Monday, September 8, 2014

Let the changes take place inside you with the light of the Full Moon

Full Moon Phase: fulfillment
Moon in Pisces
Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest Desire) and Matangi (Goddess of the Wind)
Skill: follow the lead of higher guidance; neutralize fear and anxiety
Negative Imprint: explosions, suppression, resistance, pressure, anger, religious fanaticism, lack of perspective, self-sabotage, quitting, high risk, too much noise
Positive Imprint: aspirations, inspiration, exchange, unity, morale, catharsis, renewed faith, clearer path, wisdom, subtlety, ESP
The Full Moon phase enters tonight at 9:39 pm ET/1:39 am UT but the energy builds toward it all day. 

This Full Moon is a supermoon.

At the Full Moon, the Sun will be passing through the 17th degree of Virgo, the energy of which the Sabian symbols describe as "a volcanic eruption." 

This energy always runs hot, creating catharsis and change. 

Any feelings, thoughts, ideas, words, and actions that have been suppressed or bubbling just under the surface tend to come out. 

This is in effect not just today, but during the entire Full Moon phase (September 8 - 11).

Also in effect during the entire Full Moon phase is the influence of Chiron's close conjunction with the Moon. 

Chiron-related issues of wounding (particularly self-sabotage), self-neglect, retreat from ordinary reality, crisis, early childhood trauma, past lives, and also HEALING and TEACHING are expressed. 

Chiron also rules the unnatural, archontic notion of the path of suffering and sacrifice to salvation. 

This fact combined with the Sabian symbol for the degree of the Moon at the Full Moon, 17 Pisces, "an Easter promenade," is troublesome. 

The highest octave of this degree's energy is a sharing of spiritual ideas. 

The lowest octave is a show of unity of religious zealots. 

Chiron, which heals before it wounds, in such prominence with the Full Moon and all of the lunacy that peaks with it, puts a whole new spin on matters.

Chiron itself is retrograding through the 15th degree of Pisces - "an officer drilling his men in simulated attack." 

Keep in mind that most, if not all, modern false flag attacks run parallel with planned drills of the military-industrial-banking complex.

Note also that the mythical Chiron was a centaur - half horse, half man - and the high potential for "Trojan Horse" types of events at the macro and micro levels (in the world at large and in our lives) this month and during October's lunar cycle. 

And while speaking of Trojan Horses, in the epic of the Trojan War, the goddess Eris is actually the catalyst for the war. 

Today's Full Moon sees what astrologers call the South Node of the Moon begin the transit of the degree of the Eris Point - the degree in the sky where the planet Eris was located when it was discovered. 

The South Node of the Moon deals with the past - past lives, past memories, past pain, past everything. 

This transit of the South Node to the Eris Point lasts until September 26, reaching maximum potential on September 15. 

When the Eris Point is activated, it is "prime time" for the magicians of the dark side (the so-called Illuminati of the Archons) to make mischief. 

The South Node at the Eris Point is "prime time" to work magic from the past. 

The agenda that has been impressed for the past two to three thousand years by those opposed to free humanity will be ritualistically reinforced beginning with today's Full Moon and lasting into the first two days of the next New Moon. 

Whether this ritual is a public affair or a private one remains to be seen.

Remember that it is next cycle, the Libra cycle and the "Full Moon time of the year", when the biggest moves will be made. 

That cycle begins on September 24, but this month is like the opening act.

Regardless of what transpires, we remain, all month long, under the protective guidance of two "angels" - in this case the aspects of Gaia Sophia that are Shodashi and Matangi. 

Each a benefactrix in her own right, Shodashi aligns us with conditions that bring the highest possible expressions of our souls, and Matangi sweeps away the feelings, circumstances, obstacles, ignorance, and anything else that lies in Shodashi's wake. 

(Remember Shodashi works in waves.)

Understand that this realignment is taking place for everyone, whether one is conscious of it or not. 

This may appear at first to bring people and situations out of resonance. 

Don't judge any perceived deviations (that people or situations are leaving or moving away) just yet. 

With the skill of a fine calligrapher, Shodashi's strokes separate but also come back together. 

"Rewriting" changes things, but nothing is truly lost. reports that odds for X-class solar flares are a whopping 30% today. 

This would certainly empower the Full Moon's energetics, but it also could show up tectonically, especially since the Sun is located at the degree of "a volcanic eruption."

Entering a time when there is such potential for harm can be unnerving, especially if too much mind power is given to it. 

I discuss the darker potentials to bring light to them. 

Exposing the potential (intention, spell) disempowers the potential (intention, spell). 

Neutralize any worry or fear that may be incited or triggered. 

If it comes up inside of you, wave it off. 

Sweep it out of your heart with a wave of your hand. 

Ask Shodashi and Matangi for assistance.
Knowing the negative potential doesn't mean we are negative. 

On the contrary, wise owls are holding the line for all that is good about life and the way life should be and will be one day. 

Let the changes take place inside you with the light of the Full Moon.  Adapt.  Adjust. 

Remember that we are blessed all month long with the energy of the Sabian symbol of this lunar cycle - "two guardian angels bringing protection." 

We follow their lead.

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