Tuesday, October 1, 2013

release, heal, prepare, transform

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, heal, prepare, transform
Moon: Leo/Virgo
Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)
 Qvrp (ka-verp) Arcturian Female 8D
·         My expansion is such that I communicate my thoughts and feelings to others telepathically.
·         Once I convey a message to another the awareness of it is simply there within them as a knowing.
·         I speak through feelings and one must be in their heart to communicate with me.
·         My eyes provide a gateway into worlds upon worlds within this universe…the energy of the All That Is.
A river rushing over rocks because the energy is like the rapids of a rushing river. 

Our goal today is to paddle around the rapids. 

We will go another way where the river is smoother. 

This means we will need to maintain a strong, steady course and not be diverted into the chaos. 

We are watching chaos trying to be pushed into the collective mindscape, but today we are changing this rushing river into a calm course. 

We do this because we follow the line of truth that honors creation, loves life, and upholds the principles of freedom… most importantly freedom of consciousness.  

We aren't fooled by attempts to get everyone into mental and emotional states of discord. 

We knew that systems of power and control would begin to throw a tantrum once Shodashi's wave was delivered. 

Shodashi and her trusty cohort Matangi are stepping back now, as is always the case during Balsamic Moon phase. 

Recall that Balsamic Moon phases are the time of the lunar cycle that are "between time." 

Balsamic phase is part of both the last month and the next month. 

It is the Moon phase when the fields of our minds are refreshed to prepare for a new imprint of energy at the upcoming New Moon.

Balsamic Moon phase is also the most magical time because the energy is more nebulous and malleable. 

It's a massively creative energy.

The veils between the worlds (dimensions, space-time) are thinnest and the powers of imagination are highest. 

The mindset during Balsamic Moon phase is what prepares us for the next lunar month. 

So we are not going to fertilize the field of consciousness with feelings of fear and chaos that will be siphoned off to try and mold a new world based on these things. 

We understand that a reformation - a renaissance - is occurring and that we are supported and fortified in our hearts to continue forward.

We remain while those things sourced in fear and control fall.

I've mentioned that we have several windows of time during October where Archontic forces will show out.  From September 23, 2013's report:

"The key dates are October 1 - 2, 4-5, 11-12, and 14 -15

Note that the New Moon in Libra begins October 4 - right in one of these windows. 

The month of the Libra New Moon is going to be very dramatic in the world at large. 

Forces that were disempowered by the Wisdom Goddesses' wave (from Shodashi, Kali, and Tara) will rush to make moves with whatever power they have left."

The only mission today is to maintain centeredness with nature (the planet herself) and witness. 

Stay grounded and emotionally connected. 

Direct a smooth course, not a rushing rapid.  In this mission we are united.

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