Monday, April 15, 2013

A beautiful message to us all

The DNA sequencing is revealing the ancient decoding.

The hu-man from base is nothing but stardust.

The reemerging of this will upgrade the hu-man DNA to what it once was.

You know that from the beginning your origins was not from this galaxy.

The remoteness of your disturbance was hence needed for this earthly experiment, the Gaia, the starship were mankind could evolve and solve the age old riddle.

What happens with free will?

The re-emergence of your ancenstral DNA will put a spanner in the endless cycles of misgivings and tribulations.

The corner stone of all this is the intergalactic fleet howering on the horizon.

We the crew are seeing your magnitude in a way you are unable to see. The ancestral DNA is flowing in your human veins, and are starting to fire up the engines anew.

The Blue planet has no remorse, bears no grudge.

She will open her arms to you, forgiving all misgivings and correcting all wrongs.

Like a mother forgiving her wrongdoing son.

She will flower with as yet unknown abundance as above so below and inside her will be reborn.

The work you are doing for mankind is also affecting every living being on your beautiful Blue

She is sensing the changes as the spring is entering the northern horizon.

You can feel the earth stretching and yawning as the earth molecules are reacting to the prolonged hours of sun.

The magnetic field will also stretch and yawn, shrugging off the winter pallor as the stars glimmer faintly in the morning skies.

The new spring is an event unfolding throughout the universe, as the far stars glimmer less faintly than you have been used to seeing.

The magnitude of this event is as far reaching as the edges and the core of All that is.

Not a single being on this Blue planet is unaffected.

Even the stones and the deepest recesses of the sea are in on this.

The creatures of the oceans are shivering in anticipation as their undulating songs across the magnetic oceans will be telling you if you could only hear it.

By putting your ear to the ground you can feel the shake, the slow undulations from side to side, as the Earth gathers up her skirts and prepares to shrug off the winter pallor from the seams of her outer garments.

The shake roll and wild ride is sometimes slow, sometimes in full abandonment… and all is as it should be.

The oncoming spring has yet to be fully sprung, hence the abysmal feeling of loss, dread, boredom, apathy and lethargic irritation.

Fear not as the days lengthen, so does the magnitude of this long awaited event.

The energetic release will shake you all to the core.

The birds are aflutter as they are sensing what is coming. So are the trees.

This spring will not be silent but filled with rehearsals for the new dawn.

Amongst you all there is a sense of dread, of lost purpose.

Together you have already set in motion the chain of events toppling the house of cards and refueling 
the engine of deep soulfulness.

The master’s disguise is to have no disguise.

Rusing those in vain that are trying to stop this new game.

Therefore the codes can go unhidden as they release their new credo.

The manifest of the manuscripts from yesteryear.

The alphabetic decrypting will take place inside your brain as the harmonic enterprises are subconsciously interrupting your sleep patterns to increase the output of your human DNA.

On a cellular level this will increase your longevity, and deep breathing is needed for this to implode your old structures.

Try not to hold back as you resolve the old patterns as this will hinder the unfurling of the long strands of genetic intercoded DNA.

The deep sleep patterns are resetting the codes and decoding the new frequencies being downloaded into your cerebral fluid, thereby enhancing the process further and faster.

The unwieldy physical body will take its time to readjust but will emerge wet and blinking like a newborn from the womb.

On the first inhale this will release all the old and reboot the process of the internal separation from all that was and reset to all that is.

Thus you are being born anew into this new idea of a celestial life on planet Earth.

Forever being connected to your higher selves and the lower frequencies hitherto being visible only to those inhabiting now the deep oceans.

As above, so below… No more incorporating for your own pleasures only, but for the rest of the Universe also. This we say.

Do not forget your origins as we are not forgetting your exactitude.

The synergies are expanding exponentially as we write these messages not only on your computer but on the very origin of species.

The mass distinction of everlasting life is what is being written out as the chain of events are subsequently linked to the chain of letters on a web page.

Therefore the human race has attained its ability to leap out of the 3D and into the immortal abyss of multifaceted realms of celestial stargates and immersing themselves in layers and layers of reality.

As foretold, this is like pulling the wool from people’s eyes.

For the first time seeing who they truly are will scare many shitless…  The shit will truly hit the fan.

We are using a vernacular being used and well known to you, wink, wink.

Yes, the human body is excreting not only digested foodstuffs but digested old patterns of belief.

The disbelief is an intricate part of this transition from hu-man to new man, to celestial beings on the planet Earth being aware of their inheritance and being respectful of their host.

The most you can hope for on this day is to help birthing yourself.

As you release, you fertilize the spring fields and very soon the first sprouts will be visible on the surface.

They are shooting strong roots already, gearing up for breaking the tilled soil surface.

And very soon the tender leaves will be visible to the naked eye, belying the strength of the roots shooting down and anchoring this new reality into the core of Mother Earth.

She is taking great care not to disturb this process, as the roots must find their own way to ensure magnificent growth.

She is tenderly surrounding them with her love and gratitude, like a mother holding her hand on the gently swelling belly of her as yet invisible infant steadily growing inside.

Soon she will feel the movements of new life as she can no longer keep the secret truths from prying eyes.

The proud Mother thanks you all for doing your part in this spring miracle.

The judges are all in on this; you will be forever blessed with our gratitude as you have held the hardest position of all.

Like the ox pulling the plow, the farmer tilling, you have performed a task of hardship and little gain but the hope and belief that all this will be. And so it will.

Dear friends! I just had to share this with you, it is a message my sister channeled this morning.

As I have told you earlier, she recently came to the conclusion that it was time for her to “reopen her channel”, and I promised I would share her messages with you whenever I was guided to do so.

I think you will all feel the beautiful energy in it, I had to reread it several times myself, there are so many levels of information contained in it.

My sister wanted me to tell you that even if she herself is not “visible”  in this space, she feels very connected to everybody who shares their light and energy here, and she sends you all her love. 

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