Thursday, November 21, 2013

Meditation for meeting your soul family

First renew your decision that you will meet your soul family, soul mates and twin soul.

Then you visualize your physical body surrounded with a brilliant oval of the Mer-ka-ba body.

Fill the interior of this oval with liquid Light in three concentric ovals which are one within the other.

The innermost oval you fill with extremely high vibration of seven dimensional liquid Light, the intermediate oval you fill with a little bit lower vibration of the six dimensional liquid Light, and the external oval you fill the fifth dimensional liquid Light.

So actually you visualize those three ovals as three bands of very high, but unequal vibration.

The borders of the external oval match with the border of the Mer-ka-ba body oval.

Then you visualize a column of liquid Light, which comes from the Sky, goes through ovals and further on to the centre of Earth.

This column of Light protects the vibration of ovals of liquid Light and serves as a magnet which calls your soul family.

Then you visualize our twin soul inside the innermost oval, your soul mates inside the intermediate oval and the soul family inside the outermost oval.

Allow your yearnings to express freely.

You direct our attention to the sacredness of our feelings at this moment, you are aware of the higher reality which connects you with those beautiful beings.

You are grateful for the fact that sacred merger with them is already reality on the mental plane and with this you enable its manifestation in the physical world as well.

You can repeat this meditation any time you want and with this you maintain the vibration inside your Light body. Good luck!

In the periods of transition Vortices begin to appear and at Cosmic turning points Galactic races of Guardians are watching amazingly, how the whole Galaxy turns into the Light ...

Greetings, radiating Suns, children of One.

This is the Ashtar Command, mother ship Excalibur.

Today we will be speaking with you about the vortices of transition.

Mer-ka-ba is a double spiral coniform vortex of the Antarion conversion, which can manifest in the following ways:

1.      As a Light body of individual: individual Mer-ka-ba body is entrance-exit station, which externalizes internal and internalizes external.

Individual Mer-ka-ba bodies are connecting in the Light grid and through the morphogenetic field of liquid Light they change reality systems.

Third dimensional reality of the world of duality begins to fall away as a concrete in which we bore holes.

Point 12:21 in the middle of the Antarion conversion is a permanent atom of the Divine presence, which holds the Star code of the archetype of the perfect reality.

Permanent atom creates space and time by rotating around its axis.

Magnetic field which emanates from 12:21 point creates a vortex of fifth to sixth dimensional essence of the liquid Light, which causes transitions of spirit into matter and matter into spirit.

As a Divine presence we can materialize or manifest a perfect reality through that 12:21 point and enter or exit through time-space doorways into various dimensions, Star gates, systems of reality etc....

2.      As a group Light body: Ascension group is an energetic vortex, inside of which the group process of Ascension is taking place.

Ascension groups which had entered through the first gate of the opening of the 11:11 are healing and merging the split between Man and God and are communicating with ascended beings energetically and telepathically.

Those groups of Ascension which had gone through the second gate of the opening of the 11:11 are merging and healing the split between Love and sex energy and along with a communication with the ascended beings create also the Ascension Mandala from interpersonal relationships and experience group merger.

Ascension groups which will go through the third gate of the 11:11 will manifest the awakened group Mer-ka-ba body in the form of Island of Light with an Ascended Master in its middle.

1.      As the Light space ship: flying saucers and mother ships are group consciousness agreements of light beings that compose those ships.

2.      As planetary points of Light: points of Light are planetary chakras, which serve as vortex points of Light grid, as teleportation points, as entry-exit stations between various reality systems.

New Earth has 12 major chakras and each of those is connected with one Zodiac sign.

Chakras of the New Earth were experiencing their awakening and activation commencing on the 11th of November 1995, culminating on the 21st of December 1995 and concluding on the 11th of January 1996.

This was the beginning of the planetary Mer-ka-ba body activation and a preparation of the planetary Light grid for the coming of the main section of the photon belt between October and December 1996.

3.      As a Star with its planets: mostly planets in a certain Solar system are distributed in a plane of the vortex of fifth to sixth dimensional liquid Light which serves as a vortex of transition, as an Antarion conversion.

Planets serve as transformation points through which the consciousness of the Solar system is evolved, whereas the Central Star is a zone of transition into higher octaves of the spiral of Oneness.

At double and multiple Star systems a group process of evolution through Solar Ascension mandalas is occurring.

4.      As a globular Star cluster: globular Star clusters are chakras of the Galactic Light body, energetic vortex points, through which the higher states of the Galactic evolution of Oneness are taking place.

5.      As a Galaxy: Galaxies are the highest form of development of the Mer-ka-ba body.

They merge together in Galactic clusters, through which the Galactic Ascension process is taking place and this process will be completed after one Cosmic cycle.

And then all will be One.

And we call our twin soul, soul mates and soul families to be Ascended together into the New reality.

Greetings, divine beings. This is the Ashtar Command, mother ship Excalibur.

I am Ashtar Sher An. We will speak today about the Ascension Mandala.

Energies of Oneness are coming to Earth through vortices of Ascension.

Ascension groups transmit those energies among population.

Vortices of Ascension enable the message of the Ascension to be distributed among people.

Ascension vortices were triggered with the decision of the Divine sparks of STAR PEOPLE for Ascension.

Decision for Ascension means that you do everything what is in your power to raise your vibration and you do not wait passively for the redemption which will come in the Ascension waves.

More that you will raise the vibration until the Ascension waves, more you will contribute towards the planetary Ascension process, more beings will be redeemed at the third wave.

Process of lifting the vibration is occurring through spiritual initiations.

First initiation means that your vibration is stabilized to the extent that you have established a constant communication with your soul, with your Angelic Starry presence.

At the second initiation you purify your astral body to the extent that you can never again be drowned in your emotional states.

Sometimes many lifetimes passed between the first and the second initiation, but now you can complete this process in a year or two with the use of the Ipsalu tantra technology.

The third initiation means stabilized vibrations of your mental body to the extent that you can never drown in your mental patterns.

From the third initiation onwards there is a final purification of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.

A process of purifying your free will decisions is taking place.

You are deepening the Cosmic consciousness of the Divine spark more and more in alignment with the law of Divine grace a process of Ascension occurs through the electric fire of redemption.

At the fourth initiation the process of purification is over, you liberate yourself from the last mental patterns and judgments and really transmute in a being of Light and Love.

From then on pain for you does not exist any more. In the fifth initiation you master the space, time and matter completely and become the Master of Wisdom.

It is your goal… Ascension.

Group process dramatically accelerates the Ascension path.

Especially the combination of male and female energies accelerates that.

A female principle is a magnetic energy which invokes redemption.

The male principle is electric energy through which the redemption comes.

Both energies are needed in order for redemption to happen.

Group initiations begin to occur which lift members of the group, each one towards his / her next initiation.

Quantum leaps of consciousness also begin to occur.

Quantum leaps are sudden changes of consciousness.

Evolution of Cosmos is occurring namely through quantum leaps.

During the transition between old and new state of consciousness there is a narrow zone of chaos.

Chaos is a state which allows you to call for the redemption.

Quantum leaps always occur in a no-time when you fly over more steps in one single moment.

Waves of Ascension are a great quantum leap, when many beings will go through many initiations in one single moment of no-time.

When you cease to create time with your mind, everything can happen in a moment.

You are all Ascended beings, only you believe otherwise.

Development is already occurring very fast and it will accelerate because of the change of the space-time structure.

Ascension is actual removal of the original mental pattern, so called zero implant.

Zero implant is the first blockage which you have received at your entry in the world of duality.

When you remove it, you are Ascended.

Star children are Star beings who came to Earth one stellar cycle ago, 25.800 years ago, and they were implanted in a very special way and they create the Ascension Mandala.

Each Starry being in this Mandala has one area of consciousness which is not covered with implants and is cleared completely.

When two beings meet… a chain reaction is triggered… which awakens memory and deactivates implants.

This process is very accelerated among soul mates and especially among twin souls.

If the critical mass of consciousness is not attained, the whole thing stops.

If the critical mass is attained the chain reaction continues in amazing tempo and causes the Ascension of the Mandala.

This surely has an extreme influence upon the whole Starry family on Earth and serves as a trigger for the Ascension waves.

The experiment of the Ascension Mandala was brought to Earth by the Blue lodge of Sirius through the Order of the Star.

The purpose of this experiment is to help the planetary Ascension process and to accelerate the healing of Galactic darkness.

The group process of the Ascension Mandala spreads resonance waves of Love which heal those that you call the Dark Forces.

These are beings who identify themselves with the belief that they lost Love which they seek so desperately.

They have fallen into the state of helplessness which they confirm with their belief in the absence of Light.

Because many people judge them, the belief fortifies in them even more and they reinforce their decision for darkness.

From a higher perspective Darkness does not exist and the beings of darkness do not exist also.

Each being can play out different roles in the experiment of duality.

Therefore it would be wonderful for you not to judge those beings, but to forgive them with Love.

Many of them will now find the exit in the Ascension waves.

Ascension waves are unconditional redemption for all beings, for all children of Light.

...and when we will stay embraced upon the Castle and when I will drink the infinite beauty of your golden hair, a sign will show up in the sky ... a sign of the latter days ...

Hello, greetings, our Heavenly beings.

This is the Ashtar Command, mother ship Excalibur. I am Ashtar Sheran.

Today we will be speaking about your preparations for the Ascension through Tantric merger.

Tantric merger is occurring inside of you, when you raise your vibrational frequency towards the consciousness of Heavenly Master.

Merger of your inner archetypes, your inner woman, inner man, and your inner child is taking place.

If you would like to stabilize the vibration of your consciousness of your Starry Angelic being in everyday life it is good to discover your inner child and express it outwards.

It is beautiful to find your inner woman and inner man and express them outwards.

The most effective way of aligning those two parts of yourself is meditation of connection with your twin soul.

When your inner woman and inner man are completely balanced and merged, connection with your twin soul connection with your twin soul can manifest in external world also.

Also your connection and merger with beings of opposite sex align man and woman inside of you.

Connections with children awaken your inner child.

Accompany yourself with these beautiful beings.

The path of Ascension can be beautiful and not overly difficult if you accept decisions and not compromises.

Decision for the Ascension means that you do anything what is in your power to raise your vibration.

That you meditate each day. If you would like to go with the Ascension of the first wave, it is very good for you to join an Ascension group, because the Ascension process is occurring much faster there.

Also it is good to activate your Mer-ka-ba Light body with the help of technology which was given to you.

You can raise your vibration most effectively with technology which is called Ipsalu tantra.

If instead of decisions you accept compromises, you create that what you call tests.

Tests appear to show you that you have accepted a compromise between duality and Oneness and not a decision for Oneness.

So it is good for you to insist in decision for Oneness, regardless of external situation, regardless of your surroundings, regardless of the system, of your job, school, family, partner, friends or acquaintances.

If you will insist this test will cease in a moment when you will transcend the compromise which you accepted with your surroundings or with yourself, and when you will accept a clear decision for Oneness.

And more clear decisions you will accept in your lives, more joy will be there and the rainbow of Oneness will adorn your skies.

Abundance consciousness is a natural state of consciousness which rules in the world of Oneness.

You can achieve that state of abundance consciousness again by directing your consciousness into your Angelic being and by directing your attention towards beauty which is in your heart.

Moments of internal beauty are the key, all else is just your decision.

Abundance consciousness manifests when you allow energies of your Angelic presence to flow without obstacles outwards.

If you block that, you block the flow of abundance. Poverty consciousness belongs to the third dimensional reality and is sustained by currently ruling society systems through media.

Poverty consciousness is created artificially. In the system of duality it is not possible to achieve abundance in a way which would be aligned with your heart.

In duality a role of a victim and a role of despot exist.

You cheat or you are cheated, there is no other choice.

Vibration of the society system in the world of duality is even lower than the vibration of people.

Solution is to step out of the system of duality.

You release all those needs that are not aligned with your Angelic being.

To achieve the abundance consciousness it is important for you to act independently from the system of duality and that you are self sufficient.

There is no abundance consciousness without a vision.

Ascension groups will become transmitters for the energies of money.

Large quantities of money will flow through those groups -and this is a plan of the Ascended Masters.

This money will be spent for creation of Islands of Light and for the whole Ascension project.

Ascension groups will become formally registered organizations only for interaction with the world of duality and will become a very important economic factor.

Because of the power of mutual decision old patterns of exploitation will begin to fall apart, so called tax and duty systems.

Financial system in the hands of Ascended Masters means abundance for everyone upon the Ascension path.

When you carry out your Divine mission, you are in the abundance consciousness.

The vibration of everything that you do is important. 

You can be in apathy, you can be afraid, you can be in a state of joy.

Jobs with a higher vibration are paid better.

When you raise your vibration towards the vibration of the Light grid and when you act inside this Light grid you act in an abundance consciousness.

~ Aurora 2012: Ascension - A Manual for Preparedness

NOTE: A copy of this manual (workbook spiral bound) is available anywhere in the US for $30 including freight. Embrace The One This video is a summary of what will take place before, during and after THE EVENT.