has been most successfully impregnated with God’s divine Love.
The seed was always there, and now
the nourishing rain of the divine energy field encircling the Earth is bringing
it enthusiastically to life.
It has lain dormant for a long time
– although it has occasionally been tempted to respond to God’s constant outpouring
of Love – because humanity was not ready for the enormous shift in perspective
necessary for it to flourish.
That has all changed, and the
constant nourishment it is receiving from that divine energy field, to which is
added humanity’s own intense desire to awaken, has sparked an irreversible
chain of events that will culminate in your awakening.
From our vantage point in the
spiritual realms the view is amazingly beautiful. The brightness of the field
of Love enveloping you all is stunning!
So much progress has been made in
such a short time, compared to the eons during which the illusion held you fast
in its thrall, when Reality was hidden from you by the fog of chaos and
confusion, prompting your sense of separation which soon enveloped you completely,
and cutting off all memories of who you were and where you came from.
That fog is dissolving, and already
glimpses of Reality are appearing, as integrity, honesty, and transparency
start to replace the dissemblance and corruption with which your worldly
affairs have been conducted for so long.
The old order is crumbling all
around you, despite the frantic efforts of those it supports to prevent this
from happening, and its demise cannot much longer be prevented.
Clement conditions, in which you
will live and thrive, will soon be upon you, and you will find that the time
during which you have been waiting and hoping for this has been exceptionally
An environment in which you can
thrive and flourish has long been prepared for you; all that remained was for
you to embrace it whole-heartedly.
And that is what you are now in the
process of doing, as you work to release all the unforgiving attitudes and
behaviors that have kept you very firmly anchored in the illusion.
Reality — the environment towards
which you are heading — is Love: a place of peace, harmony, creativity,
acceptance, inclusiveness, and cooperation, in which nothing unloving could
ever exist, because there is nothing else.
unloving is illusory and serves only to hide from your view the wonder of God’s
divine and all-encompassing Reality.
Because it is illusory, all you have to do is release it,
by refusing to play any of the games it attempts to entice you into – fear,
anger, judgment, blame, righteousness, victimhood, hate, envy – which are all
illusory but nevertheless very damaging concepts that only confuse and distract
you from the joy and bliss of living.
The illusion is your own collective
invention and it is not of God. You built it to prove to yourselves that
you had no need of God. And look where it has landed you.
You did a great job! It is so
convincing, that to you it seems absolutely real — so real that enormous
numbers of you believe that it is all that exists, and that is the spiritual realms
that are illusory.
Your sciences – physics,
engineering, mathematics, medicine (pharmacological, surgical, preventative,
psychiatric), psychology, etc. – have, for the most part, wholly denied the
possibility of anything existing that cannot be measured and sensed through
your bodily senses, or through any extensions to those senses, such as
microscopes, telescopes, and various other electronic and electrical devices
that merely enhance the physical faculties of the human body.
Now, however, it is becoming
increasingly apparent to those who are willing to be aware that this picture of
reality is really quite inadequate, that there most definitely are realms other
than the ones to which you have become accustomed to experiencing physically,
and that cannot be measured by your scientific instruments.
This is a tremendous step forward
for you. It means that it is no longer frowned upon to investigate the
spiritual realms, although mainstream science still has some problems with
Once, any scientist who publicly
admitted to investigating the possibility of a reality beyond the physical one
was promptly disowned and ostracized.
That is changing, and those who have
the courage to expand their areas of study and investigation beyond the
restrictive fields of which mainstream science approves are finally being
This growing acceptance by
mainstream science of the reality of the spiritual realms is part of humanity’s
awakening process.
Many people require science to
endorse new concepts and beliefs by declaring them scientifically proven before
they will accept them.
This new and successful scholarly
research into spirituality is assisting them to make the necessary changes in
their personal beliefs, so that they can embrace spirituality and accept into
their hearts the energy of the divine Love field that constantly surrounds you
This is truly a wonderful time to be
experiencing life on the Earth plane because all the planning that has been
leading up to this moment is coming to fruition, and you will all be present to
take part in this extraordinary and momentous event.
With so very much love, Saul.