosmic consciousness of One is realizing through the experiences of all beings that are part of its consciousness, that every living being, along with it freewill needs also a possibility of redemption.

This is now happening and so in this Cosmic cycle, the first unconditional Ascension on a Cosmic scale will happen.

Ascension means converging different possibilities into One.

As many Galaxies, Suns, planets and civilizations Ascend, less and less possible Universes remain.

Universes fulfill their purposes one by one and return into One.

At the end, in the last Cosmic cycle, the last one will remain.

This will be the Perfect Universe.

At that time the consciousness of One will look at itself in a perfect mirror and the last Universe will be Ascended.

This will mean the end of Cosmic time and space, only eternal no space and no time in One will remain.

The purpose of Creation will be completed. Cosmic consciousness will know itself completely.

Ascension - A Manual for Preparedness
NOTE: A copy of this manual (workbook spiral bound) is available anywhere in the US for $30 including freight. 
Learn more: Embrace The One This video is a summary of what will take place before, during and after THE EVENT.

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