Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 392

Increasing activity in the sky will induce some increased activities within you.

We are referring to those activities that you are all eagerly awaiting… in the form of a deeper connection with those aspects of you… that you have yet to make your acquaintance… and also with the rest of Creation.

These long hidden doors will start to creak slowly open… and one by one you will start to see glimpses of light where you before saw nothing but blankness.

“Light”… for the light you will start to distinguish will come in many shapes and forms… and you will no longer think of light as merely a way of illuminating the surroundings.

You will start to realize what light is… for it is so much more than a particle or a wave… the two conditions your scientists like to define it as.

Light is far more variable than that… as it can be likened to a living entity… and a highly intelligent one.

Light is so much more than merely the opposite of darkness… and light is much more than the presence of something that can be seen.

Light is also a carrier of whole worlds of knowledge and information… we do mean worlds as in the one you are currently inhabiting.

The concept of mass is merely an illusion… a trick of the light… and you will soon start to get the gist of what we are now implying.

We give you this in the form of little snippets of information.

You are the true explorers here… and in order for you to regain you true glory and greatness… you must find a way to enter that greatness by your own volition.

You will be asked to reach deep within your self for any answer that you may seek… and they are all there for you to find if you choose to do so.

This is not simply a ploy set up to give us a leeway out of any commitment… this is simply the name of the game.

You came here to remember… in order to resurrect yourselves… and this whole planet from the clutches of fear and despair… and from that deep pit of powerlessness… humanity have hurled themselves into.

So just like someone walking with crutches for a long time… your mind will tell you to keep holding on to those crutches… even after your body is strong enough to walk freely without them.

Crutches… we refer to is the need to be rescued by an outside rescue mission.

Troops sweeping in to sweep you off your feet and put everything back into order again… while you watch timidly from a corner somewhere… like a shy maiden at a tournament.

This is not a game or a tournament… this is a lesson in growing back to your former glory… and this is not a spectator sport.

We remind you of your former glory… the better to make you ready and eager to regain that glory by opening yourself up to the knowledge that lies behind those water tight compartments put up by your human mind.

They may seem unbreakable and unassailable… and they are no more real than the rest of the illusion you see around you.

Just like that illusion seems to be the only reality you can rely on… the fact that you are an all knowing and wise soul deeply connected to the vastness of creation… will seem to be no more real than the illusion presented in your films.

The opposite is the real truth… this switch between what is perceived as real and what is perceived as mere illusion or even delusion is a hard one to make.

We will keep pushing and prodding you with our words and with the energy that these messages contain… and that is why the light is doing the same.

This light that we mentioned at the beginning of this message is an interesting one… it is not simply what you see when you push a button or flip a switch in a dark room.

This is something far more complex…and it will also serve to push and prod at you.

The light we refer to is also that which you cannot see.

The visible spectrum of light according to the human eye and brain is an extremely narrow one… and you simply see a very small sliver of it.

Now you will be inundated with the full bandwidth… and this light will start to talk to you.

Especially during the night… when there may be no discernible light at all.

You will be surrounded and bathed in this light that comes in all shapes and forms.

These forms of light will behave in ways that you have yet to experience.

And they might trigger remnants of fear within you.

They seem to be “foreign”… and you will be exposed to much of this during the night… it will be easy to fall into the conclusion that there must be something “dark and sinister” about this unseen light.

Stay centered… stay safe in the knowledge that you are all protected.

The only “danger” you will encounter… is that of your mind trying to send you into a tailspin of fear because it is uncertain as to how to encounter these new and very “foreign feeling” frequencies.

The only thing you need to do… is to literally step into this light with YOUR light.

And then you will find yourself being greeted by something you realize as a long lost friend.

Your light is the only guiding light you will need.

As long as you remember to hold your light high… you will never step away from it… and you need not go into fear.

Your mind will always try to protect you whenever it encounters something unknown.

It will do so by triggering your own inherent danger signals… and it will do so at the first whiff of something that may feel “off” because it is something that it is not familiar with.

BE the light at all times… and then you will see the light coming in for what it is.

Never fear… that there might be some unseen darkness also lurking in the corners.

That darkness will never step forwards into your own light.

As sovereign beings… each one of you… it is up to every one of you to choose what you want to interact with.

This “new light” may take some time getting used to… it will not advance any further than you allow it to.

It might be “pushy” in the form of making its presence known… but it will not cross the borders you erect and “invade” you in any way.

It will simply wait until it is invited.

It will let you know it is there… it might continue to come a knocking from time to time if you choose to withhold your invitation for a while.

You see… it is here to help you… and it has been ordered to do so by the power that runs through All of creation.

It cannot do so against your will.

It is up to each of you to choose the speed and the direction and the duration of your journey.

We can only put all of the available tools to your disposal.

Whether or not you choose to pick them up and put them into use… is up to you.

This new tool… this light has many names… it is a tool that is eager to be put into use…and it will be eager to announce its presence in your vicinity.
Do not be surprised if you hear it knocking on your door.

It might do so during the darkest hours of the night… that does not mean it is a signal of something not of the light.

And when it does come knocking… you will know what it is if you answer the door with your light.

These different forms of light will know how to speak to each other in a language that you also will understand.

For the light will speak in the language of LOVE… the only language it knows.

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