Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands represents:
a.       the Spirit of Awakening
b.      the coming to the Self
c.       fusing with the energy of creativity
d.      excitement
e.       adventure
f.       courage
g.      personal power

existing within all areas of your life, in balance and harmony.

The Ace of Wands is the TORCH OF FIRE, a symbol of the divine life force that exists within.

The lightning bolts represent the awakening to the spiritual truth of who you are, engaging that creative spark of infinite possibility.

When the Ace is in your life… then know that youve awakened to the life energy of the being inside, to the one that knows”.

During the period when this magnificent energy is manifested around your Being, it will bring you into complete truth about the elements of yourself.

There will be no editing and no omissions in examining the facets of personality.

The alluring energy of awakening gives one the insight to burn away all those blocks, walls and obstacles that stop one realizing the full potential of possibility

… and you will push your Spirit to the limits of adventure and excitement in the enterprises that you engage in.

Pay special attention to the Fire sign months of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius

… especially in the path your life takes and circumstances that you draw to yourself and in the synchronicities that unfold and also to Fire sign people that come into your life.

Trust in your ability to be daring and brave and let your imagination run free, allow yourself to be a conduit for fresh inspiration and invention.

Let the energy carry you to where your subconscious desires lead and know that you will be successful.

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