Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bank of America Faces $10 BILLION Margin Call

 by Tom Heneghan - International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that the totally corrupt Bank of America faces a $10 BILLION margin call aka naked short positions in the Japanese yen and, at this hour, remains on margin call despite the request by the CME Group to pay up. 

Item: Message to CME Group President Terry Duffy:

It is in your best interest to get Bank of America to meet their margin call and do it now before you discuss any merger with German trading exchanges because your convertible bonds that can be converted to common stock and used as collateral will be worthless. Joe Weisenthal, Business Insider

PD Vice-President declaring that voters have “rebelled”

Note: Do not believe Bloomberg News story about a need for a second election in Italy. 
Both Silvio Berlusconi and Bersani can easily form a new government and, if a new election did take place, Berlusconi would win a massive landslide.

It is now clear that Bloomberg News and their owner Michael Bloomberg are total stooges of the Federal Reserve and the crooked banking interests that have looted the United States.

Evidence will soon surface fingering the extortion-friendly Bloomberg and his financial network to insider trading with soon to be indicted Steven Cohen of SAC Capital.

Reference: The Italian People have had it with crooked U.S. banks like JPMorgan Chase, U.S. Citibank and Bank of America running the government of Italy.

P.S. Bank of America and Bloomberg News stooge, crooked banker Mario Monti, is now history and will soon be cleaning out urinals at Bloomberg News.

P.P.S. In broad daylight today China began complete devaluation of their currency, the Chinese yuan, using Indonesian banks as their clearing agent.

Tonight we can expect China to complete total devaluation of the Chinese yuan in association with the National Bank of Taiwan.

P.P.P.S. In closing, U.S. Treasury Secretary-designate Jack Lew is now in possession of the time and date for Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation and is working directly with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to clean up the crooked bank derivatives that represent comingling of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds. 

Lew has made it clear that there is a major imbalance between the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will explore the financial warfare now taking place between the Vatican Bank and JPMorgan Chase.

Finally, we can divulge that an NCAA investigation of four major Southeastern Conference football teams, that have been users of the banned substance, illegal performance enhancing drug IGF-1 is imminent.


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