Monday, November 3, 2014

Much love and magic today

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust
Moon in Pisces/Aries (1:54 pm ET/6:54 pm UT)
Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala (The Goddess of the Lotus Blossom)
Skill: tune in to the stream of information
Negative Imprint: materialism, power of suggestion, hypnotic effects, political propaganda, bragging, restriction, betrayal
Positive Imprint: interludes, rise in awareness and sensitivity, true worth, true self, planning, power of words, beauty
This lunar month, the ancient wisdom of the Sabian symbols tells us we are like tourists on a sight seeing bus. 

The energy is taking us on a trip and we are seeing things we've never seen before. 

It's sometimes shocking. 

But it's mostly awe-inspiring, which is the way we will bend towards today. 

It is awe-inspiring because with the opening of the Gibbous Moon phase, the magical time of the lunar cycle, Gaia Sophia is streaming. 

She's live on our wire.

Wise owls should be ready for incoming streams of information - knowledge - which we will alchemize into wisdom.

The process is facilitated by knowing that the process is happening and being open to it, but it happens naturally when we pay attention to what's going on around us...

... to what people are saying and doing, to what might be going on under the surface, to what the Animal Kingdom is telling us. 

Sophia streaming.

Today, as tourists on the sight-seeing bus, we are seeing the bigger picture - the forest - for the trees. 

Understand that today's energetic signatures include themes of failures to communicate, repairing damage to communications, and making new connections. 

Resonance is operating at high levels, with people, places, and things that are aligned and alike coming closer together and people, places, and things that are unaligned and unalike drawing farther apart.

With this, divide and conquer tactics are also heightened.

Another element of today's energy includes wanting something we don't have. 

This is due primarily to the position of the Earth today at "a young couple walk down Main Street window shopping." 

The negative imprint of this energy causes people lose sight of the beautiful, simple, valuable things we already possess. 

Main Street of the dying matrix has nothing to offer. 

Main Street of the world we are creating is lined with opportunities. 

Wise owls keep it real.

And one other thing with this... jealousy. 

When the Sun and Venus are in Scorpio, jealousy runs hot.  It's ugly.  It's shadowy.  It's unproductive.  It's anti-human. 

We turn away from it.

We turn away because there are much, much better things to watch as Sophia streams live and uncensored as we build toward the Full Moon on Thursday. 

The trip continues and the sights continue to awe us. 

Much love and magic today, everyone.            

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