Friday, November 22, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 372

Let us delve a little bit further into the nature of change… that is what this process is all about.

Change is a part of the natural cycle of All there is… for there are no constants… and everything is in a constant flux… from one state of being and into another.

The variables are many… this process of becoming…  to being… to destruction… and back into becoming again…
…takes all shapes and forms.

What you are going through now… is simply a brand new variation of change…  one that mankind is a newcomer to.

The cycle of mankind has been the same literally for eons… the only variable has been more or less the defined cycle of a lifespan.

The interchange between the different states of consciousness that can be attained.

You know there have been strict limits on both.

Now the limits have been taken away… and the cycle of change is about to become something very different.

You know this… because you are the forerunners of this change.

The ones that have elected to go through this process as the first ones… the pioneers… and you are literally breaking new ground for all of mankind so that they can follow in your footsteps.

 Change is inevitable in Creation… and what you are doing is literally changing  your whole cycle of change into something brand new.

Where not only the physical parameters… also the less tangible ones will become as if new.

You are breaking out of the old mould… and you are all set to create a brand new one.
It is in all aspects a brand new one…  you are creating something that has not been created before.

You are taking the old concept of being human and turning it into a brand new one.

It is up to each and every one of you what the brand new mould for mankind will be.

Will it be a simple one that will serve as the template for all… as in the old days… or will it in fact be a multiple one… where there are several different options… where there are limitless options to choose from?

We phrase this as a question… we think you have already defined an answer to this.

Remember this is a process where you are in the driver’s seat.

It is you who have the power to decide the speed and the direction that this quest for the new will take you.

Based upon the decisions you have already taken… we can easily conclude that the multiple option has definitely been your choice.

The notion of a singular set of parameters to define a human being has certainly been cast aside.

The field is wide open… and we are eager to see just where this quest will take you.

When we say that there are no limits now… that is the truth.

It is up to you… when you will take your foot off the pedal… stop your vehicle and say “this is it, I have arrived”.

This is such a solitary journey… where it is up to each and every one of you to decide just how far you will go.

This is also very much a collective process… it will be the combined efforts of each and every one of you that will decide the end result.
There will be no “winners” and no “losers” as in who will make it the furthest… or who will not get very far.

It is in fact the combined effect of all of your energetic endeavors that is important.

We remind you that each and every one of you play an inestimable part of this whole process.

It is not given that you must all follow the same track… and as you have already decided to pursue different directions… in order to carve out several different options of creating the new human.

You will find yourself taking off in a very different direction from that of your neighbor.

That is how it is meant to be.

Out of chaos the new will emerge.

To ensure that what you end up with will encompass as many opportunities as possible to continue evolving.

You need to take yourselves in every direction of the spectrum.

You are set to follow one certain set of energetic signatures… that will bring you out on a different trajectory than the ones following another frequency.

This is about fanning out in every direction that can be pursued.

You will carve out an infinite number of paths that the others who choose to follow can choose between.

You will not lay out one simple straight path that will take humanity into the future.

You are to become the rainbow tribe… the people that shimmer in every color you can think of.

When we say color, we are not alluding to any superficial traits such as the color of your skin.

We are simply referring to that energetic signature that will constitute the ground note in each one of you.

In order for mankind to finally prosper… it has become necessary to change from that single digit… that singular tone that used to be the one and only calling card.

You have broken away from that, and you have already given yourselves so many new tones or voices, it is a veritable choir of heavenly voices that has started to sing out in unison.

You will each have your own individual voice or signature…  when it is combined… it will engender such a vast field of vibration… it in turn will serve to bring mankind and indeed this whole planet into a completely new state of being.

You are literally singing yourself and your whole planet into existence again.

By refusing to be silenced under that old dictatorial pledge where you were stuck in that one and limiting vibrational frequency.

You have managed to break free from that… you have set so much into motion by your new frequencies.

This in turn has set off a whole subset of harmonies.

One single note or one single voice does NOT equate creation.

Creation needs plurality in order to create further.

Plurality is what you have already created… and you will find your voices becoming more and more distinct.

You will start to see how it will in turn interact with others.

Your vibration will ring out… like ripples on the surface of a pond when something is being tossed into it.

When those ripples interact with other ripples… they will start to form new patterns… and so on in and endless process of cross pollination.
Look for patterns where there formerly where none… remember your brain is very good at this… this time look for patterns in a way that will not limit you.

A pattern can also be a pattern of chaos… it does not need to be a repeating pattern.

These changes are truly an ongoing process… and as more and more of you start to send out your new frequency over a much larger area… you will start to interact in a much more profound way.

You will touch the lives of people you did not even know existed.

You will do so in new ways… and the patterns that this engender will in turn influence the patterns of other people that are previously unconnected to you.

In other words… this choir of yours is steadily evolving into something infinitely more complex.

It is also having a larger and larger impact on the rest of Creation.

Yes, we do mean that this combined effect of yours is literally rippling through the vastness of All of creation.

When you start to sing louder… we can hear it further and further afield because of the frequency effect it has on us all.

Keep singing… even on the days that your voice seems feeble… off key or even non existent.

It is always there… it is always beautiful…. it is always very effective.

You are touching hearts in many ways with your song.

And these hearts are spread far and wide… not just on your planet… beyond as well.

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