Friday, January 11, 2013

New Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi

The hours before the New Moon arrives at 2:43pm EDT (7:43 pm UTC) are going to sweep through in one great swoop and release anything that is left over from the past month. 

It's a cathartic purge.

All kinds of breaking points have been reached - emotional, mental, physical, systemic, interpersonal.

The persona of Sophia that comes on duty this new month is named Matangi. 

Matangi is one of the Wisdom Goddesses anciently known as the Mahavidyas.

This month's goddess, Matangi, is already on scene.

Because she represents Mother energy (as many of Sophia's personas do), she has said, "Enough. I'll take over." And she does.

The exact time of the New Moon does not matter that much anymore because the planet has shifted making the New Moon earlier, but it also does not matter because these personas of Sophia are her preferred method of interaction with us.

The audio I recorded yesterday talks about Matangi and what she does. (This audio also has information on the project the Mahavidyas have for anyone who is interested.)

In short, Matangi:
* cleans up things
* she heals 
* she fixes
* she makes everything better
* she makes us feel secure and happy and loved
* she is shy at first…but something will come out of her mouth one day and you will fall on the floor laughing.
* she is bawdy
* she is a delight to be with
So her job this month will be to make changes in the energy (work on the "painting" of the humanity, which is the creative experiment of Sophia) of the world.

Things are getting organized and made efficient. And that includes our energy fields.

Matangi's "magic" is the ability to improve things.

Matangi is like the mom who all the kids want to hang around. She becomes lots of people's moms. 

 Sometimes you just want your mom (especially when you are sick).

Be aware of this strong mother energy because it will press on any issues related to support, unconditional love, and security.

Do not be surprised if you find yourself crying or needing to cry, or other such things that bring release. Say hello to Matangi… She helps.


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