Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Astrology of February 2013 and a Little Beyond

Long Term Trends

Recent charts, including February’s, indicate a progressive, populist trend.
Two things indicate that this is a continuing, long-term trend.
  • Saturn is headed further into governmental and institutional signs - Scorpio thru Pisces.
It will take roughly 12 years for Saturn to return to the grassroots signs).
  • The North Node, currently in Scorpio, is headed backwards into grassroots signs, Libra thru Aries.
It will take roughly 14 years for the North Node to return to the governmental signs.

For more than a decade, under Saturn’s auspices, governments and other large institutions and organizations will receive increasingly harsh scrutiny.
For a couple of years more, the grassroots will possess greater moral authority and, thus, greater leverage.
Sentiment and the momentum of events will favor the grassroots.

All of the above is an astrological recipe for progressive reforms favorable to the grassroots and to women.
It spells continuous setbacks for conservatives and those who occupy the halls of political and economic power.
Lives in Transition

As I have so often said in the past, the overall direction of events is progressive and beneficial.

However, change is always difficult; even mature, strong people struggle with it; many people just do not handle it well at all.

Many nations, too, find change especially difficult.

These powerful, and powerfully transformative vibes are profoundly disruptive psychologically.

Many of us will find ourselves exhausted.

A great many of us will experience disruptive, life-changing events, or witness them in the lives of family, friends and co-workers.

Others, hopefully a minority, will act out in bizarre, disruptive and sometimes violent ways.

A great many nations will experience turmoil.

Never doubt that we are undergoing a global awakening.

This is what global awakenings look like.


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