Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It is an energetic rebirth

New Moon Phase: emergence of clarity
Moon in Libra
Skill: open your heart to receive wisdom; find humor
Negative Imprint: losing touch with reality, avoiding reality, perfectionism, superficial, misleading, anti-humanistic, foolishness
Positive Imprint: potential, initiation, practical, humor, purity, imagination, new paths, enlarged sphere of operation, courage, wonderment, luxury, attraction

Welcome to the New Moon in Libra and a month of the fullest light to see, realize, and understand.

At the new astrological year beginning with the New Moon in Aries on March 30, 2014, we began a new journey - a journey to hike a mountain, the mountain of life. 

It has taken six months to reach the peak of this mountain, but now we are here. 

From here we have the fullest view of the panorama. 

We also have the most light by which to view. 

Energetically, since embarking upon our journey the Moon has now grown to be Full and Full Moons provide the most light.

(If you divide the year into eight parts that parallel the eight Moon phases, this part is parallel to the Full Moon phase, so it is like a month-long Full Moon.)

In many ways, we will come to "see the light" over this cycle. 

Something dawns on us, mysteries are revealed, and problems are resolved. 

We see the truth of many things about our lives and it may be quite stark. 

Full light has a tendency to do this. 

Our job is to soften the edges and provide more luminosity than harshness of what we are seeing. 

If a realization comes on you strong and sharp, step back and slow down the speed. 

Gently take the information inside yourself to process at your own pace. 

Light can be directed as a laser or as a glow. 

The choice is ours how we want to take it.

Full light also makes people loony (which should be spelled luny). 

Lunacy has a tendency to show out in all kinds of ways. 

This will be most visible during the Full Moon phase beginning October 8, but in effect all month long. 

I should also note here that the next cycle, the Scorpio cycle is also like a month-long Full Moon. 

We have two cycles for fullest expression and illumination of energies.

The Libra cycle is a cardinal cycle because Libra is a cardinal sign. 

Major shifts of consciousness happen with cardinal cycles. 

These shifts provide opportunities and openings, and, this year, massive change.  

The new world order makes bigger moves during the cardinal cycles (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) because the innate disequilibrium that results from shifting from one thing to another creates an opportunity to control the shift. 

We are wise to this and are focused on the shift of mass consciousness toward a world based on freedom, wisdom, beauty, and love.

Since the Libra New Moon is in aspect to the Moon's Nodes, we have a reorientation of the past - past lives and the past in this life. - into the present and projected into the future. 

We've worked hard to let go of painful elements of the past, but now the happier ones return. 

These are things that have been lost or in shadow. 

Follow urges from your heart to learn, create, or revive something. 

This may be an interest that was dropped or fell away due to past circumstances. 

All kinds of things from the past return this month.

The Return of Wisdom is included in this, and exchanges of spiritual knowledge will spread like wildfire. 

The main avenue for this is through stories. 

Stories are very, very important this month. 

If there is a story inside of you, it will want to come out this month. 

If the urge to write comes over you, dismiss thoughts and expectations about what will become of it. 

That doesn't matter right now. 

The creative act - expression - is what is important. 

What happens with the rest of it, if anything, is suspended until another day.

The energy may enter with a feeling that you have been stripped away or stripped down. 

It's a good way to enter the Full phase. 

It means you come without pretense and are ready for a "moon bath."  

Currents of the moon bath wash over us to bring new responses to life, new levels of awareness, and profound inner change. 

It is an energetic rebirth.

The energy may increase insomnia, just as it is often harder to sleep during Full Moons. 

If it is keeping you up, engage your imagination. 

Use the time for a waking dream.

The position of Mercury today tends to prompt a gloomy outlook and despair. 

This is part of the process toward recognition of something that is trying to be revealed to us. 

This happens before we start to see that things are actually getting better.  

A deeper spiritual connection occurs simultaneously as we see how we've been helped along the way. 

The process that begins with despair this month ends with profound spiritual insight.  

Keep this in mind when interacting with others. 

Some may be on the sadder end of the spectrum. 

You may be on the sadder end of the spectrum. 

That's ok because you know what's going on and can trust that this deep, inner process will bring you to light.

The New Moon phase of the Libra cycle is a time of high magic and the perfect time for a moon bath, even though the Moon is invisible right now. 

All things come from the dark void, and what comes this month comes back from long ago. 

Let there be light!

(Note: An M2 solar flare erupted yesterday, but it is unclear whether a coronal mass ejection ensued. 

If we learn that a CME was released, I will discuss it in tomorrow's report.)

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