Friday, April 19, 2013

Pay attention ~ to what asks for your attention!

What we listen to and hear can truly make a difference in us.

And we can truly make a difference to others.

I listened to Charles Einstein & David Icke today.

What I heard from those 2 men, amidst the shouts of the 4 and 5 year old boys in my care was: we are not as small as we think we are and our tiny acts are incredibly significant.

An hour and half later, the kids were playing at a park.

I heard a mother screaming her son's name in one of those voices that makes your belly turn.

They were several feet away but I could hear that she'd thought the child was missing & had called the cops & was utterly, totally traumatized.

The boy was so sorry, he was holding her, comforting her, caressing her hair.

She had dropped to her knees.

Her body was shaking and some part of me knew to go over and help her come back fully and safely.

I did breathe with and for her and was supporting her energetically as everyone else went back to business as usual but for fear and for small me thinking I didn't go.

I did speak my thoughts out loud to my friend.

She said, "go Lisa." Without anymore thinking, I did. 

They were almost to the car when I reached them and the mom's relief had started to turn to anger.

She began to scold and shout at the boy (which I totally could relate to.)

As she turned to get into the car she saw me.

I said "it's ok" with tears in my own eyes.

I walked around the car to her and she let me hold her.

So I did, fully, as if she were a deep friend.

I rubbed her upper back, validated how scary that was & reminded her to breathe & that everything was ok.

After a minute or two she calmed down, pulled away gently & said "thank you." And that was that.

I do wish I had gone to them a little earlier to help them both when they were still standing together.

I learned something today, that the healer in me, knows who she is now without any doubt. 

There is gentle authority in that knowing and there is huge responsibility.

One of the many roles of a medicine person is to keep an eye on her community for experiences of soul loss and tend to them as quickly as possible.

Today, I do believe I crossed a threshold, just barely!

Almost missed that opening! Thank you Sue, Charles, Sam and David for energetically supporting me to take that step.

*I am safe
*I trust more
*I fear less.
*I am centered and grounded
*I am healing
*I am a force of healing for the world and myself.
*I am not small
*I am a healer
*I am a guardian of the soft soul and heart of the human being
*I am part of an interconnected web that supports me fully to be all that I am
*You are part of that same web.
*May we activate it more fully than ever with and for each other, NOW.

“The time of darkness for humanity has come to an end. The angelic realm has bound itself to the realm of humans. The Elohim revealed this past year that secretly buried in the human DNA is angelic DNA, and it is at the heart of our spiritual advancement.” ~ by GW Hardin


  1. We are all just walking each other home. - Ram Dass <3
