Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Karma… and old energy

I'm having a series of eye opening epiphanies .. as we are all aware, there are things happening everywhere, that aren't the way we would like the world to be.

Face it.. If I want to look very hard, with a critical eye, I can easily find a wealth of things that fall neatly into the category "man… that's really fucked up!"

We have all been taught, all of our lives to point fingers and say "they"…

That's what I want to share...

I've been seeing that, in order for our world to evolve, to ascend into a new earth, old energy patterns must fall away, and be let go of... and that includes Karma.

Karma is 3D cause and effect patterning of energy.

It theorizes the future based on current events, which then become the past.

It has dispensation toward generating fate, and the circumstances surrounding fate.

It's an Old energy that cannot cross the bridge into the new emerging earth.

In the new energies, we have the option to decide.

No longer is it necessary for "the consequences" to "always" happen... unless that's what we want.

If on the other hand, we decide we'd rather have incredible new unheard of things happen as a result of the past, if we imagine the best possible outcomes, and share those with each other.

When we become excited in the prospect of happy, plentiful, positive outcomes for all things, when we KNOW that everything will always affect us and all the earth, in a positive way, no matter what the circumstances might look like, that is what we will experience…

… and the wonders are unfolding around us already... help me look for them.

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