Thursday, November 21, 2013


Communication is the most important way of acting outwards.

We use verbal communication, communication in a Starry language and nonverbal communication with movements and touches.

That what you express manifests itself.

Each problem is an unresolved communication with some other part of Creation.

This problem is solved when you act out the communication.

Implantotherapy is a technique of clearing the implants by the use of communication.

It is a very efficient one, but also a risky one, because it involves other person who has free will.

Communication between you and other being can heal you.

Implants were built in three layers.

In the first layer was the message of the implant.

The second layer of the implant triggers a feeling of betrayal.

The third layer of the implant triggers the denial.

And with communication implanted defense mechanisms trigger themselves.

When you communicate you face the implant.

This is a technique for the brave ones.

Triangulation is a technique which can also clear you.

You direct your consciousness alternatively in opposites.

In a certain moment the whole mental pattern falls apart.

You can do that practically by writing down a positive and a negative pattern.

When the pattern falls apart, you can renew the positive affirmation.

While using these technique defense mechanisms activate also, like escape, like disturbance mechanisms, like belief that this technique is not O.K.

Clear Communications: may our minds work together to find mutual understanding. 

May I see you truly and be seen in return.  

May our words reveal more than they obscure… and most of all… 

…may our minds… eyes… and tongues be guided by our hearts…

… and the language far older than words.


Demanifestation is a process of releasing undesired reality from your life… we remove those states of consciousness that we do not need any more.

You can ask Archangel Michael to assist you in releasing those creations that you don't need any more.

The other way is to use filters.

Filters are decisions that you not to accept a certain type of reality, for example violence, into your life.

And then hold on to this decision.

Real acceptance never causes suffering.

Real acceptance is joy, ecstasy of existence, Light, Love.

You accept that what is beautiful.

Your heart is yearning for beauty.

Forgiveness is internal technique of demanifestation.

Forgiveness is an act of will which acts through your heart.

This is a powerful synthesis of power and Love.

The world that you forgive has no more power above you.

Lord Sananda can assist you with forgiveness.


The oval of your Light body is a support field of manifestation …vortex support field.

Manifestation occurs as follows:
a.       mental plane ...
b.      emotional plane...
c.       energetic plane ...
d.      physical plane.

Inside the oval of your Light body you can visualize that what you wish to manifest.

Each object on the mental plane has a tendency to become dense its matter towards the physical plane… because of entropy.

Around the mental picture immediately emotional and etheric matter gathers itself.

And you maintain that mental picture in your oval.

In order to manifest that physically you create a rainbow vortex around your Light body, which attracts atoms, objects, situations and people that have suitable vibration for manifesting this.

Vortex support field is a zone of a New reality.

~ Aurora 2012: Ascension - A Manual for Preparedness

NOTE: A copy of this manual (workbook spiral bound) is available anywhere in the US for $30 including freight. Embrace The One This video is a summary of what will take place before, during and after THE EVENT.

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