Monday, March 31, 2014


The laying down of swords continues energetically, for many of you have been fighting continually and changing your weapons for aeons but always with the will to “win” and this is supported on all levels within the old 3D earth created reality.  

From the teachings within the spiritual ARENA which try to teach you that you are a spiritual “WARrior” to the more mainstream phrases that are used in relation to human males and human females, the “battle of the sexes” etc.  

Human language hides much in plain view, with the human logical mind filtering out that which is actually being said and described.  

In the New Earth only TRUTH is supported and it is not TRUTH for human males and human females to live separate lives that APPEAR to be compliment each other when in TRUTH they are at war with each other and are TAUGHT how to battle with each other from the moment they take their first breath on this planet.

The changes to the human race and to human society are born through the dissolving of the distorted feminine energies that you have been TAUGHT to anchor and to fully align with.

This is not only for the human females on this planet, human males have also been taught to anchor the distorted feminine, this the female energy that seeks at all moments of all moments to WIN and does not accept that the male energy is the balance that is needed.  

The distorted feminine working at all moments to APPEAR to give a measure of safety when in TRUTH it works at all moments to close down the HEART SPACE of the entire human race.

As I have blogged previously there is NO DIFFERENCE at all between the human male and the human female apart from at a very physical level with the anatomical differences needed in order to continue the human race.  

It is not TRUTH to see a difference, the human logical mind will try to pull you into the very physical differences and this is a distorted frequency that is TAUGHT in order to close down the HEART space and to keep the human logical mind in the driving seat of the human life experience.  

Indeed the old 3D earth created reality is built upon it, with human females given a blue print to “aspire” to and the human male also given a blue print.  

This works to dis-empower BOTH the human male and the human female and is now dissolving.

This will see the changes that many of you are eager to see begin to appear upon and within the planet earth.

For to connect with your male or female counterpart in TRUTH is to LOCK OUT the distorted frequencies of the old 3D earth created reality.  

When you align with your SOUL and open your heart fully then you send out your NOTE, this NOTE is personal and unique and is heard by the counterpart to your human form.  


As I stated on the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio show (click here), twin flames are NOT TRUTH, they are an old 3D earth created construct DESIGNED to prevent magnetic resonance.  

The twin flame distorted frequency seeks to teach that LOVE is sacrifice and works to trigger and re-trigger both parties involved.  

There is much distortion around this created construct and many of you may be walking blindly in this distorted frequency seeking to “solve” the puzzle that is presented.

The twin flame construct working to teach you that you must stay within the triggers and that by “loving” each other more you will somehow “solve” the puzzle presented.

Once more I would highlight that there is NO sacrifice in the LOVE that IS.

This frequency works to support and to expand BOTH parties at all moments of all moments.  

The old 3D earth created reality teaching that a human female and a human female coming together must experience some emotional pain to be in love with each other, this is not TRUTH, LOVE JUST IS and is supportive and embracing of both the human male and the human female.

The human male and the human female in TRUTH resonate to such a frequency that they create a third expansive frequency (1+1=3) which supports their expansion in TRUTH.  

The twin flame construct works to deconstruct the energy signatures of the human male and the human female (1+1=1).  

I would guide you to move into your heart space for even in reading my words many of you may trigger and begin to defend your relationships, TRUTH JUST IS and needs no defense.  

Remember the old 3D earth created reality NEEDS your frequency and your energy in order to try to maintain its construct, it cannot take your energy but it can persuade you to hand it over.  

If you are at this time in a battle with “love” then I would place before you that you are in battle with SELF, for you are trying to sacrifice part of SELF in order to achieve your dream.

This is not supported in the New Earth and prevents you moving into the New Earth, you cannot expand when you are trapped in the lower dimensional frequencies that are created by SACRIFICE.

Twin flame frequencies must be dissolved fully before you can achieve balance and begin the process of sending out your note in preparation for MAGNETIC RESONANCE.

Indeed many of you may have to dissolve more than one twin flame frequency for you can have more than one “twin flame” appear at a human conscious waking mind level.

This works to blind you to TRUTH for the emotional outpouring that occurs is DESIGNED to do just this, as you begin to wage war with said emotional reaction you allow the frequency to continue to run within your energy signature.

As what you resonate at is what your reflection shows you then you are then in a holding pattern that seeks to have you sacrifice and you will not be able to see it for old 3D earth defines love as sacrifice, all of human society is built upon this teaching.  

To enter the New Earth in TRUTH you are asked to achieve balance and sacrifice is not balance and is not achieved from any form of sacrifice on any level of your BEing.


we are learning how we want to better use our energy

New Moon Phase: intend, begin, seed, initiate
Moon in Aries
Ruling Mahavidya: Chinnamasta and Kali
Negative Imprint: distortion
Positive Imprint: balance

Activity: move your body while mentally reinforcing your New Moon intentions and visions for the next year

Complex and intense energies continue today. 

The prevailing pattern leans toward distortions… things getting out of proportion and toward extremes. 

Our aim is to remain balanced and see what becomes distorted.

When thinking about how to bring balance to the situation, give considerable thought to how you really want to use your energy. 

Is it worth it? 

Is it best just to let it be? 

Will engaging in the fray truly accomplish anything? 

Mars is retrograde, so we are learning how we want to better use our energy.  

The Mars/Aries energy is notorious for over doing. 

This leads to quick burn-out. 

We are only in the second day of this new cycle in Aries. 

It's necessary to pace ourselves. 

The instinct to push out or push forward is natural, but needs to be tempered with the wisdom of an old owl.

The New Moon in Aries is conjunct Uranus. 

In preparation, I've been talking about how Uranus feels in the body. 
Now that the New Moon in Aries has begun, you may be feeling the effects. 

If you had trouble sleeping last night, that was Uranus.  Uranus is strong. 

It "rules" the systems and cycles of the body, so when we have a major aspect with Uranus, we feel it. 

Other effects include nervousness, jitteriness, anxiety, and an overall desire to run… and run away. 

This energy must be moved through the body and the best way to do this is through physical activity. 

If you are feeling "jacked up" or "amped up," move your body. 

Stretch, take a walk, practice yoga, go for a run, dance, or do anything to move. 

Stretching before bed helps sleep difficulties. 

I often tout the miracle of the Rumble Roller. 

Rumble rolling before bed is pretty heavenly.

For all of the conflict, aggression, and "false flag-ness" that is present with the energy this month, at its core the energy is about personal mastery. 

We dare to take on more personal power. 

Discipline and willpower are favored.  

Engaging in anything you want to become proficient at goes a long way this month. 

Begin your practice. 

This may involve just being diligent about something. 

You know what it is. 

It's one of your heart's desires. 

Consistency will yield wonderful results.

Keep in mind that there is a big difference between commanding power and demanding power. 

Commanding power comes from an inner place of assurance that you are in line with the universe. 

Demanding power comes from an outer place of fear that you will not get what you need.

The energy is fiery and electric. 

Double check that appliances are turned off. 

Drive defensively and wish peace to those who are road raging. 

Accidents abound under these astrological influences.

We're planting seeds of freedom, wisdom, beauty, and expression this month. 

Infuse the energy with visions of the world in natural order. 

Freedom of the BALANCED mind rings!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Can you look above the illusions

 New Moon Phase (2:44 pm ET/ 6:44 pm UT):
seed, set intention, begin, initiate
Moon in Aries
Ruling Mahavidya: Chinnamasta
NEGATIVE IMPRINT: mastery through control
POSITIVE IMPRINT: mastery through freedom
The New Moon and New Year begins today.

Sabaoth (the Gnostic name for the being known as the Sun) is active, launching an X1-class flare yesterday at 5:52 pm UT/ 1:52 pm ET. 

This flare was different in that it produced a rare "magnetic crochet," meaning the effects on Earth were felt while the flare was in progress. 

So this was a simultaneous event between Sabaoth and Gaia Sophia.

When solar flares are disseminated, they reinforce the prevailing energy. 

Yesterday's report discussed the overall energy. 

But we can look at the degree of the Moon at the exact minute the flare was released to gain more specific information. 

The Moon moves relatively quickly, in astrological terms, so it is the best way to pinpoint energy.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at the minute of the X flare is A NEW MOON REVEALS THAT IT IS TIME FOR PEOPLE TO GO AHEAD WITH THEIR DIFFERENT PROJECTS.

In other words, Sabaoth and Sophia are telling us they are right there with us at the New Moon. 

We are allied.

They are also giving us the go, as in it's time to roll out. 

Our work to help keep the fabric of humanity in place as the old world order dissolves begins in earnest.

To do this we must maintain a sober, grounded mindset. 

Depending on how things develop this month, it may be necessary to put your own feelings aside to hold a higher perspective. 

Our ability to maintain faith that all is working toward bringing a more natural world order is the key. 

Can you look above the illusions… the results of a world dominated by Archons? 

The way society is now is not the way we are. 

We've been infiltrated. 

Can we stop being carried away with sadness and hopelessness about the actions of humans who hurt other humans… especially children, animals, and the planet? 

People are under Archontic control, virtually defenseless against the power to sway their minds and actions. 

We all have been.

But today is a new day. 

Despite anything that comes, we are on our way to a new world. 

Be a part of it.

I have it on good authority that Kali will be working right alongside Chinnamasta this month. 

More on the New Moon and the Mahavidyas in tomorrow's post.