Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Energetic Heart: Its Purpose in Human Destiny


· How do I go about discovering what my mission and purpose is?

· I have all this energy, insight and love to give to humanity, how do I best channel it?

These are noble and sincere questions. As many of you have read in the prophecies of the ancients, earth and by association, humanity is undergoing a transition in consciousness forecast to occur in the 2011/2012 time frame. This planetary shift is part of a galactic shift, which is part of a still larger design of a cosmic shift that crosses multiple dimensions of time/space. It is as large as you can conceive when you’re in your most lucid state of heart-mind synchrony. One of the reasons that earth is now populated with 7.5 billion people is that it is the theater of interest to a vast assortment of cosmic beings incarnating to help in, and observe, this planetary transition.

Each of you are a part of this, particularly if you’re reading these words since they are part of an “Event String” to align individuals to this undertaking.


There are forces on the planet that are not consciously aware of this shift, and are nonetheless playing their part in creating the conditions that will facilitate it. Without trying to alarm you in any way, there will be calamitous times ahead. This is part of the process for a planetary consciousness to move from one dimension to a higher dimension where the attributes of this higher dimension can find expression in the mass consciousness and transform the way in which hierarchical systems like government, commerce, religion and culture function. THRIVE what on earth will it take?

This re-gridding or transformation of the key systems of the planet must occur before the major discoveries of humanity can manifest. These major discoveries include the repositioning of intelligence as something supernatural, interconnected and heart-centered.

This is the precursor to the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul and its interconnection conducting the coherent energy that it operates on, or you can choose not to. That’s what I mean when I say it is not complicated. Indeed it is a simple choice.

For those of you who want to express other aspects of your innermost spiritual work, I encourage you to do so, especially if it assists you in developing this heart intelligence connection and equivalent expression. The single most important thing we can do is to practice the heart’s intelligence in our everyday, moment-to-moment expressions. When this is done, you are truly aligned to this mission of helping the planetary shift.

Choose to be a filament of coherent energy, a hub of heart intelligence that expresses itself in your everyday encounters. The planet, in a real sense, depends on our choice in this specific matter. The dimensional shift is arriving with increasing clarity. It is beginning to rumble and weave. Now is the time for each of us to make this choice consciously and to live it consciously. This is our time.

The fundamental frequency of expression that issues from First Source… using our language to describe it… is appreciation of life in all its forms with a love that is absent of conditions or judgment. This is a classification of love that operates in the knowledge of the largest, most encompassing dimension of existence. It is therefore of the highest intelligence because it understands the purposeful unfolding of life in all dimensions in the outgoing breath of time.

The frequency of this love is stepped down as it enters the dimensions of time, space and matter. It connects with great care to the individual energetically at the point of the heart. This is why the heart develops in the fetus before the brain; it literally informs the life force of the human instrument, preparing it to receive the soul consciousness. When the soul moves within the fetus or infant (it can do both, depending on circumstances I won’t attempt to explain it here), it moves through this channel forged by the heart. It established this connection with Source Intelligence… essentially from heart to soul to the Spirit to First Source.

This is the under pinning of the human instrument. It is the energetic umbilical cord that nurtures the sense of connection we feel to one another and to our Creator. PDF FILES: The Energetic Heart The Energetic Heart (dial-up version) 260KB The Energetic Heart (print version) 2.32MB Master Teacher Jim Self

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