Thursday, April 25, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 303

The tide turned a long time ago and still there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all.

They kick the dust and complain that everything is at a standstill. But is that true?

We challenge you all to take a good look around and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides.

Not only in the heart of likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space… also further afield.

Your world is starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you.

They are all moving and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it… still it is happening every day.

Remember to focus your intent in the right direction and then you will see results.

Not because you are the one who will make all of this change happen… because you too have been blinded to the effects of the light.

Remember for eons you too have been forced to stare into this wall of darkness that surrounded you on all sides… and now when that impenetrable wall has been reduced to a heap of rubble some of you still insist on keeping your eyes on those portions of the wall still standing as if nothing has happened.

So you feel despondent and think that all of this work has been for nothing.

If you are willing to shift your focus… and in most cases only for a mere fraction… you too will see that what was once a seemingly impenetrable fortress wall has now been breached.

You too will find a place where it is so easy to jump over the rubble and join those already frolicking in the fields outside.

We do not say this to scold you… just to remind you that the present is already much better than what you have envisaged the future to be.

It is the eyes of the beholder who define the ”reality”.

If you choose to keep staring into the wall… then the wall will keep you captivated.

If you choose to shift your focus and run out and join all of those free spirits already savoring the sweet air of freedom… your reality will also follow.

Be careful with what you attach yourself to… for the glue that keeps you in place now is a very strong one indeed.

Make sure that you let yourself have the freedom of being glued to the brighter parts of this world… they do exist and they are getting brighter and lighter by the day.

The walls will not fall down any faster if you insist on trying to punch them down by focusing your whole power on them.

These walls will fall the minute you step outside of them.

Give yourself the freedom to do that… by deciding to stay cooped up inside the remnants of this old fortress… you are only making it stand just that much longer

This will not help you or the rest of mankind.

You are here to break through the walls by letting go of the fear that helped to keep you imprisoned… and this you can do by being able to let these walls fall from your attention.

So let go of any thoughts of being a battering ram that will force these last pieces of brickwork down.

That is not your role… your role is to fly over these walls with your beautiful wings of freedom.

The moment you take to the air and lift yourself off from these old grounds… you will make the walls around you crumble into dust.

And that is the only way to ensure that this old prison will not stand a moment longer.

It is easy to agree with all of this in principle… and trusting yourself enough to let your wings take you over to those greener pastures is another thing.

Do not wait too long… lest you miss out on so much of the fun.

As soon as you arrive on the other side you will find yourself surrounded by so much love and laughter you will forget all about that long prison term you had to endure.

Your memory will be wiped clean of all of the duress… and you will not waste another second thinking ”what if” or ”why did I do that” or ”why not sooner”.

Then you will begin anew and you will focus all your energy on creating… not on tearing down or feeling remorse.

That is when you start with a clean slate, and you will have all the colors in the Universe to choose from when you start to make your own first image of the life you are about to start living.

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