Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 334

You are tired and perhaps a little flustered… as you have all been through a rather intense few days.

Let us just give you all a little heads up as to what went down on Sunday.

We think you will all find some comfort in knowing that the energies you provided to the rest of humanity will be very much welcome.

You have all been working so hard on behalf of us all, what you help bring down to Earth is something that will be of immense importance not just to all persons residing there, but also to All of Creation.

We know this might elicit some frowns of disbelief, but as the old saying goes as above, so below, and indeed vice versa.

Nothing that exists anywhere in this universe and beyond exists as a solitary island, and even if you many times will feel like you are stranded on a small orb slowly drifting out there in the pitch black darkness of space, you are not lost or alone no matter how lonesome you will feel at times.

You are all so deeply connected… not just to each other… also to the rest of Creation, so every step you take will have some effect on the whole.

And you are making so much progress for us all by the way that you are acting as these transmitters of light on this little blue marble of a planet.

This small island in this vast ocean of space plays a major role in everything, and much interest is invested in the rebirth of this creation.

The birth of this planet way back was only the beginning of a very, very long journey.

A journey not only for mankind, also a journey for every civilization… that at some point… has had their emissaries on the surface of this planet.

As you know by now, mankind is not an isolated creation in a lifeless ocean.

No, mankind is simply one very special creation amongst a sea of other intelligent life forms that exists in every corner of this unending grid of light.

You have yet to see these other fellow beings, and even if many of you have found a way to communicate across the borders as it were, you are still very much left feeling as if you are in fact all alone in this biosphere.

You are not alone, and you never have been, and you all carry the seeds from home that have now been watered and have started to grow within.

So, you will feel the calling from the outside, and you will know deep within that even if you do have a human outside, you also harbor much wisdom and intelligence within that originates from a very different place.

So, what you all do while you are playing your human part is actually much more important than just the effects it has on the so called human society.

For what you help bring down to this planet by your willingness to be these living conveyors of light will help us all reach even further and higher than ever before.

You are not only saving yourselves by lifting your own level of vibration to new heights again and again, you are also lifting so many others along with you.

Your fellow men, and the rest of us, as you are putting the finishing touches to an endeavor no one have seen the likes of.

So as you learn, we also see new truths emerging, and we can use that to refuel your flight even more so.

This will sound like we are in some way walking blindfolded as you are on this journey.

We do know what we are doing here as we stand by your side every step of the way.

What happens when the plan is put into action is also a revelation to us.

You are indeed pushing the limits, you are educating us alongside with yourselves, and this endeavor is increasing in effect and in magnitude daily.

We gather that for many, the actual event may not have been as gratifying as you might have hoped for.

Do not let that lure you into thinking that you did not ”succeed” in your efforts to connect.

You do not have to DO something, all you have to do is BE, and that is something you can not help but BE.

In other words, you are already working up a storm by the very fact that you have surrendered yourself to this energetic grid a long time ago, a your endeavors will be fully on par with those that can report many interesting insights from their own sojourn into this space beyond space.

You have all been to the same place as you have all been connected to the same grid, and so, your contribution will be no less valuable than the ones who can give a detailed report of all that took place while they took the same journey as you did.

You all went home, to put it in another way, and what you helped to bring back down to Earth with you, is in no way determined by your own image of it.

You have all become super conductors by now, and the amount of energy that was pulsed out from each and every one of you and into the Earth grid was by no means puny.

We know this will perhaps bring little consolation to those who felt they missed out on something, perception is not reality, as what we saw during all of this was nothing short of breathtaking.

It was as if a fire slowly started to spread all over your globe, as one by one you all opened yourselves up to act as amplifiers for what you managed to take in from the collective grid.

And what you poured out from your hearts has already started to touch millions of other hearts, and one by one these waves of living light will start to dissolve even the hardest of resistance.

Once again we thank you all for the beautiful work you do, and know that you are bringing mankind and the rest of Creation a very big step forwards by the very fact that you wake up every day, living and breathing the very light that you help to deliver to everyone else around you.

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