Monday, February 18, 2013


"Making It Happen"

A Manifestor has one or more of three of the motor centers Heart, Emotions, or Root defined and connected to a defined Throat.

But the Sacral, the generator center, is not defined.

You are one of life's go-getters, born with an ability to make it all hap­pen.

People may well observe an air of invincibility about you because you are a catalyzing force who injects tremendous drive and focus into any projector endeavor and into the people around you.

The will power of the Heart, the intense feelings of the Emotions, and the adrenaline surge of the Root are enough, either in isolation or combined, to surge to the Throat to create a highly motivated person capable of powerful expression and manifestation.

For a Throat connection to be relevant… the channels must be fully in color… that is, they must be active channels.

The Root's active connection must find its path to the Throat via the Emotions or Spleen.

Manifestors account statistically for about 8 percent of the world's population, so first appreciate that you are rare with your relentless, compulsive, driving energy that constantly seeks to act, achieve, and do.

Your nature is to be a human dynamo, actively accomplishing goals.

Such accomplishments, which you might take for granted, can attract either admiration or jealousy from non Manifestors… mainly because a lot of people hanker for your manifesting ability!

You may find it hard to understand why others have such difficulty getting things done, but not everyone can achieve things as quickly or effortlessly as you, so cut them some slack. You are the one type who can go it alone and succeed, need­ing no one and nothing but your own drive.

Indeed, if I were to compare you to a car, you would be the Maserati.

You get in your super powered vehicle, turn the ignition and you're off!

It helps to realize that you are the key and ignition switch missing in others.

Imagine how it must feel for a non Manifestor turning that ignition switch and having nothing happen.

You may struggle to understand that feeling, especially if you are an employer, but this understanding alone can lead to a new coop­eration that encourages others and enables them to utilize your input.

If you see a stressed-out parent with a child running him or her ragged, you're probably witnessing a non Manifestor parent struggling with a Manifestor child.

You'll recognize Manifestor babies, too as soon as they can crawl, they're off here, there, and everywhere. Just wait till they learn to walk!

I've met many non Manifestor parents whose chil­dren are Manifestors, and they are worn out trying to keep up with their hyper but capable offspring.

All these children seek is the freedom to be constantly active; it stifles their nature to be restricted.

What their par­ents must learn is to provide free rein within certain boundaries, such as: "You can stay up, but 8 PM is bedtime" or "You can go outside to play, but the end of the street is the limit."

It is the honoring of freedom within limits that strikes the balance here.

Also, aim to provide activities and interests that keep their relentless energy engaged. Describe sensible boundaries and let them be!

If, on the other hand, you're the Manifestor parent and your child is a non Manifestor, you may wonder why she is not more like you.

Like mother, like daughter, right? Wrong. It is not in a non-Manifestors' nature to be like you, and you cannot train them to be equal power­houses.

In relationships, a Manifestor can be hard to live with because of a constant need for action that leads to unpredictability and potential volatility.

It can lead to an attitude of "Do it my way or take the highway."

Don't even think about trying to control a Manifestor.

You might as well lock a lion in a tiny cage and await the roar.

But appreciate the gift of an extremely capable partner who, granted freedom, will find a way through anything and be a consummate professional and forever thank you for understanding them.

The key to understanding Manifestors is to know they are born doers, eager to make things happen.

Blocking them, asking them to stop, or nagging them to spend more time relaxing is trying to get them to behave in a way contrary to their nature.

You're far better off enhancing this tem­perament by celebrating it, appreciating Manifestors' efforts and letting them go for it.

They need to be active. For them, there is no bliss to be found in doing nothing.

Be aware that attempts to quiet them can lead to friction or anger.

What I encourage Manifestors to do is to let people know their inten­tions rather than just rushing off and doing things. Don't just disappear in a cloud of dust and expect everyone to accept it.

"But why should I tell everyone what I'm doing all the time?" I can almost hear you protest.

Because, in my experience, I've found that Manifestors find immense freedom to be themselves and achieve what they want to achieve when they cooperate with the people around them.

• Take the case of Caroline. She was traveling abroad with two friends in a country that was unfamiliar to them.

They arrived late at the hotel and took separate rooms.

The next morning Caroline went to pickup her Manifestor friend Sarah for breakfast, but she was nowhere to be found she'd just upped and gone.

One hour of worry later, there she was, panting through the lobby in her jogging outfit. She had needed to run and it had never occurred to her that her friends wouldn't understand.

She found the consternation of Caroline and her" pointless worrying" hard to deal with.

But now, when they travel together, this Manifestor has made an agreement to keep her friends informed of what she is doing.

If you do learn to keep others in the loop, life becomes easier.

Admit­tedly, you don't care about being understood -you just want to get things done.

But for the sake of peace, if you're working into the night at the office, pick up the phone and inform your partner.

If you've gone off to save the world, let someone know what you're doing!

And if you have a Manifestor child, educate him or her to inform you before going off and doing something just dress it up as a request, not a restrictive rule!

As a Manifestor, you must also recognize that your mere presence will push all sorts of buttons in people.

Not everyone appreciates a whirlwind.

You may rattle people and send them off-balance.

This is your catalyzing nature in action, so be watchful of your impact, in the home and socially; recognize who's getting upset and don't take it personally.

The upside is that you do have a tremendous ability to motivate and propel others.

You can make people walk on hot coals and bring them through unscathed.

You are a truly catalyzing force.

But a Manifestor design does not mean you are infallible.

You can appear pushy, forceful, and even intimidating, wanting to move "less able beings" out of the way.

Learn to appreciate that people will try their best in your company, and allow them to do so.

There is also a chance that in your childhood you were discouraged and blocked from your natural manifesting.

Teachers and parents may not have understood you. "Sit down, be quiet, and stay still" is the worst thing a Manifestor can hear, and this can lead to rebellion or an inner rage building up until it blows.

Even worse, you may have shut down and may still be denying your true expression.

Also, be watchful of people taking advantage of you.

You might find yourself expected to constantly fetch and carry, fixing everything for everyone around you.

You're a Manifestor, not a slave.

You're on this Earth to catalyze action, not to perform duties for others.

As a Manifestor, you have a big responsibility to be clear about to what and whom you lend your manifesting abilities.

When you're clear, or mov­ing forward, you're a sight to behold.

When you're unclear, or blocked, you're liable to tear the world down around you.

Once you understand that the world doesn't necessarily operate on your level, you'll find it eas­ier to engage with others and their slower way of getting things done.

What I will say about life with a Manifestor is that it can be fun ­because who knows what's going to happen next?

~ Chetan Parkyn - Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

1 comment:

  1. def resonate, as a manifestor- but i will also add that we need plenty of down time in between our passion projects to reground and center and await our next inspiration. unlike generators, we are not into working for the sake of work- it needs a vision :)
