Friday, January 17, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 387

The continuous ebb and flow of energies has laid bare so much within you that has been left barren.

Now, the time to till, sow and plow this land has come, and the crops from all of this land will soon come to fruition.

You see, mankind has been living in a bubble, suspended in a vast sea of energy.

This bubble has been contained within itself… not much of any outside influence has been able to penetrate within this little globe populated by a vast array of humanity.

You have been left out of all that has happened around you while you have been whiling away the time in your little bubble of disharmony.

You are aware of the disturbances that you have endured during the time of your evolution… that have been isolated events.

They have been going on within this same bubble… unaffected by what has been there… on the outside of this thin membrane all the time.

What has been there… has been everything you could dream of and more.

Mankind has yet to see the full scope of it… it has been there at all times… even as you have gazed into the unknown and seen nothing more than stars glittering on the firmament.

You have kept plodding on… unaware that there is  much more out there… ready to make your acquaintance.

You plodded forwards… you started to veer off the path in such a way… it started to threaten your whole existence.

A decision was made… that this bubble must now be burst in order to let in the fresh air and light that will help mankind to better find its way forward.

In a way that would be of enormous benefit… not only to you… but to All of creation.

And so the decision was made… and volunteers came in to start to make apertures in this veil… this membrane has isolated mankind from everything else.

YOU are those volunteers.

You are the ones that have take it upon you self to pierce through the shell of this seemingly all enduring wall of denial that has stood between you and the rest of us… and that has stood between you and the real you.

And so, that is exactly what you have done.

Now there is no more airtight… or light tight container that has keep mankind down and out of everything.

That old container has been shred to tatters.

The only thing still left… is the imprint that is still printed on the minds of many members of mankind.

When the prison walls are completely dismantled… it will take some time before all of the former prisoners to come to grips with the fact that they are prisoners no more.

Their mind is so used to seeing this wall before them… it will continue to think it is there… even when it is not.

It is of the utmost importance that you seek to uncover all of this formerly barren land within…

… that has been left bare now that the old inhibitors have been taken away.

If you do not seek out this brand new property… and take it into possession.

It will continue to lie there… barren and devoid of life.

Instead of being turned into the wondrous paradise of new growth that it has every opportunity to become.

How do you step into this brand new land as its lord and Creator?

Allowing your self to acknowledge the fact that it is there.

You see, you have been born with blinders on.

Mankind has been for generation after generation… you have become accustomed to seeing what is only within your limited line of vision… and everything outside of that has ceased to exist.

With  “line of vision”… we refer to everything that lies within the full range of perception… whether that be through the eyes, the ears, the nose, the touch and every way you as a being can perceive what surrounds you.

Mankind has had a very limited way of looking at things.

As the veil of illusion has lifted… you are set to start to sense what has been hidden from view for ever.

You will need a little prodding in order to let yourself be tossed into that vast new ocean of realities.

Realities that far surpass anything you have yet to see with your human way of looking at things.

There is so much more to find here… between the lines of everything that surrounds you.

You have grown accustomed to take in the world by taking everything at its face value.

Now we are once again reminding you to go far, far deeper.

Underneath the surface is where you will find it… as underneath the surface is where reality lies.

It will seem to be rather murky and unclear at first.

It takes time to readjust your vision in order to see clearly through your brand new set of eyes.

Remind yourself to see THROUGH what you are actually seeing… and see behind these seemingly closed doors… and around the corners that seem to stand in your way.

This is simply an effort to give you all a little shake to make you drop a little bit more of those old pretences about who and what you TRULY are.

This old and inhibiting mold that you were cast in as you came down to inhabit this human body is a difficult one to liberate oneself from.

It has a strong imprint and impression on you… you have simply forgotten the true magnitude and aptitude of your own brilliant being.

You are apt to thread in your own old footprints… even when a brand new road to the future lies before you… ready to be traveled on at high speed.

Cast away your old notions… and step into the true realization of your greatness… by laying aside all of those old notions of destitution and disconnection.

It runs so deep… it takes quite an effort to wrestle yourself away from this old image of yourself as a mere simple human being within a frail body… inhabiting a threatened world full of disaster.

If you let yourself be stuck within these old frames… you will not become anything more than a faded old print hanging on the wall… still framed within these old confines of humanity.

You must free yourself completely from all of this subordination and subjugation to the old.

Step out of that frame and truly let yourself float free in these brand new currents of air… like a bird soaring effortlessly above… carried aloft by the air.

This will sound challenging to many… for you may feel like a child being wrestled away from their only support… while still unsure of their own legs.

Do not worry… you have the legs to carry you anywhere you would dare to venture.

You have the spirit that will take you as far as you can think… and you have the love and the support of every one of us… standing here… just outside the remnants of that old bubble of yours… with open arms… ready to embrace you as you dare to take your first faltering steps outside your own comfort zone.

That is what this is all about…daring to go where NO man has gone before.

It is NOT more than any one of you will be able to take on.

This is what you came here to do… and we are confident that this is exactly what you will do.

Like a fledgling bird perched on the edge of the nest… that seems to sit on dizzying height.

The temptation to hold on a little bit more before it takes that plunge into the unknown and untried is a powerful.

You will all instinctively try to hold yourself back just a little bit more.

And that is why we are here… to give you that little push in the back, and be that voice in your ear saying JUMP!

The time has come to do that… so if you need something to hold on to… to help you do that… hold on to the future… not the past for the past will try to keep you sitting on that same ledge forever.

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