Friday, April 19, 2013

Landing Party Part 8 ~ Galactic/Earth Alliance

I have not written anything in my blog for a while, as I had to take some time out to just BE.

I love that saying, "take some time." Can we actually "take out time?"

Perhaps, we can, for when we live in the fifth dimension and beyond, we are "out of time."

In fact, I have been feeling very "out of time." I have been extremely fatigued while being active in 3D time.

Then when I close my eyes, just for a moment, I leave time and step into a NOW in which there is NO fatigue.

In fact, the feeling of fatigue that I experience while in "time" becomes a NOW of bliss when I close my eyes, take a few deep breathes and allow my consciousness to return to its true resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond.

Within the ONE moment, all my cares and stressors are GONE.

They are gone from my mind, gone from my heart and gone from my life.

Then when I open my eyes to perceive my 3D life, the fatigue returns like a huge wave.

The interesting part of this experience is that my 3D life is actually very happy.

In fact, I love my 3D life.

I love my home, I love my family and my friends I love my job, I love my new office, I love every part of my life.

In fact, right now I am on vacation sitting comfortably in a cozy chair.

Looking out the sliding doors I can see the ocean breaking on the shore, while is also expanding out into the horizon of the unknown.

Of course, I don't love every part of my life.

In fact, I do not love the mundanities of paying bills, keeping track of money and driving in traffic.

However, those things only take up a small part of my life now.

But there were many years when they dominated my thinking.

Therefore, I have great empathy for those of you who are still in that situation.

In fact, that situation of trying to make it on not enough resources is the greatest illusion of the third dimension and the trap that locks us in fear and want.

The Kali Yuga, which we have just finished surviving was based on fear and want. It was the final trap of the third dimensional reality that is now becoming extinct.

Yes, I hear you all crying, "When, when, are these 3D illusions ending?"

I know you will be upset when I answer, "NOW!"

But, please remember that NOW is not a statement of time.

In fact, NOW is the leaving of time. "Where do I leave this time?" I hear you asking.

Again, you will not like my answer when I say, "Inside."

"But I want to leave now." I hear the collective call.

You will not like my next response either. But YOU are the Angel, YOU are the Galactic, YOU are the Ascended Master, EVERY one of you is wearing an earth costume, which surrounds your multidimensional form.

The ONE who will take you up is YOU.

As long as you place your ascension in the power of some "other" Higher Being, you have closed the door to your own, personal stairway of ascension.

You stairway to ascension is your own multidimensional nature.

Many people became very hurt and angry because they felt they were lied to when they were NOT lifted up and taken Home.

However, how can we abandon our planet?

Those of us who would be "taken Home" are the very ones who would love Gaia enough to assist Her to come Home with us.

Remember our true Home is not a place.

New Earth, New Home, is a frequency.

We are living in the dark while the light switch is inside of our heart.

Oh, but we are so very fatigued.

Yes, me too.

The higher light has come into our world, just as was promised.

However, it did not provide a free ride to a better world.

Look around at the world we have created.

Yes, we created this world by believing the lies that were fed to us and by becoming so involved in our personal struggles that we forgot that WE were not the earthen bodies that we are wearing.

WE forgot that we are multidimensional beings who are temporarily wearing our form of density because we volunteered, yes volunteered, to take a body made of Gaia's form, so that She too could return Home to Her higher expression of SELF.

I say "we" as I also spent many years of struggle, sorrow, anger and desperation.

I too became addicted to the third dimension and believed that it was the only life I could live.

I spent many years living the darkest of the dark of the End Times of Gaia.

In fact, Gaia nearly ended several times since the beginnings of the nuclear testing and the myriad wars that resulted.

However, Gaia did not die and neither did we.

We are strong survivors. In fact, we are strong ascenders.

However, ascension was not the free ride we had hoped for.

We have left a very big mess on our beloved planet. I remember three times (oh, make that four times) when I moved from one house to another and left the old house a mess.

I did so because I was angry with my landlord.

However, when I moved from the house that I owned I had to clean it immaculately and clear everything out of the house.

This metaphor is a truth in that when we fully own our life, we are responsible for everything in it.

Therefore, we must clean everything up before we can move to our new Home.

No wonder we are so tired.

We have to clean up everything.

We have to release everything that we cannot, or chose not, to take with us.

How can we possibly clear every life (which is every home for our Soul) we have ever taken on Gaia?

No wonder we are tired, and frightened and angry.

Fortunately, "we" are not confined to the 3D body that created this mess.

WE have many frequencies of our SELF.

Fortunately, once we remember and become the Higher Expressions of our SELF who resonate within our form, we can choose to perceive their higher frequencies of reality.

And since the reality we perceive is the reality we live, we gradually, return Home.

Meanwhile, we will, also, maintain our physical presence on the physical body of Gaia for as long as She needs us.

I have chosen this task.

If you are reading this, likely you have chosen this task as well.

If we can band together into the ONE of the ascending ones, we can better assist each other, as well as our beloved planet.

I return now to Mytria, who is just beginning to remember her SELF. I am leaving the date that I wrote it, as the time in-between then and now has vanished.

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