Monday, September 29, 2014

Today's energy also brings a sense of urgency to get on with something

Crescent Moon Phase: challenges
Moon in Sagittarius
Skill: practice the skill of being the observant wise owl; follow the mystery
Negative Imprint: missed opportunities, temptation, division, outbursts, breaking, scattered
Positive Imprint: expression, purity, nurturance, guardianship, kindness, focus, shift
Four days into our journey to follow this month's unfolding mystery, the Sun sends us a message just to be sure we are following along.

An M5.1-class coronal mass ejection (CME) was released Saturday at 10:58 pm ET/Sunday at 02:58 am UT. 

For newer readers, we look at the position of the Moon at the time of the flare to most precisely determine the nature of the energetic effects. 

All of the planets are activated, but the Moon gives us the most precise message

The Sabian symbol of the degree of the Moon at the time of the CME is "a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway." 

This is the symbol for mysteries revealed.

The Moon was in close conjunction (at the same place in the sky) with Saturn at the time of the CME. 

Mysteries are revealed to restructure.

There are currently four sunspot groups with active regions, so we will see if any other messages are destined for us today. 

The Moon will conjunct Mars at 2:30 pm ET/6:30 pm UT today; the Sun may amp Mars' energy just as Saturn's energy was amped.

What was concealed is now revealed. 

What is revealing for you?

We are under energetics that are like a month-long Full Moon, bringing the clarity of the fullest light. 

This brings to light whatever is needed to venture down new paths, investigate new opportunities, and enter new territory.  

With this we are required to muster - muster courage to follow and change.

Today's energy also requires a gentle, nurturing approach. 

Underlying elements of fear and division have been deeply imprinted into the signatures of today's energetics. 

This causes a generalized uneasy feeling within the collective. 

We will re-imprint this energy by guarding, protecting, and caring for the people, places, and things we love, all that is natural order. 

We will keep a keen owl eye on events today, and we will not succumb to the tired tactic (trick) of divide and conquer.

Today's energy also brings a sense of urgency to get on with something. 

It brings wonderful energy for focused attention. 

The energy may go the other way also, pressing the avoidance of something by drifting off with distractions. 

Don't be hard on yourself if you are working the distracted end. 

Your psyche is processing all the information and changes that are happening in its own time. 

We all process information (light) at the rate that is best for us (and certain astrological aspects affect this rate at different times).  

Detach if it is emotionally overwhelming, but try not to turn away from what you are seeing.

This energy can be shattering. 

It "busts up" consciousness and creates shifts. 

Be receptive to where it is taking you. 

It's goal is to rearrange all of the parts as it integrates all of the parts. 

This is inner change and it enables us to become more of who we are.

If the energy becomes overwhelming at times today, work with it by shifting your focus back to the idea of the mystery that is being revealed to us today. 

Step back and take an objective view. 

Ask yourself where the mystery might be leading you.            

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