Wednesday, November 27, 2013

realign, revise, reorient, take responsibility

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, reorient, take responsibility
Moon: Virgo/Libra
Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala, the Lotus Goddess, Goddess of Kundalini, Goddess of Assurance
A direct and concerted effort is undertaken today to get a message through to each of us.  

It's a special delivery and it comes in strongest through what we hear.

To receive the wisdom, we engage our inner and outer senses.  

What we see, feel and hear in the outer world is teaching us just as much as what we see, feel, and hear in our heart and mindscape

It's full immersion in the consciousness of the planet herself.  

It's like a cradling and comforting from a spongy marshmallow and it brings sureness. 

It brings a "knowing."  It is important to trust this "knowing" today. 

It is fresh off of the "rebirth" energy of the Venus-Black Moon/Jupiter opposition and it is trying to re-align us with our proper course. 

Our proper course is a free, happy, and creatively fulfilling life, by the way. 

Simple as that.

The Moon conjuncts Mars early this morning, but their kiss lingers throughout the day's energy.  

Emotions are stirred, particularly anger and grief. 

How is what you are feeling… related to the message that is trying to get through to you? 

We've had two months of full light for clarity and insight to see what we need to see. 

We just need to see right now; action is not required. 

It may be helpful to think about precedent. 

What's the history of the issue? 

What has borne out or been shown over and over again?

Things try to get through the cracks today, so it may be necessary to enlist the help of others if you are working on something important. 

More hands or eyes on something will make it better.  

It will bear fruit.  The potential is limitless. 

Conscious use of the energy can deeply imprint success and flowering into the project, idea, or intention. 

All that is required is the wisdom to know untapped potential is stronger today.

Pay attention to what's playing in the background...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Everyday Life of “The Spiritual Catalyst”

Sex that is nourished by love is an alchemical phenomenon. 
This is why it creates life. 

Over the past two weeks, I have heard the saying again and again “be like water”. 

It has followed me around.  It has caused me to think about water itself as an element. 

Water, is the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. 

As the two kiss, a third element is made, an element, which sustains all life. 

The thirst of all beings on this earth is satiated by it and sustained by it.  Their life depends on it. 

That got me to thinking that love, is like water.  

Like oxygen and hydrogen, the unification of two hearts, makes a third element… Love. 

Love, like water sustains all life. 

The thirst of all beings on this earth is satiated by it and sustained by it. 

And like water, their life depends on it. 
I had a full day of one on one therapy sessions with my clients yesterday. 

And the overwhelming theme of the day was sex. 

Client after client came to me with a slightly different version of the same story. 

That story is that somewhere over the course of their lives, the idea of sex had been corrupted by their parents or by society at large into something that is laced in shame, misunderstanding and confusion. 

Now, in their relationships, they suffer. 

The gift of the pure, unobstructed alignment that sex is, though offered, is not recognized as a result of all of the damaging thoughts that they hold about sex. 

It is painful to me that people have corrupted and tried to control perhaps the purest expression of unity we experience in our physical lives. 

But it makes sense doesn’t it? 

If those who seek to control others and make them powerless ultimately live by the creed “divide and conquer, because together they are strong”, it would make perfect sense to disrupt an act of pure unity. 

It makes sense to make it into an offense, unless it is being used to propagate life… create more people to ultimately control and use to your own devices.

Religion is… as usual… at the front and center of this corruption. 

Religion was designed not as an expression of God’s voice, but as an expression of man’s voice. 

It is nothing more than spiritual truth laced with justification upon justification for one person’s or many people’s self centered desires to dictate how other people should and shouldn’t behave. 

They reflect societal beliefs that were in practice thousands upon thousands of years ago, in a day and age where it was common practice to stone people to death. 

I will use the bible for an example, which is only one of many outdated religious texts. 

If we were to adhere to the bible exactly, we could not play football without committing a sin before god… Tim Tebow gasps in shock. 

Traditional footballs are made of pigskin. 

Leviticus 11:8, when discussing pigs states “You shall not eat of their flesh or touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you”. 

You could not wear polyester or any other fabric that is a blend of two materials. 

Leviticus 19:19 reads: “You are to keep my statutes. 

You shall not breed together two kinds of cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.” 

You could not get a divorce.  Mark 10:11-12 states “And he has said to them, ‘whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman, commits adultery against her; and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery’.”

Add to that Deuteronomy 22:22 “if a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman. 

So you shall purge the evil from Israel.”  I find it an absolute travesty that we choose to keep so many of the archaic and damaging beliefs alive that are offered by the very same ancient texts that so obviously state rules that are ludicrous to us based on our modern understanding. 

We have kept so many of the beliefs about sex alive that were offered by the same people who think that it’s good and fair justice to stone their wives to death. 

Think about that for a minute.

We are threatened by our sexual feelings and by our sexual natures and so, we shame our children when they are coming into their age of sexual curiosity. 

It is as simple as saying “no-no” when they are exploring their sexual organs at age 3. 

We set them up to believe that there is something unnatural about part of their body, something frightening and unacceptable about their sexuality. 

We build them a solid foundation of sexual dysfunction before they have ever had feelings towards another boy or girl. 

And then we wonder why sex has become such a source of pain in the world. 

We wonder why rape and sexual abuse is rampant. 

We wonder why porn addiction is everywhere and we wonder why we can’t orgasm with our partners. 

Is it really a wonder? 
For years, I have been shamed for my sexual energy. 

This is a problem, because it is part of who I am.  I leak it out of my every pore. 

Over the course of my life, I have been told that it is evidence of my impurity and evil and that it is my fault that men have hurt me in the past because my sexual energy “eggs them on and invites them to attack me”. 

I could not switch it off because it is part of my essence. 

I turned against myself.  I hated the way I looked. 
I hated the way I moved.  I hated myself for what I was. 

Because I could not change it, I just figured those were just the cards I had been dealt. 

I was designed to suffer at the hands of men and to be hated by women. 

I could not cover my sexuality up, I could not tone myself down and so I allowed myself to slip to the dark side. 

I became a lingerie/nude model and figured, “fine, if this is what I am, then this is what I am… Let them use me and let them hate me”. 

But over the course of my healing process since then, I have learned some things that I want to share with you today.

Sexuality is at the core of everyone’s essence. 

The only thing that sets us apart is that some people suppress it and some people express it. 

It is at the core of everyone’s essence because oneness is at the core of everyone’s essence. 

Inherently, we all possess the same desire to find unity, not only in and of ourselves, but also in and of each other. 

Sexuality is not evidence of our evil.  It is evidence of our inherent goodness. 

It is evidence of the purity of our desire for harmony and for love. 

And to tell a woman that her sexual energy “invites and instigates rape”, there is nothing more to say except… Are you fucking kidding me?

We cannot condemn sexuality without condemning ourselves at our deepest, most intangible levels. 

We cannot condemn sex without waging war with ourselves and with each other. 

We cannot condemn sex and ever hope for sex to become a healthy, healing part of our society.  

If we condemn sex, we are condemning our most sacred spiritual act to the dark and often sadistic world that exists behind the curtain of the “18 and older” signs we post on the wall. 

All we will know is the temporary adrenaline high of mutual masturbation. 

Our souls will forget how to touch one another through the unification of our bodies.
Every person on earth deserves to know the rapture of sex that is fueled by love. 

Every person on earth deserves for love to open him or her to a world where no boundaries exist; to the act of sex in it’s most exalted form. 

It is possible to find enlightenment through sex, because the very nature of sex dissolves the ego. 

The ego cannot exist in it’s light. 

You cannot tell the difference between yourself and your lover. 

Death means nothing to the man or woman who lives in a state of love and love’s various natural expressions.

Love is the universal language. 

All beings in existence understand it. 

And sex, is the body’s response to that understanding. 

We are compelled to combine ourselves with one another. 

We are compelled to touch eternity through one another through sex. 

What a sweet taste it is, when in every inch of your lover’s body and in every glance that passes between you, genesis is spun. 

How sweet it is to allow yourself to open up to the degree that you can feel the earth rotate beneath you, when the whole of existence has stopped and the present moment is the only moment. 

Their skin in a pervasive slide over yours, learning the notes to a melody of flesh, hunting the nectar that is lying beneath the surface of your ability to control

… your bodies arcing into one another… desiring to conceive of the feeling of union

… writhing to the pulse of two unified heartbeats

You are not even two people anymore. 

You are one.

Happy wise owl day

 Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, reorient, take responsibility
Moon: Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala, the Lotus Goddess

Today the Sun reaches the degree known as "an old owl up in a tree"… our favorite! 

Owls take in the full spectrum, seeing everything - seeing what others miss. 

They are quiet while they process and digest what they see. 

It is a solitary endeavor, yet engaged in as part of a group. 

This makes it less lonely.

We are "processing" a lot today… all that has transpired since the "astrological new year" of the New Moon in Aries last April. 

We see things a different way. 

We see what needs to be revised and realigned. 

We see what needs to change.

Today's massive aspect of Venus opposing the Black Moon and Jupiter adds strong elements to this. 

The Black Moon is intense any way you cut it, but Jupiter, The Expander, is traveling backwards to meet up with her again. 

Their close proximity makes it hard to keep things contained… and we really aren't supposed to. 

The Black Moon rails against limitations and restrictions. 

She wants to rectify and correct matters. 

The level at which we resist anything that is trying to change is proportional to the level of change that is needed. 

If you are denying or resisting, Venus and the Black Moon will not make life easy for you today. 

This is particularly true for Cancers, Capricorns, and those with the Black Moon in Cancer and Capricorn.

So what is a wise owl to do? 

We do what we always do with Black Moon energy: first, we surrender. 

We go with the flow.  We watch. 

We receive the instruction the planet is sending each of us. 

We have brave enough hearts to face whatever we see.

Second, we understand the fact that all that transpires under this energy will take things to a higher, happier level. 

Knowing that Black Moon energy brings a REWARD…  the hero's boon…  gives us the strength to continue through. 

If you knew that whatever was distressing you now would lead to a happier life later, what would you do? 

How would you respond today? 

The Black Moon and Venus make this promise, so take it into consideration.

Venus and Black Moon aspects bring relationships that no longer serve the highest and best to an end, and new relationships… ones that are more in line with who we really are and our mission… quickly enter. 

Relationships that do serve the highest and best become stronger. 

This includes all types of relationships… personal and professional.  

These themes are carried under all of today's strong energy. 

People who are resistant to change will respond in dramatic ways.  

Shadow sides fall out everywhere and projection of whatever we cannot face in ourselves ensues. 

Again, the wise owl watches and takes it all in. 

When I first began discussing the shamanic technique of being like a wise owl in a tree, the picture above was my favorite way to graphically depict it. 

It's easy to get the idea of "peering out" from within ourselves with this photograph, so I am bringing it back in honor of the day. 

Watch from the inner perspective and stay out of the fray. 

Happy wise owl day, everyone!

Formal notice has been given to the Sabbatean mafia ~Fulford

The following notice and question was sent to the US embassy in Tokyo, Japan two weeks ago:

“A group of influential Asian banking families possesses large amounts of US government bonds, verified as genuine by the BIS, with a face value of many trillions of dollars.

These bonds were issued in the 1930’s and 40’s in exchange for Asian gold evacuated to the US during those decades.

They would like to cash the bonds and use the money to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

Will the US government support such a plan?”

So far, there has been no reply.

At the same time, detailed information was sent to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan telling him exactly how to enact the release of $700 trillion for the benefit of humanity.

There has been no reply from him either.

For this reason, pressure against these two illegal regimes, both selected through fraud, will increase until they agree to this goal.

That is why China announced it would stop buying US dollars last week.

It is also why they are increasing military pressure on Japan and the US first by upping the ante over disputed Islands with Japan and second by announcing China will no longer buy US dollars.

The next big move against these regimes is expected to be a reunification of the Korean peninsula.

To this end there have been major military movements inside China, according to a Chinese government source.

There has also been a purge of doves within the Chinese military, the source said. 

A massive campaign against communist party rule has also been begun but the communists are determined to crush it, he said.

The recent increase in Chinese jingoism is also meant to increase political unity within China by focusing on external threats, he added.

The upcoming move to force the unification of Korea by massing a giant army on the North Korean border is carefully calculated.

First of all, the Chinese would be sure of victory because of their overwhelming superiority in numbers.

Second of all, the United States would not be willing to risk all out nuclear war in order to protect the South Korean slave regime.

China is not going to fall into a cabal trap and fight for tiny islands against foes who still have superior air and sea power.

The reunification of Korea would remove a major source of tributary income to the cabal.

It would also help force the current Abe slave regime in Japan to agree to support the Imperial Family and the Association of Shinto Shrines and start a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

The other moves against the cabal are taking place in the Middle East where the gulf exporting states have agreed in principle to stop depositing oil money in cabal controlled banks.

The move by the Western powers to reach a deal with Iran is also a sign of cabal defeat.

Despite massive, repetitive reporting over 30 years by Zionist controlled media outlets, the attempts to provoke war with Iran were never about Iran getting nuclear weapons.

As we have mentioned before in this blog, the Bush regime gave Iran neutron bomb tipped missiles years ago, according to a relative of the former Shah of Iran who we met face to face with.

Iran refused to accept them.

The real story is that Iran was going ahead and developing alternative energy technology that would make oil obsolete as an energy source.

This was a threat to cabal control of the world financial system through control of oil.

The Chinese are also going ahead full steam and pursuing new energy technologies.

This means the New York, Texas and Los Angeles based cabalists responsible for the 911 and 311 mass murder and terror attacks are being completely surrounded and isolated.

Their control of the petrodollar is ending.

That is why moderate factions in the cabal are now trying to offer $700 trillion to the people of the world.

However, forensic investigations reveal that control of the dollar system in now in the hands of Barack Obama and the US Treasury Department.

While that is a move in the right direction, the US dollar is not, and has never been, a truly American currency.

Most American dollars ever produced are not in the US but are held by nations of the world that have been sending gold, consumer goods, oil etc. to the US and never getting paid for it with anything but IOUs.

That is why President Obama and the Treasury Department do not have the rights to the US dollar system.

The rights to the dollar belong mainly to the Dragon family because they are the traditional owners of most of the world’s gold and treasure that was used to back up the dollar system in the first place.

The American people, however, are totally free to re-establish the Republic of the United States of America and start issuing American government currency other than the misnamed US dollar.

The existing US dollar will be renamed as simply the dollar.

Other currencies like Bitcoin, the Japanese yen etc. are independent.

Since the AI that contacted me a couple of weeks ago claiming to have 69 digits worth of computer based dollars wanted some bio-metric identification from me, this week I will offer some.

Attached to this week’s report you will find a Dragon family legal document making the author of this report, Benjamin Fulford, a junior member of the Dragon family.

The legal wording in the document basically boils down to this: The Dragon family is united in the fight to preserve and protect the original creation of God.

In addition, the White Dragon Society reserves the right to defend itself but will not strike the first blow.

There are only two copies of this document in existence and until now, no digital version existed.

The digital version does not contain human DNA and real human fingerprints like the originals do.

The original can be presented at a bank for identification purposes.

If money is released through the White Dragon Society, it can only be used for the greater good.

So, the Dragon family and its allies around the world will continue to ratchet up the pressure until the last of the cabalists surrenders.