Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today we feel more like we are being pushed along

Crescent Moon Phase
Moon in Sagittarius
Skill: release control
Negative Imprint: loneliness, fear about security, disconnected, resistance, selfishness, sabotaging others
Positive Imprint: adjusting, responding, practicality, warmth, what is truly worthwhile shows, essence
 Changes are upon us today, and the energy prompts feelings of being blown off course, destabilized, or lost in space. 

This is happening during a lunar month where we are undergoing a massive shift (upgrade), so we are already off-kilter a bit since we are "in flux" to certain degree. 

When we shift or change from one way to another, we go from the familiar to the unknown. 

Emotionally, it's unsettling. 

But with a shift in perspective, it can become an adventure - like being in the middle of a mystery.

Loss of control is part of it, too. 

When cosmic shifts are occurring, no human force is going to stop it. 

So we do not try. 

We recognize when something much greater than us is at work. 

We release the struggle and then we can breathe again. 

Releasing is freeing.

Another major energetic theme today centers around the notion and feeling of "home." 

Our hearts desire comfort, familiarity, and security.  

It's always a good day to show that you care, but even more so today, especially with anything "homey."

Light a candle as a reminder of the light. 

Cook and share a savory meal as a testament to the fact that life is good. 

Play your favorite tunes and let the music of the spheres settle inside.

Since things are so much "in process" right now, the feeling of home may be far away from you today. 

The energy tends toward loneliness, separation, abandonment, and even bitterness. 

If this is your experience today, it is your job to light that fire inside your own heart and connect with something deeper than the comfort of the material world. 

Fire resides in the heart and the embers are readily turned into blazes. 

If "home" eludes you today, call upon the mother energy of the planet and receive her love. 

We are loved beyond our capacity to integrate it, so there is more than enough to fill everyone.

There is a certain practicality that comes with today's energy, particularly putting our own wisdom and experience into practice or into a form that shares it. 

The transference of knowledge and wisdom (much of which is returning from ancient times within the field of consciousness) is happening at an exponential rate. 

Pure expressions of wisdom are coming in rapidly. 

If you heart leans you to express something along these lines, follow it.

Warmth and renewal is the mission of this lunar month's energy. 

We are responding to it - adjusting - as needed.  

We are being called in different directions and following along, following the mystery. 

Today we feel more like we are being pushed along. 

That's ok when you trust who is pushing you.


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