Monday, June 30, 2014

Situations and circumstances… including relationships… that are in harmony are coming together

New Moon Phase: beginnings
Moon in Leo
Ruling Mahavidya: Dhumavati (The Goddess of Death) and Kali (The Destroyer)
Skill: maintain composure
Negative Imprint: recklessness, disharmony
Positive Imprint: consideration, harmony

Today we remain composed in all things. 

Doing so keeps the grid of the collective consciousness firmly in place. 

We think before taking action or rushing into anything. 

We take the time to prepare for things that are important instead of winging it. 

By maintaining our composure, our point is made, our voice is heard, our destiny is aligned. 

When we are composed, we generate a strong force.

In general, people are responding from fear and from instinct with today's conjunction of the Moon and the Black Moon. 

If you missed yesterday's report, you can read more about this conjunction in the Archives at

Since people will be lashing out, we know to keep our shields of protection in place and will consider matters before responding, even if we only have a moment. 

Mercury will station direct tomorrow and will unlock all of the energy that has been building up and pressure-releasing since June 7,  Recall that communications of all types…

… personal, electronic, professional, etc…

… have been under the influence of energy that is like a cat arguing with a mouse. 

As we build to this, the cat or the mouse is likely to take action. 

The proper action is to just turn and walk away from it.  Leave it behind.

Additionally, a process of winnowing is underway, which is one of the Wisdom Goddess Dhumavati's specialties. 

She winnows through things, separating them. 

What does not belong together moves apart. 

Vibrationally, situations and circumstances… including relationships… that are no longer in harmony are being drawn apart. 

Situations and circumstances… including relationships… that are in harmony are coming together. 

This is part of the great shift that is happening this month. 

Some things have to change.  Trust in the process. 

Let Dhumavati rearrange things for you so that you are in better alignment with what is in your soul's highest and best interests.

Note: Be aware that at the highest view of what is going on right now, we are holding a field of consciousness that is now stronger than the one created and perpetuated for centuries by the new world order… Archons. 

The field of consciousness aligned with natural world order is under heavy attack through the Full Moon phase of this lunar month. 

By focusing on the "Positive Imprint" listed above, you are actively participating in the maintenance of the field of consciousness “the grid” that indigenous people have held while the Archons have dominated. 

Endeavoring to harmonize and radiate the positive imprint each day is the most important thing that we do no matter what transpires in our individual lives.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Open up. Cultivate an innocent curiosity

Harmony is the keyword for today's energy. 

We are able to "tune in" for clarity and insight about our lives and the new directions the shift in energy is opening.  

What's actually happening is that we are harmonizing with the upgrade to our energy systems. 

A new symphony is being played, changing us. 

It's music to our souls and it is layering structural reinforcement to the grid of collective consciousness that sweet souls have been constructing for many years…

… particularly since Harmonic Convergence in 1987.

There are things that can block out the symphony.  

If we can't hear it, we can't harmonize with it. 

The main block to this today is the Moon's movement through the sign of Leo and on approach to conjunction with the Black Moon tomorrow… Monday, June 30 at 7:18 am ET/ 11:18 am UT.

When the Moon moves into the sign in which the Black Moon is traveling, we have "shadow days." 

This means that everyone's shadow side is triggered in some way and is tempted to show out or cause trouble for us. 

Our shadow sides are the things we don't want to see or own about ourselves and our core fear in life. 
Mirrors are shown to us.  

We see how we deal with the illusion of being separated from our Source. 

We are, of course, never separated.

"Shadow days" also bring the gift of rebirth or revitalization of something.

Since the Moon and the Black Moon are in Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun, the power of vitalization is strong. 

The Sun enables life.

But the Black Moon in Leo involves the fear of change and the fear of the order, status, position, or nature of things changing.  

Rebirth and revitalization are at odds with this.

Change is the name of the game throughout the remainder of this astrological year… through March 2015…

… so fears of change can cause major problems. 

Leos and Aquarians and those with the Black Moon in Leo or Aquarius are the main focus of the energy.

Special assistance with this dilemma is provided this month courtesy of the Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses, Dhumavati and Kali. 

Dhumavati is the Goddess of Death, Smoke, and Mirrors, among other things. 

Kali is the Primary Mahavidya from whom the other nine arise and she brings all things. 

She is the destroyer of the old and creator of the new. 

They are helping to liberate us this month.

The goddesses assist us with change and transformation this month, enabling us to fully benefit from the energetic upgrade that this lunar month offers.

Anything that is limiting you or targeting you for negativity can be dissolved in Dhumavati's smoke.

Anything from the past that needs to be removed can be churned in Kali's destructive wheel of time.

Tune in to your inner voice today to see what you need to do to harmonize with this symphonic wave that shifts the game this month. 

Open up.  Cultivate an innocent curiosity.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Astrological Storm Warning ~Carl Boudreau

Rumors were circulating about rough vibes on the 4th of July holiday weekend. So I checked it out.

I was surprised and concerned about what I found.

The best thing I can say about the aspects is that they could be worse.

The aspects could, for example, come closer together in time or involve combinations of more powerful bodies.

The aspects are as follows. All times are for New York, or EDT.

July 3, early evening. Moon squares newly direct Mercury

July 3-4, overnight into Friday.

From about midnight to about 6:00 AM, the Moon is Void of Course.

Basically the cosmic clutch is out; it is a strongly error prone, as well as incident and delay prone time.

During a VOC moon, if anything can go wrong, it will tend to do so.

July 4th, pre-dawn, Sun opposes Pluto.
July 5th, around dawn, Moon squares Pluto 
July 5th, around breakfast time, Moon squares Sun 
July 5th, early to mid-morning, Moon trines Venus  
July 5th, early afternoon, Moon opposes Uranus
July 5th, early evening, Moon occults Mars
July 6th and beyond, the storm pretty much passes and the vibes get twinkly and pleasant, for the most part.

Since aspects cast shadows, these vibes might affect the mood of the whole week, at least for some folks.

Again, as in so many recent charts, there are solid supportive aspects in the background.

So, next weekend’s vibes will, again, demand that we look through the clouds and darkness to find the strengths, opportunities and solutions that will surely be there.

Remember, in general, difficult aspects don’t guarantee bad events, they just increase the probability that such events will occur.

So, like, don’t ride with people driving 75 mph down a crowded highway in bad weather while texting, for example.

Obey all safety regulations and take all recommended precautions.

Also, meditation can help ensure positive synchronicity.

Since the Moon is so heavily involved, these vibes are likely to manifest where large numbers of people congregate.

Since the aspected planets are the kind that manifest physically and concretely, we’re probably talking about directly physical outcomes generally.

Severe weather, natural and man-made disasters are a distinct possibility.

A lot of ongoing crises, or pending crises, will go critical.

A lot of seemingly OK situations could turn bad very fast.

Pluto, Mars and Uranus suggest explosions, gunfire and crashes and a lot of other kinds of unpleasantness besides.

The predominance of the Moon indicates that the vibes will also affect mood, temperament, temper and impulse control.

But these vibes can also cause extremes of emotion that, in turn, cause serious nervous upset and physical illness.

Difficult Moon aspects can also cause physical illness directly.

We’re also talking about anger, brooding, suspicion, outright conflict, and a general acting out of negative impulses.

And power plays, lots of power plays, lots of abused power (bad Pluto).

Hard Sun/Pluto aspects often mark important but unpopular political and economic decisions.

Crucial deadlines will likely pass, also.

We’ll pass a point of no return.

We also need to discuss this weekend in terms of the recent crisis.

In June, many of us had to overcome fairly serious and prolonged emotional and psychosomatic challenges.

In essence, for example, we had to fight through painful past life emotions to the pure, blissful everlasting realities buried beneath them.

I believe this coming weekend will be another test of our ability and our willingness to fight through the emotional residue of past life pain to reach the eternally blissful foundation of our nature.

Rather than be governed by that pain, or the fear of facing it.

The message will be the same, too, I believe.

Succumb to the pain and negativity, be dragged down by the pain of past lives, or use your spiritual skills and strengths to overcome them and go forward.

Return to something you love

New Moon Phase: beginnings
Moon in Cancer
Ruling Mahavidya: Dhumavati (Goddess of Smoke) and Kali (The Destroyer)
Skill: uncomplicate things, aim for simplicity
Negative Imprint: disguise; stagnation
Positive Imprint: sincerity; progress
Instincts, impulses, and desires reach heightened proportions today as the New Moon phase continues.

But we want to be smart about this because Mercury remains retrograde with the energy of "a cat arguing with a mouse." 

Many things, especially our thoughts about ourselves, are locked in a loop… a circuit… of self-defeat and negativity. 

The energy is deeply imprinted with the tendency to look at things and feel deeply unsatisfied.

The feeling of dissatisfaction is one of the things from which this month's energy tries to liberate us.

Inherent also in today's energetic signature is the polarity of disguise versus sincerity. 

In other words hiding/faking or being real. 

When walls come down, we see what's real. 
We see who or what is trying to push forward, advancing, or pretending to be more than they are. 

We also see the beauty and value of simplicity. 

We see what truly matters in life.

Aiming for simplicity takes us out of the space-time pace that is too busy to see simplicity, and therefore draws us off course.

Along this line, it is very important to integrate fun today.  

We are coming upon a very intense astrological window of time (July 1 - July 12) so we want to really work on grounding ourselves in nature and getting in good alignment now. 

Spend some time doing something that you enjoy. 

Recapture something that was fun for you as a child… or something that you wanted to do but couldn't. 

Return to something you love.

I will post a separate report tomorrow, as the Moon will move into Leo, joining the Black Moon for a couple of days, and putting new energetic elements in play.

Instincts and impulses are strong today, but remember to slow down, uncomplicate matters, aim for simplicity, and keep it real. 

Though it may appear that we are putting less energy into things, in reality, tremendous progress will be made.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Six Heart Virtues

Just as we cannot talk of visual beauty if we are blind, so we cannot discuss inner spiritual beauty if we have never received it. ~Plotinus

The Six Heart Virtues

The energetic heart is composed of six primary forms of expression: Appreciation,
Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding, and Valor, Braided together, these six behaviors constitute the essence of the energetic heart and, when expressed in our daily lives, enable it to perform its function as a portal to our inmost self or soul.



The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda ~
By Sarah

Dr. Neruda: “I was directing the heart virtues outward to others, but I wasn’t turning them inward to myself.

It dawned on me that the inward was probably the most important place to start.

Sarah: “How did you do that?”

Dr. Neruda: “It takes great alertness to live and express in the now.

Human beings have the tendency to live in our past memories or future concerns.

This was what I was doing and it took me from the now.

And the now is where our life essence expresses.

It isn’t in the past or future, only the consciousness framework pivots between past and future, so if you find yourself in there, you know you are not in your essence.

“When I realized this, I read from the WingMakers philosophy that breath was the magnet of nowness.

It was the element that brought the human being into nowness by being aware of their breathing.

I also learned that there were different kinds of breathing that enabled this sense of nowness to penetrate more vividly into the hologram of deception.

“The point is that simply being aware of my breath helped, as the WingMakers put it, to center me in stillness.

This, by the way, doesn’t mean that you’re in a quiet room.

You can be in a meeting at work, and center yourself in stillness through your breath.
But by being in this internal centeredness I was in a better position to feel my own sense of expression, and that’s what was missing in my initial efforts to integrate this process.

I didn’t have a good starting point for my practice of the heart virtues, and I was directing them outward… to other people or events, and not myself first.

“Once I made that adjustment, it helped me to identify my essence and distinguish it from my mind system.

Life essence is authentic in oneness and equality and exclusively moves in nowness.

The consciousness framework pivots between the past, present and future and operates in separation.

If you express the heart virtues from the consciousness framework, especially outwardly, they won’t have the same potency or affect.”

Sarah: “You’ve mentioned the idea of resistive and insertive behaviors, and I think I understand the insertive behaviors in terms of expressing the heart virtues to one’s self and others, but talk a little bit about the resistive behaviors.

What are they, and how does that work?”

Dr. Neruda: “Again, you need to start from the point of distinguishing your life essence in the now.

Center yourself in nowness through being still and breath aware.

Initially this may take some time, but it happens quicker with practice.

Thought patterns that connect you to separation, need to be stopped. Behaviors, too.

“You can simply say, I’ve identified a behavior that supports separation in this world.

Let’s say I have believed that Muslims are less moral than atheists, and therefore less likely to get into heaven than someone who doesn’t even believe in god.

This is a belief or thought form that relates to separation.

I can say, stop that, but it’s not really effective for most people.

I can resist the belief every time it expresses itself in my life, but many of these beliefs are so subtle and subconscious that we don’t even realize how they express themselves in our behaviors and choices.

“If you apply the heart virtues to yourself, like forgive yourself for having these perceptions, have some compassion for yourself that everyone is infected with these separation beliefs from their subconscious and unconscious mind layers.

Be humble that making this resistive alteration is not just about you, but in a way, it’s about everyone, because we are one.

Appreciate the fact that you’re working on this for the good of all.

Have valor that you can stand up and resist these separation complexes that lurk in your programmed consciousness framework.

“You can see how I used the heart virtues to effectively deal with a belief or perception that separated me, not just from Muslims, though they were the target in this particular example, but when you draw separation lines around anyone, you’re operating from the consciousness system implant, and it only supports the hologram of deception.”

Sarah: “Okay, but you’re not suggesting that I look at rapists and murderers as one with me are you?”

Dr. Neruda: “Well that’s just it. They are.

You can’t have oneness and equality and then say, well, that’s true, except for this population of society or these felons of the human race.

There is no leper colony where humans are excluded outside of the circle.

The circle is all-inclusive, or it is in illusion. This is an absolute.

“Remember my statement about the hologram of deception is a prison?”

Sarah: “Yes…”

Dr. Neruda: “There is no other prison inside the prison.

We’re all in the prison. All of us are prisoners, even those who are in the Incunabula.

There is no one who stands inside the prison walls and truly knows oneness and equality.”

Sarah: “But then how does it change, if no one knows this?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s a process… both for the individual and the human race.

We work on it, together. We resist behaviors of separation and insert behaviors of oneness and equality.

We disengage from the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, principles, people, organizations, currencies, food, clothing, fashion, toys, and everything else within the hierarchy whose roots are nourished by separation.”

Sarah: “When you put it that way, it sounds daunting, even impossible.”

Dr. Neruda: “It has to be done, and it has to be done by us.

The question is, if it has to be done, when does humanity want to do it?
*A hundred years?
*A thousand years?
*Ten thousand years?

The WingMakers are clear about this in their writings that if we wait until after human 3.0, when man and machine become integrated, it will only become more difficult.

Enslavement of life must end, at all levels.”