Thursday, November 21, 2013

shaping of desired reality

Reality shaping is a shaping of desired reality.

The world of duality is the old reality, and the world of Oneness is the New reality.

There is a transition between the old and New reality which is called the 11:11.

In every reality of duality there is a point of Oneness. It is an exit point.

Absolute darkness or absolute duality does not exist.

There is no situation without resolution; there are no completely dark beings.

Your decision is always in a point of no-time and is always now.

With this process it is important for you to give thanks for what you receive.

And that you direct your attention towards the positive part of the old reality.

And from that positive part of the old reality a New reality will grow.

From small deed great actions grow and they cause chain reactions.

Hello, our dear Angels. This is the Ashtar Command, Krotron StarBase.

We are with you and you are with us to communicate and to connect in our common project of redemption of your planet Earth.

The moment of Cosmic redemption comes among us and among you with the energies of Divine intervention that come from Galactic Central Sun through the whole Galaxy into the section of the Galaxy where your planet is now located.

On the 12th of December you have an opportunity to make the first step towards your own redemption and when you experience your own redemption, you can trigger a process of redemption for those around you.

This is a day when you can accept decisions for life changes, a day, which can become a turning point in your life, to release old self destructive habits and to accept decisions for a new life, better, more beautiful and more full of Light.

This is a day that you can forgive yourself absolutely everything and when you can forgive everybody.

In this way you can shift from the zone of the law of karma into the zone of the law of Divine grace.

Everything that you have done was forgiven long ago; the only thing is that you believe otherwise, some of you.

And therefore we are with you to say to you that you are not sinners, but that you are Divine, innocent beings of Light.

And time has come when you will know that by yourself, in your direct experience and connection with your Divine nature.

Your belief that you are separated from God is an illusion of the world of duality.

You are God.

There is no difference.

Divine plan is not something that occurs somewhere above, but right here and now in your hearts.

And therefore allow yourself to feel the yearnings of your heart.

And follow that.
Any by that you will contribute towards the manifestation of the glorious plan of redemption which is now descending on your world.

A moment has come when you can decide and stand for your decision.

Probably you have all tried to accept many decisions in your lives and you discovered that you sometimes can not hold on them and you felt helpless.

Now things are changing drastically.

Try to accept a small decision tomorrow and hold on it for the whole day.

You will be surprised when you will discover that it can be done.

Energies which are coming now enable that things flow much more smoothly than they were flowing few months ago.

And when you will receive trust in that you can accept a small decision, you will be able to accept even greater decisions, those with life importance.

There is a decision which is within each of you, a decision for duality or Oneness.

Light or darkness.

There is no other way.

In next few years there will be a great polarization taking place on Earth, when beings will decide unconditionally for Light, or unconditionally for darkness.

There will be less and less intermediate states.

This is a time of great decision, for all of you.

This is also a reason why you are here, in this moment to decide because just in this lifetime, it is one of the rare moments, when you have many possibilities on your disposal.

Most lifetimes you have lived in a very narrow, limited scope of possibilities that were given to you.

Therefore you didn't have the opportunity to make choices.

Now you have it.

You have your free will, your consciousness and you have Love and when you merge all this you will become a Divine force in action.

Love that you are seeking is already inside of you and inside of us.

And when we merge Oneness is created and that's why we are with you, our dear Angels.

To share this with you and that you can open to us and that we can open to you.

In this process of opening a miracle of merger of consciousness takes place.

Invite us to come into your consciousness and in your bodies.

To look at your world from your perspective.

And for you to look at our world from our perspective.

And in a certain point both worlds will merge in a harmonious whole.

Again let us stress the possibility that you have on the 12th of December, a time for great decisions and great changes.

Those of you who feel captured in boring jobs of duality you have an opportunity for change.

Those who feel captured in relationships which do not bring you happiness you have an opportunity for change.

Those who feel helpless, that you are a victim of certain mental patterns, you have an opportunity for change, to release those patterns and stop to feed them with your attention and direct your conscious attention towards beauty, Light and Love.

Wherever you direct your attention this will increase and strengthen.

The law of manifestation. We are here with you to assist you in this process, because sometimes it is not easy, but when you get some practice it is easier and easier.

Let us encourage you that each of you has a choice and power to go through this transformation.

It is not something that needs to be very difficult.

Many surprises await you.

You are here to awaken.

And when you are awake surprises do not play with you… you play with them.

And you become a miracle of existence which you already are.

But you begin to manifest energies of miracle consciously.

Miracle is a word that you will hear many times in the following years, see it and experience it. In your lifetimes until now you have not been accustomed to miracles.

Now it is time for you to accustom to them.

Reality that you have known is but a small reflection of the Cosmic reality which is now coming to your world.

And miracles are basis of the Cosmic reality, so to speak of all that exists.

Only that they did not have opportunity to penetrate in your world by now.

They are coming now and we come with them.

~ Aurora 2012: Ascension - A Manual for Preparedness

NOTE: A copy of this manual (workbook spiral bound) is available anywhere in the US for $30 including freight. Embrace The One This video is a summary of what will take place before, during and after THE EVENT.

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