Saturday, January 25, 2014

revise, rectify, re-evaluate, realign, take responsibility

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, rectify, re-evaluate, realign, take responsibility
Moon in Scorpio – Ruling Mahavidya – Kali

Hearing the tone, the rebel goddess Eris, whose soul burns with the fires of freedom, looks up in the sky.

A smile slowly arches across her face and mirth grows in her eyes.

She turns to the dark magicians that she knows are watching from faraway lands and, with complete assuredness, scrunches her face and shoots them the bird.

And at that moment, birds, thousands of them – owls of all varieties… shoot out of the rainbow bridge, descending in trails of light.

Her party has arrived.

Before we entered the rainbow bridge, we knew two things: the battle goddess Eris was waiting for us on the other side…

… ready to unite with her brother, Mars, god of war, and that dark magicians were hovering, ready to strike.

We exit the rainbow bridge today with a running start, a great leap, and an acrobatic landing.

It is of course only fitting that we come to our destination this month when the Moon wanes to Third Quarter.

Third Quarter Moon phase is effectively the end of the lunar month’s energy.

It is the time to complete things or revise them and carry them forward.

The Sabian symbol for the Chiron Point… the degree in the sky where Chiron was located when it was first discovered… is “a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

Chiron involves bridges, mainly because it is seen as a “bridge” between the energies of the inner and outer planets in the solar system.

It links things.

Thus, the image of a rainbow bridge is associated with Chiron.

The Moon’s Nodes, responsible for the past and the future… history and destiny… have been activating the Chiron Point, bridging us to our destiny.

The rainbow bridge heals and teaches as it transports us from one place… state of mind, state of the world, state of reality… to another.

Under its protective dome, we’ve undergone an energetic “polishing.”

Internally, we are better positioned and fortified.

We now land with firm footing, preparing to hold ground… true ground… the natural world order.

With that, today we focus on what we truly VALUE.

We value freedom, beauty, love, and creativity.

True ground is the place of the merging of our minds with the mind of the planet.

Land strong and gain footing.

Tomorrow brother and sister unite on the field.

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