Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 367

The age of creativity has begun… and a whole new set of tasks will be made available to you all.

You have much previous knowledge in these areas, and you will not err on the next step on your journey.

You have been well trained and you have been hand picked to perform these tasks that now lie before you.

We have more confidence in you than you yourselves have at the moment.

That is easy to understand… as the forgetfulness that was drawn like a heavy blanket over you as you descended down into this earthly abode a long time ago has not been very easy to penetrate.

Now it is as if someone has taken hold of one of the corners and started to ease it slowly and gently off you…

… and you can all see how the light is coming in and hitting your very soul for the very first time in this incarnation.

Now the old forgetfulness will serve you no more… and you will be asked to rub your eyes… sit up… and start to take stock of the situation.

As this new light starts to seep in… it will reveal that you are surrounded by miracles waiting to become… on all sides and all you have to do… is to acknowledge them.

There is no need to get stressed out by contemplating all that needs to be done… all you have to do is simply to think of what is already there… waiting to become just by you being aware of it.

This is not a process where you will be asked to toil and sweat… bearing heavy burdens uphill… forever straining against the current.

This is simply a process of ALLOWING… of becoming wide open… so that your curiosity will start to seek out all of the possibilities already forming in a fertile state.

All that you will ever need to do in order to transform your abode to heaven on Earth is already there… waiting at your fingertips.

So try not to get bogged down by trying to take in the immensity of it all.

Simply allow yourself to BE… and the flow of creativity that awaits within you will start to flow in an ever increasing amount…

… and  by doing that… you will be doing all that you need to do.

This is all about allowing… not about straining and pushing and grinding your teeth… preparing for the enormous challenge you seem to expect.

No… this is all about diving into that huge sea of possibilities and starting to frolic… and we use that word very deliberately.

This is what we need you to do… we need to you to stop trying so hard and simply have fun.

You are to be like children reveling in the magic that surrounds you… and the more you try to be “well behaved” and “orderly” and ”good”…

… the more you will ensure that this process starts to go slower and slower.

Remember… you cannot control this is any way… if you try to control it… you will simply put the whole process to sleep.

You must let go of any restraints and simply dive in and start to explore these brand new avenues that have been opened before you to indulge yourself in.

Out of chaos rises Creation… and you must allow yourself to lose your way in all of these labyrinthine avenues that seem to be crisscross in front of you.

For you are meant to lose your way… in the sense of giving up any idea of keeping control over this… and you will be invited to explore in any direction you care to… as long as it is one that makes your heart sing.

This is not to be drudgery… this is all about creating from a sense of wonder… awe and joy… and that is what we want you to take to heart today.

You are not about to sit down… ruler in hand and draw up the correct lines that will make all of this fall neatly into place.

No… you are to do as children would do…

… toss all of the building blocks in a huge heap…

… sit down in the middle of it and start to throw things around…

… trying out different combinations… not thinking about what should go where.

There is a carefully laid out plan behind it… one that you have been well versed in beforehand… and that is not what you must keep in mind now.

You must set your mind completely free… and know that then… and only then… will everything fall into its right place.

If you try to push it there by your ideas that this must go before that and this will fit better over here…

… then you will only create stumbling blocks for yourself and for others as well.

Simply let go and have fun… and see where your fancy will take you.

Enjoy the ride…  and let go of the reins… lest they should start to choke you and hold you back when all you need to do… is to give yourself free reins.

Start to let your inhibitions fall away… see what will rise as if out from the sea in front of you if you do.

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