Monday, September 1, 2014

Cosmic Conditions for September, 2014

The balance sign to Virgo is Pisces, seeking spiritual resolve to man-made quagmires; prioritize time for prayers, meditation and affirmations…

… so that you do not fall into the trap of mental anxiety, or nervousness that freezes you in webs of fear.

Virgo at its best stimulates resolution to any challenge via higher love, Spirit imbued choices.

Virgo in shadow mode becomes self-destructive due to constant fears of the unknown outcomes.

This despotic Virgo type of energy is pure ego based vulgarity with no thought for the victim, sarcastic exploitation is their goal.

With a self-entitled demand to be served or else!

We all must meet either is shadow aspect of ourselves or the compassion driven aspirant who chooses the path of supernatural light over the next two months.

The following dates in September are accented as "event bringers."

September 1-2 Mercury enters Libra; our most effective mode of negotiation will be compromise rather than stoic self-importance!

It becomes a time of understanding "The art of the deal."

September 3-4 Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn at 11 degrees, this celestial aspect sets the "lesson plans" for our month; the work or issues that must be dealt with.

Where ever you have planets at 11 degrees of the cardinal signs; Aries-Libra-Cancer or Capricorn is exactly the how or what is to be the major developing story in personal life.

The Sun is your outer self-the ego, where Pluto has to do with transformation coupled with life altering situations where only by surviving the storm…

… rising up after the destructive wreckage are we forever reformed.

This will manifest core recalibrations psychologically by the specific matters that grasp our immediate attentions…

… it could easily be worldwide news makers that have us scrambling to maintain peaceful resolve.

A favorable couple of prosperous days occur over the 5-6th of September, when social Venus in Virgo links up with Pluto in Capricorn…

… success is implemented somehow by standing one's ground.

September 7-8 has a Neptune Pisces impact, so take a pause to double check facts…

… there easily could be manipulations going on; so do not assume anything!

The monthly Full Moon rises strong in psychic sign Pisces, temptations become powerful…

… we are lured to succumb to the path of least resistance.

Opt for a musical venue during this moon phase…

… inspiration is a better route to take than lurid temptation. "Choice = consequences"

Around mid-month there seems to be a theme requiring us to glance backwards for a needed point of reference before charging forward blindly…

… set to repeat the same mistakes yet again.

Those past trials and tribulations… and looking again…

… at the hard lessons learned can save you from unnecessary tears of frustration or future loss.

Two songs come to my mind as I write this, Ray Charles' "Oh it's crying time again" and Chris Isaac's "Wicked Games."

Tread lightly as someone could be out to take from you more than they deliver!

Over the 13-14th valuable awareness and data arrives that somehow benefits you or protects you in the near future…

… Virgo is the primary sign ruling the health of our physical bodies, Pisces is the sign of lifting up into spiritual compassion; thus our soul's health.

We are easily positioned to be placed in that famous "right place, right time" mode over those two days this month…

… as whomever you are in front of over the 13-14th is meant to be a potent messenger somehow…

… remember to journal those strong omen meanings or teachings.

September 15-17th suggests caution, drive in a very aware fashion…

… do not attempt risky maneuvers over while in charge of mechanical or volatile items as explosive energies are building then.

Warring factions or contests of wills due to vastly different belief systems can be triggered quickly.

In short, this month holds experiences of testing our material comfort levels…

… our addiction to our attachments will either teach us by sudden loss or learning about compassionate giving.

We WILL be shown WHAT we must let go of, what or who has served their purpose in this life and we will be required to experience "releasing" familiar strongholds.

Staying in comfortable denial postures will no longer be safe haven…

… truth trumpets are blaring this month in 2014 as we are to be shown what really holds value.

Personal accountability either at the leadership levels of a country 's rulers or in our most intimate realms will be how we ALL receive our scores…

… shown if we are progressing or failing in what must be reckoned with.

September finalizes the summer season as the 22nd arrives…

… the autumn equinox urges us to pull back a bit and recharge so fresh strategies can be implemented.

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