New Moon Phase: new beginnings
Moon in Aquarius
Wisdom Goddess Instructor: Kali
Skill: remain vigilant; focus on flickers of light
Negative Imprint: passive aggression, imbalance,
push-pull situations, underhandedness, pay offs and pay backs, manipulation of
money, power going to the head, not wanting to participate or share, shows of
strength that are not based on anything real
Positive Imprint: explorations and discovery,
protection, reliability, guardianship, new territory, shared values, universal
brotherhood, leadership, solutions, heritage, symbols, representing
yourself through creative endeavors, giving and receiving, shifts

The starry skies tell us of a
journey of the heart today, as the Sun reaches the degree of the Sabian symbol
"a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water."
In the archetypal realm, water
signifies emotions, so the journey today is likely to be an emotional one.
There is a unifying force in the
mix, an undercurrent, that serves to bring many different things
If your emotions run the gamut,
energetically you are integrating facets of yourself.
Various things (threads of our
beliefs, values, and feelings) are being brought together.
This is happening to facilitate a
turn, revision, reassessment, shift, transformation, and evolution of
our lives.
It's part of a mass turn that is
underway this month.
Issues may arise in the canoe, so
to speak.
Arguments easily ensue today, as
people tend to vie for control.
Words go deep.
Covert and double dealings also
occur within these energetic signatures.
Things tend to be done when no
one is looking.
Someone is looking though.
It's the Wisdom Goddess Kali,
complete with a pack of ten ferocious, black dogs, and a parliament of
thousands of wise owls.
Together, we are catalyzing a mass
turn in consciousness.
Together, we should be watching
bankers, corporations, and government (who are all the same people)
The temptation for opportunities
for takeover is ripe.
Who will take the bait?
It's a trap, so anyone who succumbs
to the "dark side" and tries to take power from the collective tribe
will not fare well.
On the individual level, think
twice before getting into futile discussions.
If your conversations with that
person always end in stalemate, walk away.
Use your energy elsewhere.
As all kinds of things come
together today, Mercury will be coming together with Pluto and squaring Uranus
(exact conjunction just before midnight Eastern time).
This combination brings
transformational changes of the mind.
Information, messages,
conversations, background noise, and various forms of communication are
received to reform us inside and out.
We are compelled, called, harkened
to shift.
It's an alchemical process,
facilitated by heart fires and experienced by looking at firelight, as the
conjunction occurs at the degree of "fire worshippers meditate on the
ultimate realities of existence."
Our understanding of our ultimate
reality of and for existence is settling in this month and today is a big part
of that.
We are lots of things today -
travelers in a big canoe and meditating fire worshippers.
We can handle it though.
We have Kali and a pack - a band of
brothers - alongside.
We are vigilant.
Be aware that the Moon will move
into Pisces tomorrow night, Christmas night, around midnight ET/5:00 am
This will activate the Black Moon,
providing two "Black Moon days" for Virgos, Pisceans, and those with
the Black Moon in Virgo and Pisces.
Be aware that the shadows of fear
of failure and vulnerability will be pressed.
Remember that the Black Moon
brings symbolic death and rebirth.
Death to perceived failings and
deep mistrust of others.
Rebirth to recognizing our own
competence and to recognizing who is truly trustworthy.
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