Thursday, January 30, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 393

These endless fluctuations of energy continue to come into your being, and you have been able to access unexplored territory within. 

This may not feel as any major feat to some of you… as you have so far not been able to get but a small sip from that huge ocean of endless information that lies within.

More to come… and it will come in fits and starts… in huge chunks and in tiny morsels… and probably when you least expect it. 

Trying to force your way forward will not work as it is by simply allowing yourself to let go of the need to control this process that you will be able to fully enter this ocean of the future. 

Make sure you do not make the mistake of “setting up a plan” on how to do this.

Mankind has a habit of making up lists… “to do lists” and you have trained yourselves well to think that as long as you follow this carefully constructed paper trail… you will find yourself moving forwards at an appropriate speed… and you will reach your designated goal just as you have planned. 

This is not one of those old single dimensional journeys… and this is certainly not a course to be taken or a piece of furniture to be assembled according to that enclosed manual. 

What you are doing is something very different… let go of any preconceived notions as to how to go about this.

The more you try to find the “right” way to do this… the more you will be getting in your own way.

Planning ahead and acting out a carefully put together sequence in order to advance towards your goal… the more you will be apt to lose yourself in your own good intentions. 

Throw caution to the winds… stop trying so hard to DO and just BE YOU. 

This sounds rather childish and over-simplified way to go about it… become as if a child again. 

We are trying to guide you through that process of liberating yourself from the old bonds of being a human being within the strict confines that have been erected.

The only way to do that… is to stop acting like one

You have been carefully trained all your lives to do the right thing at the exact right time.

If you have ever been encouraged to think outside the box… there have been some very strict rules underlying that seemingly liberated way of going about things. 

To be a human is to follow a very set way of being.

A very set way of DOING things… and as this pattern has been worn so thoroughly into you…it has literally produced a very deep groove within you that is hard to escape. 

Even if you THINK you are free… you will still act according to that old way of thinking and acting.
It takes a lot of effort to shake oneself loose from that old groove. 

The biggest challenge is…. the opposite of effort. 

You need to become effortless in a way that will make all of those old rules and instructions become null and void once and for all.

This is so simple compared to what many of you are trying to wrap your heads around at the moment.

We have intimate knowledge of mankind… and we can be criticized for seeing you “from afar”… we can see the old patterns repeating themselves endlessly. 

Except for in a few instances… when we see the joy and exuberance in someone suddenly realizing the gist of this message.

Becoming free is simply a question of acting as if you are. 

You need not change anything in your daily life, you only need to see it for the illusion it really is.

And when this sinks in… all of the old patterns will melt away like a sundae in the midday sun.

We are trying to give this to you in a very clear and succinct manner. 

What YOU see… are the obstacles and you try to crash your way through them… like a stubborn creature butting its head again and again into the same wall.

If you lift your eyes… you will see that there is no wall.

It is simply a figment of your imagination… and if you simply step back… you can easily step aside and continue onward.

Unhindered by what you have seen as an impenetrable barrier between you and the rest of Creation.

Your mind is still very busy setting up all of these imaginary roadblocks.

Your frustration continue to increase as you find yourself endlessly searching for that exit-sign somewhere.

None seems to be in sight… so you try harder and harder to knock down that wall again.

If you can manage to step back a little bit… and simply open up to that child inside who will see blue skies where that “adult” in you will see a gray prison walls.

You will find yourself flying free under this blue sky… unfettered by that old and imprisoned way of thinking that comes so naturally to you.

You are no longer imprisoned… you simply THINK that you are.

The autopilot kicks in again and you keep running around and around in that same old rut of frustration and exhaustion.

There is a simple way out.

Let go of all of the old notions of working your way out of this prison.

The idea of “working” is what keeps you in there in the first place.

Let go… jump off that cliff and into the freedom you so long for.

It is there for the taking.. ready to fall into your lap the very moment you decide to stop trying so hard to reach for it.

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