Thursday, February 28, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 275

Today you have entered a brand new phase. 

A phase where you will feel the breath of fresh air starting to tingle on your face. 

Once again you have exited a tunnel of travail… and now… you will feel as if you have left something rather cumbersome behind in that tunnel… and you are free to move in a much more lively fashion. 

You have stripped yourself of some old raiment’s… things that have been stuck to you for a long time… you had almost forgotten they were even there in the first place.

Take some time to celebrate yourself today… as you are once again buoyant enough to rise even higher into this pristine air.

We speak in parables and we think you will all understand just what we mean. 

Even if some of the things we refer to are almost unseen… you will still feel their absence as a relief in your whole system. 

This process of pushing and pulling… squeezing and letting go in an almost rhythmic fashion is not only pulling you all further along on this path… it is also ensuring that you continue to travel more lightly. 

Take a bow… as you certainly deserve it… after having once more being plunged into the icy waters of second thoughts… and again emerged from it even more certain that this is the only right path for you.

This journey is what you have dreamed of for an eternity. 

It may not feel like a dream journey all the time… and even when the going gets tough… you know you have no real desire to call it quits… or return to where you came from. 

You sense… even in the darkest hour… that you are being pulled along… towards the bright lights. 

Even if the current at times seems to double up on itself and throw you into an impasse… you still sense a sort of forward momentum. 

You are never in stagnant waters for long… and when you are there… know that this too is according to plan. 

You are not meant to withstand an endless succession of rapids… without having the chance to breath… exhale… and give yourself a little rest every now and then. 

You need this pulse to be just that… an on and off sensation of movement and pressure… easing into a slower and more tranquil phase… where you get the chance to catch your breath and recuperate a little bit before you once again get to shoot another rapid.

These quiet moments… seem to be the more challenging ones… because then your mind gets a little bit more space to start to think and feel again… and then… uncertainty and disbelief starts to raise its head. 

For many… the periods of intense physical signalling is the more bearable ones… because then you not only get all the confirmation you need that something is indeed afoot… your mind does not get any space to misbehave again… and it will resort to sitting quietly in a corner and maybe just sulk a little bit. 

This cycle of intense activity interspersed with some “down” periods… each bring with them their own unique challenges. 

For you… who have become seasoned travelers… we think you have found a way to navigate the rapids as well as the backwaters. 

You have learned to connect… both with your own center… also with the whole network of fellow travelers out there… you have become adept at taking it all on… no matter how daunting the rapid is… and no matter how eerily quiet the pond seems to be at times.

You have journeyed well… and will continue to do so… for you have set your sights on the one true thing that you know.

That you are destined to conquer this whole river and get to the promised land… you can already sense it somewhere in the distance. 

Best of all… you know that you will arrive there in the company of a great many other shining souls… just like you. 

You are not alone on this river… in fact… you have already connected with so many others along the way… and you can hear their shouts of joy… and you can shout out encouragement to anyone you hear is in distress.

That way… you can all help each other onward on this journey.

Let us close today’s message with a salute from us all. 

We are in awe of your accomplishments…we would like to remind you all that you have come such a long way in just the last few weeks. 

The biggest accomplishment you have made lately… is the connection you have all forged whilst being tossed to and fro in the churning waters of this river. 

It is not given that you should take the time to reach out to others… while you yourself are barely holding your head above the waters… so we are here to remind you that you have in fact achieved something that is more amazing. 

Kudos to you all… you have not only helped yourself further along the banks of this river… you have also linked up with the others in such a way you already form an unbreakable chain of light… each link pulling the others along… and each part of the chain making all of the others just that much stronger. 

Thank yourself for what you do. 

What you are doing is nothing short of magical.. and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts… and we do so on behalf of All of creation.

Conversations with Gina Paschall - What's It All About? Part 2 

Conversations with Gina Paschall - What's It All For? - Part 1

Conversations with Gina Paschall - How Do I Create Abundance?

Full Moon Phase - Moon in Libra

Quite in contrast to yesterday, beautiful and creative energy enters today with Venus' conjunction with Neptune.

This happens one day each year and it is awesome if you can attach to it!

Neptune is considered the "higher octave" of Venus, meaning the conjunction takes the very best of Venus and brings it to lofty new heights.

It exudes the love of life.

The Venus-Neptune conjunction aspects (by sextile) the Chiron Point (4 Taurus).

The Chiron Point is the degree in the sky where Chiron was located when it was first discovered (it's "birthplace").

I frequently reference it because it is such a telltale element.

Anyone with 4 Taurus in their natal chart or anyone with an aspect to 4 Taurus is "Chirotic," meaning their lives embody or follow along the path of the Wounded Healer.

Chirotic people suffer greatly through the circumstances of their lives, but are able to use this suffering to help others, hence the wounded healer.

So today we are all Chirotic, but since it is a Venus-Neptune conjunction at the Chiron Point, the focus is more on healing instead of wounding and the healing is intensely spiritual.

The highest use of today's energy is to heal our relationship with ourselves - which is the most wounded of all our relationships.

Any ugly feelings we have about ourselves can be worked with and transformed into something else today.

If the healing element to today's energy doesn't resonate with you, use the Venus-Neptune to find, create, or imagine the most beautiful things you can.

It's a rare day and we want to take full advantage.

One last thing I'd like to mention is my personal frustration with not having time to answer my emails.

Actually I am beyond frustrated.

I've been able to get the reports up each day, but that is about it.

I hope everyone understands that it is not from lack of desire to reply.

My day job has become rather unmanageable, which often happens at non-profits when there is more work than people to do it.

I am attempting to get this back in balance and hope to be back on track soon.

Until then, consider the daily reports as a love lob from me to you.

Conversations with Gina Paschall - What's It All About? Part 2