Before this planet was invaded 26,000 years ago, Ascended
Masters walked freely among humanity and kept the connection to the presence of
the One intact.
Their mystery school was located on the main island
of Atlantis:
The Asceded Masters are beings of
pure Light and Love who have evolved beyond duality.
You can read a very good description
about their work and activities on our planet here:
The Ascended Masters retreated from the surface of the
planet as it was occupied by the dark forces one Platonic year (26,000 Earth
years) ago.
Main Atlantean mystery school went into slow decay as the direct
contact with the Ascended Masters was lost.
At a certain point it was moved into Egypt where initiation
temples and pyramids were built in the area between Saqqara and the Giza
At the final deluge of Atlantis in 9564 BCE all Atlantean
mystery schools were destroyed and most of their knowledge and wisdom
After the deluge, mystery schools
were slowly revived in the Near East from surviving fragments of the Atlantean
heritage and they received inspiration through occasional contact with positive
extraterrestrial races (such as the Isis mysteries as a result of direct
contact with Sirius) and from underground Agarthian network (such as Delphi
Part of the mystery schools have degenerated
as a result of the strengthening of the Veil and the Illuminati come from that
A revival of the mystery schools
occured in the Mediterranean 2000-2500 years ago as a result of the increased
activity of the Galactic Central Sun.
At that time, the initiates of those
mystery schools became aware of the quarantine status of our planet and the
presence of the Archons.
Destruction of these mystery schools
was the main aim of the Khazar Archon invasion in the 4th century and the rise
of the Christianity mind programming cult was orchestrated to wipe out the last
vestiges of the true Gnosis.
Saint Germain has revived old
Egyptian mysteries and created a mystery school in Paris in 1775.
This mystery school was operated by
the Brotherhood of the Star for another century and one of its members wrote
this beautiful book which contains many coded messages about the Ascension
There are many »mystery schools«
around the planet now with fragmentary knowledge and wisdom.
True mystery schools will be
established only after the Event and especially after the First Contact.
Until then, you can read these two
books which give quite a good overview of the Man, the Universe and the Plan:
Victory of the Light and the dawning
of the Golden age is near!
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