First Quarter Moon Phase: action and expression
Moon in Taurus
Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Kali (The Destroyer)
Skill: hold the line (keep emotions and reactions stabilized)
Negative Imprint: unfinished business, wallowing in
failure, manipulation, irresponsibility, avoidance, not taking the important
things seriously, limitations
Positive Imprint: polishing or smoothing out edges,
reunion, bridging distance, accuracy, attention to what we value, effervescent
spirit, courage
Sabian Symbol for Lunar Month: an Indian chief claims
power from the assembled tribe

Wise owls go into tight huddle to
hold the line as energies that will be
in full force this weekend begin to enter.
In the audio recording overview for
this lunar month, Kali the Destroyer's month, I discussed how things would
become hardcore.
This is very seriously ramping up
in advance of the Sun making a square to Uranus and then making a conjunction
with Pluto this Saturday, January 3, 2015… the eve of the Full Moon.
Conflict, divide and conquer
tactics, and megalomania have been building since the New
Moon back on December 21st.
People are taking on the
mantle of power that is implied with the Sabian symbol for this lunar
month, "an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe."
People take it too far with aspects
of the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto.
We see effects of the archontic
divide and conquer campaign rippling through the collective, as people are
being manipulated to stand against one another.
Good-hearted people are becoming
We don't fall for the trap,
We see right through "divide
and conquer."
There is orchestration behind the
scenes to create chaos and destabilization.
But humans aren't enemies to each
It is not our true nature.
Everyone is held accountable, but
we understand that there is another force at work to take us off course and we
do not take the bait.
We hold the line as things spin out
of control.
The conflict in energies… plays out
today between a desire for an overall lightness of being… and deeper feelings
of disappointment and emptiness.
Changes are trying to occur, and
this interplay of duality helps us come to terms with the truth of matters.
Along with this today, we tend to
focus heavily on our perceived failures.
We are already hard on ourselves
with this theme now that the Black Moon has moved into Virgo (fear of failure),
so we will remember that what we think of as failure is really a teacher.
Free yourself from illusion.
Reconnect with what is available
and possible.
Take a gentler approach.
It's helpful to know that new
foundations, bases, and structures are beginning to take shape.
Things are emerging as we come to
terms with the true worth of things.
We are coming to understand more
about inner worth with the energy to reclaim personal power and sovereignty
this month.
Opportunities abound.
As these strong energies of change
and transformation swirl, we remain grounded like a pole in the ground… a strong
Trees are havens for owls.
When you see trees today, remember
that we are just as connected to Mother Earth as the trees.
Reinforce that connection and hold
the line.
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